

Generate plots of the scan-varying crystal orientation and unit cell from the input refined_experiments.json which must contain a scan-varying crystal model.


dials.plot_scan_varying_crystal refined_experiments.json

Basic parameters

output {
  directory = .
  format = *png pdf
orientation_decomposition {
  e1 = 1. 0. 0.
  e2 = 0. 1. 0.
  e3 = 0. 0. 1.
  relative_to_static_orientation = True

Full parameter definitions

output {
  directory = .
    .help = "The directory to store the results"
    .type = str
  format = *png pdf
    .type = choice
  debug = False
    .help = "print tables of values that will be plotted"
    .type = bool
    .expert_level = 1
  .help = "Options determining how the orientation matrix decomposition is"
          "done. The axes about which to decompose the matrix into three"
          "rotations are chosen here, as well as whether the rotations are"
          "relative to the reference orientation, taken from the static"
          "crystal model"
  e1 = 1. 0. 0.
    .type = floats(size=3)
  e2 = 0. 1. 0.
    .type = floats(size=3)
  e3 = 0. 0. 1.
    .type = floats(size=3)
  relative_to_static_orientation = True
    .type = bool