

Reports the number of strong spots and computes an estimate of the resolution limit for each image, given the results of dials.find_spots. Optionally generates a plot of the per-image statistics (plot=image.png).


dials.spot_counts_per_image imported.expt strong.refl

dials.spot_counts_per_image imported.expt strong.refl plot=per_image.png

Basic parameters

resolution_analysis = True
plot = None
json = None
split_json = False
joint_json = True
id = None

Full parameter definitions

resolution_analysis = True
  .type = bool
plot = None
  .type = path
json = None
  .type = path
split_json = False
  .type = bool
joint_json = True
  .type = bool
id = None
  .type = int(value_min=0, allow_none=True)