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Source code for

"""Target function for cosym analysis."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import copy
import math

from dials.util import log

debug_handle = log.debug_handle(logger)
info_handle = log.info_handle(logger)

from cctbx.array_family import flex
from cctbx import sgtbx
from cctbx import miller
import cctbx.sgtbx.cosets

[docs]class Target(object): """Target function for cosym analysis. Attributes: dim (int): The number of dimensions used in the analysis. """ def __init__( self, intensities, lattice_ids, weights=None, min_pairs=None, lattice_group=None, dimensions=None, nproc=1, ): """"Intialise a Target object. Args: intensities (cctbx.miller.array): The intensities on which to perform cosym anaylsis. lattice_ids ( An array of equal size to `intensities` which maps each reflection to a given lattice (dataset). weights (str): Optionally include weights in the target function. Allowed values are `None`, "count" and "standard_error". The default is to use no weights. If "count" is set, then weights are equal to the number of pairs of reflections used in calculating each value of the rij matrix. If "standard_error" is used, then weights are defined as :math:`w_{ij} = 1/s`, where :math:`s = \sqrt{(1-r_{ij}^2)/(n-2)}`. See also min_pairs (int): Only calculate the correlation coefficient between two datasets if they have more than `min_pairs` of common reflections. lattice_group (cctbx.sgtbx.space_group): Optionally set the lattice group to be used in the analysis. dimensions (int): Optionally override the number of dimensions to be used in the analysis. If not set, then the number of dimensions used is equal to the greater of 2 or the number of symmetry operations in the lattice group. nproc (int): number of processors to use for computing the rij matrix. """ if weights is not None: assert weights in ("count", "standard_error") self._weights = weights self._min_pairs = min_pairs self._nproc = nproc data = intensities.customized_copy(anomalous_flag=False) cb_op_to_primitive = data.change_of_basis_op_to_primitive_setting() data = data.change_basis(cb_op_to_primitive).map_to_asu() order = flex.sort_permutation(lattice_ids) sorted_lattice_id =, order) sorted_data = sorted_indices = data.indices().select(order) self._lattice_ids = sorted_lattice_id self._data = data.customized_copy(indices=sorted_indices, data=sorted_data) assert isinstance(self._data.indices(), type(flex.miller_index())) assert isinstance(, type(flex.double())) # construct a lookup for the separate lattices last_id = -1 self._lattices = for n in xrange(len(self._lattice_ids)): if self._lattice_ids[n] != last_id: last_id = self._lattice_ids[n] self._lattices.append(n) self._sym_ops = set(["x,y,z"]) self._lattice_group = lattice_group self._sym_ops.update( set([op.as_xyz() for op in self._generate_twin_operators()]) ) if dimensions is None: dimensions = max(2, len(self._sym_ops)) self.set_dimensions(dimensions) self._lattice_group = copy.deepcopy(self._data.space_group()) for sym_op in self._sym_ops: self._lattice_group.expand_smx(sym_op) self._patterson_group = self._lattice_group.build_derived_patterson_group() logger.debug( "Lattice group: %s (%i symops)" % (, len(self._lattice_group)) ) logger.debug( "Patterson group: %s" % ) self._compute_rij_wij()
[docs] def set_dimensions(self, dimensions): """Set the number of dimensions for analysis. Args: dimensions (int): The number of dimensions to be used. """ self.dim = dimensions"Using %i dimensions for analysis" % self.dim)
def _generate_twin_operators(self, lattice_symmetry_max_delta=3.0): # see also mmtbx.scaling.twin_analyses.twin_laws cb_op_to_niggli_cell = self._data.change_of_basis_op_to_niggli_cell() if self._lattice_group is None: minimum_cell_symmetry = self._data.crystal_symmetry().change_basis( cb_op=cb_op_to_niggli_cell ) self._lattice_group = reduced_cell=minimum_cell_symmetry.unit_cell(), max_delta=lattice_symmetry_max_delta, ) intensity_symmetry = minimum_cell_symmetry.reflection_intensity_symmetry( anomalous_flag=self._data.anomalous_flag() ) cb_op = cb_op_to_niggli_cell.inverse() else: cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op() intensity_symmetry = self._data.reflection_intensity_symmetry() operators = [] for partition in sgtbx.cosets.left_decomposition( g=self._lattice_group, h=intensity_symmetry.space_group() .build_derived_acentric_group() .make_tidy(), ).partitions[1:]: if partition[0].r().determinant() > 0: operators.append(cb_op.apply(partition[0])) return operators def _lattice_lower_upper_index(self, lattice_id): lower_index = self._lattices[lattice_id] upper_index = None if lattice_id < len(self._lattices) - 1: upper_index = self._lattices[lattice_id + 1] else: assert lattice_id == len(self._lattices) - 1 return lower_index, upper_index def _compute_rij_wij(self, use_cache=True): """Compute the rij_wij matrix.""" group = flex.bool(self._lattices.size(), True) n_lattices = group.count(True) n_sym_ops = len(self._sym_ops) NN = n_lattices * n_sym_ops index_selected = group.iselection() self.rij_matrix = flex.double(flex.grid(NN, NN), 0.0) if self._weights is None: self.wij_matrix = None else: self.wij_matrix = flex.double(flex.grid(NN, NN), 0.0) indices = {} space_group_type = self._data.space_group().type() for cb_op in self._sym_ops: cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(cb_op) indices_reindexed = cb_op.apply(self._data.indices()) miller.map_to_asu(space_group_type, False, indices_reindexed) indices[cb_op.as_xyz()] = indices_reindexed def _compute_rij_matrix_one_row_block(i): rij_cache = {} n_sym_ops = len(self._sym_ops) NN = n_lattices * n_sym_ops from scipy import sparse rij_row = [] rij_col = [] rij_data = [] if self._weights is not None: wij_row = [] wij_col = [] wij_data = [] else: wij = None i_lower, i_upper = self._lattice_lower_upper_index(i) intensities_i =[i_lower:i_upper] for j in range(i, n_lattices): j_lower, j_upper = self._lattice_lower_upper_index(j) intensities_j =[j_lower:j_upper] for k, cb_op_k in enumerate(self._sym_ops): cb_op_k = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(cb_op_k) indices_i = indices[cb_op_k.as_xyz()][i_lower:i_upper] for kk, cb_op_kk in enumerate(self._sym_ops): if i == j and k == kk: # don't include correlation of dataset with itself continue cb_op_kk = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(cb_op_kk) ik = i + (n_lattices * k) jk = j + (n_lattices * kk) key = (i, j, str(cb_op_k.inverse() * cb_op_kk)) if use_cache and key in rij_cache: cc, n = rij_cache[key] else: indices_j = indices[cb_op_kk.as_xyz()][j_lower:j_upper] matches = miller.match_indices(indices_i, indices_j) pairs = matches.pairs() isel_i = pairs.column(0) isel_j = pairs.column(1) isel_i = self._patterson_group.epsilon( == 1 ) isel_j = self._patterson_group.epsilon( == 1 ) corr = flex.linear_correlation(,, ) if corr.is_well_defined(): cc = corr.coefficient() n = corr.n() rij_cache[key] = (cc, n) else: cc = None n = None if n < self._min_pairs: continue if cc is not None and n is not None: if self._weights == "count": wij_row.extend([ik, jk]) wij_col.extend([jk, ik]) wij_data.extend([n, n]) elif self._weights == "standard_error": assert n > 2 # se = math.sqrt((1 - cc ** 2) / (n - 2)) wij = 1 / se wij_row.extend([ik, jk]) wij_col.extend([jk, ik]) wij_data.extend([wij, wij]) rij_row.extend([ik, jk]) rij_col.extend([jk, ik]) rij_data.extend([cc, cc]) rij = sparse.coo_matrix((rij_data, (rij_row, rij_col)), shape=(NN, NN)) if self._weights is not None: wij = sparse.coo_matrix((wij_data, (wij_row, wij_col)), shape=(NN, NN)) return rij, wij from libtbx import easy_mp args = [(i,) for i in range(n_lattices)] results = easy_mp.parallel_map( _compute_rij_matrix_one_row_block, args, processes=self._nproc, iterable_type=easy_mp.posiargs, method="multiprocessing", ) rij_matrix = None wij_matrix = None for i, (rij, wij) in enumerate(results): if rij_matrix is None: rij_matrix = rij else: rij_matrix += rij if wij is not None: if wij_matrix is None: wij_matrix = wij else: wij_matrix += wij self.rij_matrix = flex.double(rij_matrix.todense()) if wij_matrix is not None: import numpy as np self.wij_matrix = flex.double(wij_matrix.todense().astype(np.float64)) return self.rij_matrix, self.wij_matrix
[docs] def compute_functional(self, x): """Compute the target function at coordinates `x`. Args: x (scitbx.array_family.flex.double): a flattened list of the N-dimensional vectors, i.e. coordinates in the first dimension are stored first, followed by the coordinates in the second dimension, etc. Returns: f (float): The value of the target function at coordinates `x`. """ assert (x.size() // self.dim) == (self._lattices.size() * len(self._sym_ops)) inner = self.rij_matrix.deep_copy() NN = x.size() // self.dim for i in range(self.dim): coord = x[i * NN : (i + 1) * NN] outer_prod = coord.matrix_outer_product(coord) inner -= outer_prod elements = inner * inner if self.wij_matrix is not None: elements = self.wij_matrix * elements f = 0.5 * flex.sum(elements) return f
[docs] def compute_gradients_fd(self, x, eps=1e-6): """Compute the gradients at coordinates `x` using finite differences. Args: x (scitbx.array_family.flex.double): a flattened list of the N-dimensional vectors, i.e. coordinates in the first dimension are stored first, followed by the coordinates in the second dimension, etc. eps (float): The value of epsilon to use in finite difference calculations. Returns: grad (scitbx.array_family.flex.double): The gradients of the target function with respect to the parameters. """ grad = flex.double(x.size(), 0) for i in range(grad.size()): x[i] += eps # x + eps fp = self.compute_functional(x) x[i] -= 2 * eps # x - eps fm = self.compute_functional(x) x[i] += eps # reset to original values grad[i] += (fp - fm) / (2 * eps) return grad
[docs] def compute_functional_and_gradients(self, x): """Compute the target function and gradients at coordinates `x`. Args: x (scitbx.array_family.flex.double): a flattened list of the N-dimensional vectors, i.e. coordinates in the first dimension are stored first, followed by the coordinates in the second dimension, etc. Returns: Tuple[float, scitbx.array_family.flex.double]: f: The value of the target function at coordinates `x`. grad: The gradients of the target function with respect to the parameters. """ f = self.compute_functional(x) grad = flex.double() if self.wij_matrix is not None: wrij_matrix = self.wij_matrix * self.rij_matrix else: wrij_matrix = self.rij_matrix coords = [] NN = x.size() // self.dim for i in range(self.dim): coords.append(x[i * NN : (i + 1) * NN]) # term 1 for i in range(self.dim): grad.extend(wrij_matrix.matrix_multiply(coords[i])) for i in range(self.dim): tmp_array = flex.double() tmp = coords[i].matrix_outer_product(coords[i]) if self.wij_matrix is not None: tmp = self.wij_matrix * tmp for j in range(self.dim): tmp_array.extend(tmp.matrix_multiply(coords[j])) grad -= tmp_array grad *= -2 # grad_fd = self.compute_gradients_fd(x) # assert grad.all_approx_equal_relatively(grad_fd, relative_error=1e-4) return f, grad
[docs] def curvatures(self, x): """Compute the curvature of the target function. Args: x (scitbx.array_family.flex.double): a flattened list of the N-dimensional vectors, i.e. coordinates in the first dimension are stored first, followed by the coordinates in the second dimension, etc. Returns: curvs (scitbx.array_family.flex.double): The curvature of the target function with respect to the parameters. """ coords = [] NN = x.size() // self.dim for i in range(self.dim): coords.append(x[i * NN : (i + 1) * NN]) curvs = flex.double() if self.wij_matrix is not None: wij = self.wij_matrix else: wij = flex.double(self.rij_matrix.accessor(), 1) for i in range(self.dim): curvs.extend(wij.matrix_multiply(coords[i] * coords[i])) curvs *= 2 return curvs
[docs] def curvatures_fd(self, x, eps=1e-6): """Compute the curvatures at coordinates `x` using finite differences. Args: x (scitbx.array_family.flex.double): a flattened list of the N-dimensional vectors, i.e. coordinates in the first dimension are stored first, followed by the coordinates in the second dimension, etc. eps (float): The value of epsilon to use in finite difference calculations. Returns: curvs (scitbx.array_family.flex.double): The curvature of the target function with respect to the parameters. """ f = self.compute_functional(x) curvs = flex.double(x.size(), 0) for i in range(curvs.size()): x[i] += eps # x + eps fp = self.compute_functional(x) x[i] -= 2 * eps # x - eps fm = self.compute_functional(x) x[i] += eps # reset to original values curvs[i] += (fm - 2 * f + fp) / (eps ** 2) return curvs
[docs] def plot_rij_matrix(self, plot_name=None): """Plot the matrix of rij values. Args: plot_name (str): The file name to save the plot to. If this is not defined then the plot is displayed in interactive mode. """ if self.rij_matrix.all()[0] > 2000: return from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) plt.clf() plt.imshow(self.rij_matrix.as_numpy_array(), vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap="PiYG") plt.colorbar() if plot_name is not None: plt.savefig(plot_name) else:
[docs] def plot_wij_matrix(self, plot_name=None): """Plot the matrix of wij values. Args: plot_name (str): The file name to save the plot to. If this is not defined then the plot is displayed in interactive mode. """ if self._weights is None or self.wij_matrix.all()[0] > 2000: return from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) plt.clf() plt.imshow( self.wij_matrix.as_numpy_array(), vmin=0, vmax=flex.max(self.wij_matrix) ) plt.colorbar() if plot_name is not None: plt.savefig(plot_name) else:
[docs] def plot_rij_histogram(self, plot_name=None): """Plot a histogram of the rij values. Args: plot_name (str): The file name to save the plot to. If this is not defined then the plot is displayed in interactive mode. """ rij = self.rij_matrix.as_1d() rij = != 0) hist = flex.histogram(rij, data_min=-1, data_max=1, n_slots=100) logger.debug("Histogram of Rij values:") from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) plt.clf(), hist.slots(), width=hist.slot_width()) fontsize = 24 plt.xlabel(r"$r_{ij}$", size=fontsize) plt.ylabel("Frequency", size=fontsize) plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", labelsize=fontsize) plt.tight_layout() if plot_name is not None: plt.savefig(plot_name, dpi=300) else:
[docs] def plot_wij_histogram(self, plot_name=None): """Plot a histogram of the wij values. Args: plot_name (str): The file name to save the plot to. If this is not defined then the plot is displayed in interactive mode. """ if self._weights is None: return wij = self.wij_matrix.as_1d() hist = flex.histogram(wij, n_slots=50) logger.debug("Histogram of Wij values:") from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) plt.clf(), hist.slots(), width=hist.slot_width()) plt.yscale("log") plt.xlabel(r"$w_{ij}$") plt.ylabel("Frequency") if plot_name is not None: plt.savefig(plot_name) else:
[docs] def plot_rij_cumulative_frequency(self, plot_name=None): """Plot the cumulative frequency of the rij values. Args: plot_name (str): The file name to save the plot to. If this is not defined then the plot is displayed in interactive mode. """ rij = self.rij_matrix.as_1d() perm = flex.sort_permutation(rij) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) plt.clf() plt.plot(, flex.int_range(perm.size())) plt.xlabel(r"$r_{ij}$") plt.ylabel("Cumulative requency") if plot_name is not None: plt.savefig(plot_name) else:
[docs] def plot_wij_cumulative_frequency(self, plot_name=None): """Plot the cumulative frequency of the wij values. Args: plot_name (str): The file name to save the plot to. If this is not defined then the plot is displayed in interactive mode. """ if self._weights is None: return wij = self.wij_matrix.as_1d() perm = flex.sort_permutation(wij) import scitbx.math non_zero_sel = wij > 0 "%i (%.1f%%) non-zero elements of Wij matrix" % ( non_zero_sel.count(True), 100 * non_zero_sel.count(True) / non_zero_sel.size(), ) ) scitbx.math.basic_statistics( from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) plt.clf() plt.plot(, flex.int_range(perm.size())) plt.xlabel(r"$w_{ij}$") plt.ylabel("Cumulative requency") if plot_name is not None: plt.savefig(plot_name) else:
[docs] def get_sym_ops(self): """Get the list of symmetry operations used in the analysis. Returns: List[cctbx.sgtbx.rt_mx]: The list of symmetry operations. """ return self._sym_ops