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Source code for dials.algorithms.symmetry.determine_space_group

"""Algorithms for determination of Laue group symmetry."""
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import math

import scipy.stats

import libtbx
from libtbx import table_utils
from scitbx.array_family import flex
from scitbx.math import five_number_summary

from cctbx import sgtbx

from dials.algorithms.symmetry import symmetry_base

[docs]class determine_space_group(symmetry_base): """Determination of Laue group symmetry using algorithms similar to POINTLESS. See also: `Evans, P. (2006). Acta Cryst. D62, 72-82 <>`_ and `Evans, P. R. (2011). Acta Cryst. D67, 282-292 <>`_. """ def __init__( self, intensities, normalisation="ml_aniso", lattice_symmetry_max_delta=2.0, d_min=libtbx.Auto, min_i_mean_over_sigma_mean=4, min_cc_half=0.6, relative_length_tolerance=None, absolute_angle_tolerance=None, ): """Intialise a determine_space_group object. Args: intensities (cctbx.miller.array): The intensities on which to perform symmetry anaylsis. normalisation (str): The normalisation method to use. Possible choices are 'kernel', 'quasi', 'ml_iso' and 'ml_aniso'. Set to None to switch off normalisation altogether. lattice_symmetry_max_delta (float): The maximum value of delta for determining the lattice symmetry using the algorithm of Le Page (1982). d_min (float): Optional resolution cutoff to be applied to the input intensities. If set to :data:`libtbx.Auto` then d_min will be automatically determined according to the parameters ``min_i_mean_over_sigma_mean`` and ``min_cc_half``. min_i_mean_over_sigma_mean (float): minimum value of |I|/|sigma(i)| for automatic determination of resolution cutoff. min_cc_half (float): minimum value of CC1/2 for automatic determination of resolution cutoff. relative_length_tolerance (float): Relative length tolerance in checking consistency of input unit cells against the median unit cell. absolute_angle_tolerance (float): Absolute angle tolerance in checking consistency of input unit cells against the median unit cell. """ super(determine_space_group, self).__init__( intensities, normalisation=normalisation, lattice_symmetry_max_delta=lattice_symmetry_max_delta, d_min=d_min, min_i_mean_over_sigma_mean=min_i_mean_over_sigma_mean, min_cc_half=min_cc_half, relative_length_tolerance=relative_length_tolerance, absolute_angle_tolerance=absolute_angle_tolerance, ) self._estimate_cc_sig_fac() self._estimate_cc_true() self._score_symmetry_elements() self._score_laue_groups() def _estimate_cc_sig_fac(self): # A1.1. Estimation of sigma(CC) as a function of sample size. max_bins = 500 reflections_per_bin = max( 200, int(math.ceil(self.intensities.size() / max_bins)) ) binner = self.intensities.setup_binner_counting_sorted( reflections_per_bin=reflections_per_bin ) a = flex.double() b = flex.double() for i in range(binner.n_bins_all()): count = binner.counts()[i] if count == 0: continue bin_isel = binner.array_indices(i) p = flex.random_permutation(count) p = p[: 2 * (count // 2)] # ensure even count a.extend([: count // 2]))) b.extend([count // 2 :]))) perm = flex.random_selection(a.size(), min(20000, a.size())) a = b = self.corr_unrelated = CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator(a, b) n_pairs = a.size() min_num_groups = 10 # minimum number of groups max_n_group = int(min(n_pairs / min_num_groups, 200)) # maximum number in group min_n_group = int(min(5, max_n_group)) # minimum number in group mean_ccs = flex.double() rms_ccs = flex.double() ns = flex.double() for n in range(min_n_group, max_n_group): ns.append(n) ccs = flex.double() for i in range(200): isel = flex.random_selection(a.size(), n) corr = CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator(, ccs.append(corr.coefficient()) mean_ccs.append(flex.mean(ccs)) rms_ccs.append(flex.mean(flex.pow2(ccs)) ** 0.5) x = 1 / flex.pow(ns, 0.5) y = rms_ccs fit = flex.linear_regression(x, y) assert fit.is_well_defined() self.cc_sig_fac = fit.slope() if 0: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.plot(x, y) plt.plot( plt.xlim(), [fit.slope() * x_ + fit.y_intercept() for x_ in plt.xlim()] ) def _estimate_cc_true(self): # A1.2. Estimation of E(CC; S). # (i) var_intensities = flex.mean_and_variance( ).unweighted_sample_variance() var_sigmas = flex.mean_and_variance(flex.pow2(self.intensities.sigmas())).mean() self.E_cc_true = var_intensities / (var_intensities + var_sigmas) # (ii) reindexed_intensities = self.intensities.change_basis( sgtbx.change_of_basis_op("-x,-y,-z") ).map_to_asu() x, y = self.intensities.common_sets( reindexed_intensities, assert_is_similar_symmetry=False ) self.cc_identity = CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator(, min_sd = 0.05 min_sample = 10 sigma_1 = max(min_sd, self.cc_sig_fac / 200 ** 0.5) w1 = 0 w2 = 0 if sigma_1 > 0.0001: w1 = 1 / sigma_1 ** 2 if self.cc_identity.n() > min_sample: sigma_2 = max(min_sd, self.cc_sig_fac / self.cc_identity.n() ** 0.5) w2 = 1 / sigma_2 ** 2 assert (w1 + w2) > 0 self.cc_true = (w1 * self.E_cc_true + w2 * self.cc_identity.coefficient()) / ( w1 + w2 ) logger.debug("cc_true = w1 * E_cc_true + w2 * cc_identity)/(w1 + w2)") logger.debug("w1: %g", w1) logger.debug("w2: %g", w2) logger.debug("E_cc_true: %g", self.E_cc_true) logger.debug("cc_identity: %g", self.cc_identity.coefficient()) logger.debug("cc_true: %g", self.cc_true) def _score_symmetry_elements(self): self.sym_op_scores = [] for smx in self.lattice_group.smx(): if smx.r().info().sense() < 0: continue self.sym_op_scores.append( ScoreSymmetryElement( self.intensities, smx, self.cc_true, self.cc_sig_fac ) ) def _score_laue_groups(self): subgroup_scores = [ ScoreSubGroup(subgrp, self.sym_op_scores) for subgrp in self.subgroups.result_groups ] total_likelihood = sum(score.likelihood for score in subgroup_scores) sort_order = flex.sort_permutation( flex.double(score.likelihood for score in subgroup_scores), reverse=True, stable=True, ) self.subgroup_scores = [subgroup_scores[i] for i in sort_order] for score in self.subgroup_scores: score.likelihood /= total_likelihood # The 'confidence' scores are derived from the total probability of the best # solution p_best and that for the next best solution p_next: # confidence = [p_best * (p_best - p_next)]^1/2. confidence = flex.double(len(self.subgroup_scores), 0) for i, score in enumerate(self.subgroup_scores[:-1]): next_score = self.subgroup_scores[i + 1] if score.likelihood > 0 and next_score.likelihood > 0: lgc = score.likelihood * (score.likelihood - next_score.likelihood) confidence = abs(lgc) ** 0.5 if lgc < 0: confidence = -confidence score.confidence = confidence self.best_solution = self.subgroup_scores[0] def __str__(self): """Return a string representation of the results. Returns: str: """ output = [] output.append("Input crystal symmetry:") output.append(str(self.input_intensities[0].space_group_info())) output.append(str(self.median_unit_cell)) output.append("Change of basis op to minimum cell: %s" % self.cb_op_inp_min) output.append("Crystal symmetry in minimum cell:") output.append(str(self.intensities.space_group_info())) output.append(str(self.intensities.unit_cell())) output.append("Lattice point group: %s" % output.append( "Overall CC for %i unrelated pairs: %.3f" % (self.corr_unrelated.n(), self.corr_unrelated.coefficient()) ) output.append( "Estimated expectation value of true correlation coefficient E(CC) = %.3f" % self.E_cc_true ) output.append("Estimated sd(CC) = %.3f / sqrt(N)" % self.cc_sig_fac) output.append( "Estimated E(CC) of true correlation coefficient from identity = %.3f" % self.cc_true ) header = ("likelihood", "Z-CC", "CC", "N", "", "Operator") rows = [header] for score in self.sym_op_scores: if score.likelihood > 0.9: stars = "***" elif score.likelihood > 0.7: stars = "**" elif score.likelihood > 0.5: stars = "*" else: stars = "" rows.append( ( "%.3f" % score.likelihood, "%.2f" % score.z_cc, "%.2f" %, "%i" % score.n_refs, stars, "%s" % score.sym_op.r().info(), ) ) output.append("Scoring individual symmetry elements") output.append(table_utils.format(rows, has_header=True, delim=" ")) header = ( "Patterson group", "", "Likelihood", "NetZcc", "Zcc+", "Zcc-", "CC", "CC-", "delta", "Reindex operator", ) rows = [header] for score in self.subgroup_scores: if score.likelihood > 0.8: stars = "***" elif score.likelihood > 0.6: stars = "**" elif score.likelihood > 0.4: stars = "*" else: stars = "" rows.append( ( "%s" % score.subgroup["best_subsym"].space_group_info(), stars, "%.3f" % score.likelihood, "% .2f" % score.z_cc_net, "% .2f" % score.z_cc_for, "% .2f" % score.z_cc_against, "% .2f" % score.cc_for.coefficient(), "% .2f" % score.cc_against.coefficient(), "%.1f" % score.subgroup["max_angular_difference"], "%s" % (score.subgroup["cb_op_inp_best"] * self.cb_op_inp_min), ) ) output.append("Scoring all possible sub-groups") output.append(table_utils.format(rows, has_header=True, delim=" ")) output.append( "Best solution: %s" % self.best_solution.subgroup["best_subsym"].space_group_info() ) output.append( "Unit cell: %s" % self.best_solution.subgroup["best_subsym"].unit_cell() ) output.append( "Reindex operator: %s" % (self.best_solution.subgroup["cb_op_inp_best"] * self.cb_op_inp_min) ) output.append("Laue group probability: %.3f" % self.best_solution.likelihood) output.append("Laue group confidence: %.3f" % self.best_solution.confidence) return "\n".join(output)
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of the results. Returns: dict """ d = { "input_symmetry": { "hall_symbol": self.input_intensities[0] .space_group() .type() .hall_symbol(), "unit_cell": self.median_unit_cell.parameters(), }, "cb_op_inp_min": self.cb_op_inp_min.as_xyz(), "min_cell_symmetry": { "hall_symbol": self.intensities.space_group().type().hall_symbol(), "unit_cell": self.intensities.unit_cell().parameters(), }, "lattice_point_group": self.lattice_group.type().hall_symbol(), "cc_unrelated_pairs": self.corr_unrelated.coefficient(), "n_unrelated_pairs": self.corr_unrelated.n(), "E_cc_true": self.E_cc_true, "cc_sig_fac": self.cc_sig_fac, "cc_true": self.cc_true, } d["sym_op_scores"] = [score.as_dict() for score in self.sym_op_scores] d["subgroup_scores"] = [score.as_dict() for score in self.subgroup_scores] return d
[docs] def as_json(self, filename=None, indent=2): """Return a json representation of the results. Args: filename (str): Optional filename to export the json representation of the results. indent (int): The indent level for pretty-printing of the json. If ``None`` is the most compact representation. Returns: str: """ d = self.as_dict() import json json_str = json.dumps(d, indent=indent) if filename is not None: with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(json_str) return json.dumps(d, indent=indent)
[docs]class ScoreSymmetryElement(object): """Analyse intensities for presence of a given symmetry operation. 1) Calculate the correlation coefficient, CC, for the given sym op. 2) Calculate the probability of observing this CC if the sym op is present, p(CC; S), modelled by a Cauchy distribution centred on cc_true and width gamma = sigma_cc. 3) Calculate the probability of observing this CC if the sym op is NOT present, p(CC; !S). 4) Calculate the likelihood of symmetry element being present, p(S; CC) = p(CC; S) / (p(CC; S) + p(CC; !S)) See appendix A1 of `Evans, P. R. (2011). Acta Cryst. D67, 282-292. <>`_ """ def __init__(self, intensities, sym_op, cc_true, cc_sig_fac): """Initialise a ScoreSymmetryElement object. Args: intensities (cctbx.miller.array): The intensities on which to perform symmetry anaylsis. sym_op (cctbx.sgtbx.rt_mx): The symmetry operation for analysis. cc_true (float): the expected value of CC if the symmetry element is present, E(CC; S) cc_sig_fac (float): Estimation of sigma(CC) as a function of sample size. """ self.sym_op = sym_op assert self.sym_op.r().info().sense() >= 0 = CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator() cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(self.sym_op) cb_ops = [cb_op] if self.sym_op.r().order() > 2: # include inverse symmetry operation cb_ops.append(cb_op.inverse()) for cb_op in cb_ops: if cb_op.is_identity_op(): cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op("-x,-y,-z") reindexed_intensities = intensities.change_basis(cb_op).map_to_asu() x, y = intensities.common_sets( reindexed_intensities, assert_is_similar_symmetry=False ) sel = sgtbx.space_group().expand_smx(self.sym_op).epsilon(x.indices()) == 1 x = y = outliers = flex.bool(len(, False) iqr_multiplier = 20 # very generous tolerance for col in (, min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(col) iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x cut_x = iqr_multiplier * iqr_x outliers.set_selected(col > q3_x + cut_x, True) outliers.set_selected(col < q1_x - cut_x, True) if outliers.count(True): logger.debug( "Rejecting %s outlier value%s" % (libtbx.utils.plural_s(outliers.count(True))) ) x = y = += CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator(, self.n_refs = if self.n_refs <= 0: self.likelihood = 0 self.z_cc = 0 return self.sigma_cc = max(0.1, cc_sig_fac / self.n_refs ** 0.5) self.z_cc = / self.sigma_cc # Probability of observing this CC if the sym op is present # Modelled by a Cauchy distribution centred on cc_true and width gamma = sigma_cc # p(CC; S) self.p_cc_given_s = trunccauchy_pdf(, -1, 1, cc_true, self.sigma_cc ) def DM_power_pdf(m, k=2): return (1.0 - pow(m, k)) ** (1.0 / k) def numerator(x, loc, scale, k): return trunccauchy_pdf(x, -1, 1, loc=loc, scale=scale) * DM_power_pdf( x, k=k ) def denominator(x, k): return DM_power_pdf(x, k=k) # Probability of observing this CC if the sym op is NOT present # p(CC; !S) k = 2 sump = scipy.integrate.quad( numerator, 0, 1, args=(, self.sigma_cc, k) )[0] sumw = scipy.integrate.quad(denominator, 0, 1, args=(k,))[0] self.p_cc_given_not_s = sump / sumw # Likelihood of symmetry element being present # p(S; CC) = p(CC; S) / (p(CC; S) + p(CC; !S)) self.likelihood = self.p_cc_given_s / ( self.p_cc_given_s + self.p_cc_given_not_s ) def __str__(self): """Return a string representation of the symmetry element scoring. Returns: str: """ return "%.3f %.2f %.2f %i %s" % ( self.likelihood, self.z_cc,, self.n_refs, self.sym_op.r().info(), )
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of the symmetry element scoring. The dictionary will contain the following keys: - likelihood: The likelihood of the symmetry element being present - z_cc: The Z-score for the correlation coefficent - cc: The correlation coefficient for the symmetry element - n_ref: The number of reflections contributing to the correlation coefficient - operator: The xyz representation of the symmetry element Returns: dict: """ return { "likelihood": self.likelihood, "z_cc": self.z_cc, "cc":, "n_ref": self.n_refs, "operator": self.sym_op.as_xyz(), }
[docs]class ScoreSubGroup(object): """Score the probability of a given subgroup being the true subgroup. 1) Calculates the combined correlation coefficients for symmetry operations present/absent from the subgroup. 2) Calculates overall Zcc scores for symmetry elements present/absent from the subgroup. 3) Calculates the overall likelihood for this subgroup. See appendix A2 of `Evans, P. R. (2011). Acta Cryst. D67, 282-292. <>`_ """ def __init__(self, subgroup, sym_op_scores): """Initialise a ScoreSubGroup object. Args: subgroup (dict): A dictionary describing the subgroup as generated by :class:`cctbx.sgtbx.lattice_symmetry.metric_subgroups`. sym_op_scores (list): A list of :class:`ScoreSymmetryElement` objects for each symmetry element possibly in the lattice symmetry. """ # Combined correlation coefficients for symmetry operations # present/absent from subgroup self.subgroup = subgroup cb_op_inp_best = subgroup["cb_op_inp_best"] patterson_group = ( subgroup["best_subsym"].space_group().change_basis(cb_op_inp_best.inverse()) ) self.cc_for = CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator() self.cc_against = CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator() for score in sym_op_scores: if score.sym_op in patterson_group: self.cc_for += else: self.cc_against += # Overall Zcc scores for symmetry elements present/absent from subgroup self.z_cc_for = 0 self.z_cc_against = 0 n_for = 0 n_against = 0 PL_for = 0 PL_against = 0 power = 2 for score in sym_op_scores: if score.n_refs <= 2: continue if score.sym_op in patterson_group: self.z_cc_for += score.z_cc ** power n_for += 1 PL_for += math.log(score.p_cc_given_s) else: self.z_cc_against += score.z_cc ** power n_against += 1 PL_against += math.log(score.p_cc_given_not_s) # Overall likelihood for this subgroup self.likelihood = math.exp(PL_for + PL_against) if n_against > 0: self.z_cc_against = (self.z_cc_against / n_against) ** (1 / power) if n_for > 0: self.z_cc_for = (self.z_cc_for / n_for) ** (1 / power) self.z_cc_net = self.z_cc_for - self.z_cc_against self.confidence = 0 def __str__(self): """Return a string representation of the subgroup scores. Returns: str: """ return "%s %.3f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f" % ( self.subgroup["best_subsym"].space_group_info(), self.likelihood, self.z_cc_net, self.z_cc_for, self.z_cc_against, self.cc_for.coefficient(), self.cc_against.coefficient(), )
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of the subgroup scoring. The dictionary will contain the following keys: - patterson_group: The current subgroup - likelihood: The likelihood of the subgroup being correct - confidence: The confidence of the subgroup being correct - z_cc_for: The combined Z-scores for all symmetry elements present in the subgroup - z_cc_against: The combined Z-scores for all symmetry elements present in the lattice group but not in the subgroup - z_cc_net: The net Z-score, i.e. z_cc_for - z_cc_against - cc_for: The overall correlation coefficient for all symmetry elements present in the subgroup - cc_against: The overall correlation coefficient for all symmetry elements present in the lattice group but not in the subgroup - max_angular_difference: The maximum angular difference between the symmetrised unit cell and the P1 unit cell. - cb_op: The change of basis operation from the input unit cell to the 'best' unit cell. Returns: dict: """ return { "patterson_group": self.subgroup["best_subsym"] .space_group() .type() .hall_symbol(), "likelihood": self.likelihood, "confidence": self.confidence, "z_cc_net": "% .2f" % self.z_cc_net, "z_cc_for": "% .2f" % self.z_cc_for, "z_cc_against": "% .2f" % self.z_cc_against, "cc_for": "% .2f" % self.cc_for.coefficient(), "cc_against": "% .2f" % self.cc_against.coefficient(), "max_angular_difference": "%.1f" % self.subgroup["max_angular_difference"], "cb_op": "%s" % (self.subgroup["cb_op_inp_best"]), }
[docs]class CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator(object): """Class for incremental computation of correlation coefficients. Uses the single-pass formula for Pearson correlation coefficient: """ def __init__(self, x=None, y=None): """Initialise a CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator object. Args: x (list): Optional list of `x` values to initialise the accumulator. y (list): Optional list of `y` values to initialise the accumulator. """ self._n = 0 self._sum_x = 0 self._sum_y = 0 self._sum_xy = 0 self._sum_x_sq = 0 self._sum_y_sq = 0 if x is not None and y is not None: self.accumulate(x, y)
[docs] def accumulate(self, x, y): """Accumulate the `x` and `y` values provided. Args: x (list): The list of `x` values to accumulate. y (list): The list of `y` values to accumulate. """ assert x.size() == y.size() self._n += x.size() self._sum_x += flex.sum(x) self._sum_y += flex.sum(y) self._sum_xy += flex.sum(x * y) self._sum_x_sq += flex.sum(flex.pow2(x)) self._sum_y_sq += flex.sum(flex.pow2(y))
[docs] def coefficient(self): """Calculate the correlation coefficient. Returns: float: The correlation coefficient. """ if self._n == 0: return 0 return self.numerator() / self.denominator()
[docs] def n(self): """Return the number of values contributing to the correlation coefficient. Returns: n (int) """ return self._n
[docs] def numerator(self): """"Calculate the numerator of the correlation coefficient formula. .. math:: n \sum{x y} - \sum{x} \sum{y} Returns: float: The value of the numerator. """ return self._n * self._sum_xy - self._sum_x * self._sum_y
[docs] def denominator(self): """"Calculate the denominator of the correlation coefficient formula. .. math:: \sqrt{n \sum{x^2} - \sum{x}^2} \sqrt{n \sum{y^2} - \sum{y}^2} Returns: float: The value of the denominator. """ return math.sqrt(self._n * self._sum_x_sq - self._sum_x ** 2) * math.sqrt( self._n * self._sum_y_sq - self._sum_y ** 2 )
def __iadd__(self, other): """Add together two instances of :class:`CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator`. Args: other (CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator): The :class:`CorrelationCoefficientAccumualator` to add to the current object. Returns: self (CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator): The current object. """ self._n += other._n self._sum_x += other._sum_x self._sum_y += other._sum_y self._sum_xy += other._sum_xy self._sum_x_sq += other._sum_x_sq self._sum_y_sq += other._sum_y_sq return self
[docs]def trunccauchy_pdf(x, a, b, loc=0, scale=1): """Calculate a truncated Cauchy probability density function. Args: x (float): The point at which to calculate the PDF. a (float): The lower bound of the truncated distribution. b (float): The upper bound of the truncated distribution. loc (float): The location parameter for the Cauchy distribution. scale (float): The scale parameter for the Cauchy distribution. Returns: float: The value of the probability density function. """ assert b > a rv = scipy.stats.cauchy(loc=loc, scale=scale) return rv.pdf(x) / (rv.cdf(b) - rv.cdf(a))