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Source code for dials.array_family.flex

#  Copyright (C) 2013 Diamond Light Source
#  Author: James Parkhurst
#  This code is distributed under the BSD license, a copy of which is
#  included in the root directory of this package.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
from __future__ import print_function
import boost.python
from dials.model import data
from dials_array_family_flex_ext import *
from cctbx.array_family.flex import *
from cctbx.array_family import flex
import cctbx
from cctbx import miller, crystal
from dials.util import Sorry

from collections import OrderedDict
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Set the 'real' type to either float or double
if get_real_type() == "float":
    real = flex.float
elif get_real_type() == "double":
    real = flex.double
    raise TypeError('unknown "real" type')

[docs]def strategy(cls, params=None): """ Wrap a class that takes params and experiments as a strategy. :param cls: The class to wrap :param params: The input parameters :return: A function to instantiate the strategy """ class Strategy(cls): algorithm = cls name = "" def __init__(self, *args): super(Strategy, self).__init__(params, *args) return Strategy
[docs]def default_background_algorithm(): """ Get the default background algorithm. :return: The default background algorithm """ from dials.extensions.glm_background_ext import GLMBackgroundExt return strategy(GLMBackgroundExt)
[docs]def default_centroid_algorithm(): """ Get the default centroid algorithm. :return: The default centroid algorithm """ from dials.extensions.simple_centroid_ext import SimpleCentroidExt return strategy(SimpleCentroidExt)
[docs]class reflection_table_aux(boost.python.injector, reflection_table): """ An injector class to add additional methods to the reflection table. """ # Set the default algorithms. These are set as class variables so that if they # are changed in the class, all new instances of reflection table will have # the modified algorithms. If these are modified on the instance level, then # only the instance will have the modified algorithms and new instances will # have the defaults _background_algorithm = default_background_algorithm() _centroid_algorithm = default_centroid_algorithm()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_predictions( experiment, dmin=None, dmax=None, margin=1, force_static=False, padding=0 ): """ Construct a reflection table from predictions. :param experiment: The experiment to predict from :param dmin: The maximum resolution :param dmax: The minimum resolution :param margin: The margin to predict around :param force_static: Do static prediction with a scan varying model :param padding: Padding in degrees :return: The reflection table of predictions """ if experiment.profile is not None: return experiment.profile.predict_reflections( experiment.imageset, experiment.crystal, experiment.beam, experiment.detector, experiment.goniometer, experiment.scan, dmin=dmin, dmax=dmax, margin=margin, force_static=force_static, padding=padding, ) from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction.reflection_predictor import ( ReflectionPredictor, ) predict = ReflectionPredictor( experiment, dmin=dmin, dmax=dmax, margin=margin, force_static=force_static, padding=padding, ) return predict()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_predictions_multi( experiments, dmin=None, dmax=None, margin=1, force_static=False, padding=0 ): """ Construct a reflection table from predictions. :param experiments: The experiment list to predict from :param dmin: The maximum resolution :param dmax: The minimum resolution :param margin: The margin to predict around :param force_static: Do static prediction with a scan varying model :param padding: Padding in degrees :return: The reflection table of predictions """ from scitbx.array_family import flex result = reflection_table() for i, e in enumerate(experiments): rlist = reflection_table.from_predictions( e, dmin=dmin, dmax=dmax, margin=margin, force_static=force_static, padding=padding, ) rlist["id"] =, i) result.extend(rlist) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def from_observations(datablock, params=None): """ Construct a reflection table from observations. :param datablock: The datablock :param params: The input parameters :return: The reflection table of observations """ from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.factory import SpotFinderFactory from libtbx import Auto if params is None: from dials.command_line.find_spots import phil_scope from dials.util.phil import parse params = phil_scope.fetch(source=parse("")).extract() if params.spotfinder.filter.min_spot_size is Auto: detector = datablock.extract_imagesets()[0].get_detector() if detector[0].get_type() == "SENSOR_PAD": # smaller default value for pixel array detectors params.spotfinder.filter.min_spot_size = 3 else: params.spotfinder.filter.min_spot_size = 6 "Setting spotfinder.filter.min_spot_size=%i" % (params.spotfinder.filter.min_spot_size) ) # Get the integrator from the input parameters"Configuring spot finder from input parameters") find_spots = SpotFinderFactory.from_parameters( datablock=datablock, params=params ) # Find the spots return find_spots(datablock)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_pickle(filename): """ Read the reflection table from pickle file. :param filename: The pickle filename :return: The reflection table """ import six.moves.cPickle as pickle from libtbx import smart_open with smart_open.for_reading(filename, "rb") as infile: result = pickle.load(infile) assert isinstance(result, reflection_table) return result
[docs] def as_msgpack_file(self, filename): """ Write the reflection table to file in msgpack format """ from libtbx import smart_open import blosc with smart_open.for_writing(filename, "wb") as outfile: outfile.write(blosc.compress(self.as_msgpack()))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_msgpack_file(filename): """ Read the reflection table from file in msgpack format """ from libtbx import smart_open import blosc with smart_open.for_reading(filename, "rb") as infile: return reflection_table.from_msgpack(blosc.decompress(
[docs] @staticmethod def from_h5(filename): """ Read the reflections table from a HDF5 file. :param filename: The hdf5 filename :return: The reflection table """ from dials.util.nexus_old import NexusFile handle = NexusFile(filename, "r") self = handle.get_reflections() handle.close() return self
[docs] @staticmethod def empty_standard(nrows): """ Create an empty table of specified number of rows with most of the standard keys :param nrows: The number of rows to create :return: The reflection table """ assert nrows > 0 table = reflection_table(nrows) # General properties table["flags"] = flex.size_t(nrows, 0) table["id"] =, 0) table["panel"] = flex.size_t(nrows, 0) # Predicted properties table["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index(nrows) table["entering"] = flex.bool(nrows) table["s1"] = flex.vec3_double(nrows, (0, 0, 0)) table[""] = flex.vec3_double(nrows, (0, 0, 0)) table["xyzcal.px"] = flex.vec3_double(nrows, (0, 0, 0)) # table['ub_matrix'] = flex.mat3_double(nrows, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) # Observed properties table["xyzobs.px.value"] = flex.vec3_double(nrows, (0, 0, 0)) table["xyzobs.px.variance"] = flex.vec3_double(nrows, (0, 0, 0)) table[""] = flex.vec3_double(nrows, (0, 0, 0)) table[""] = flex.vec3_double(nrows, (0, 0, 0)) table["rlp"] = flex.vec3_double(nrows, (0, 0, 0)) table["intensity.sum.value"] = flex.double(nrows, 0) table["intensity.sum.variance"] = flex.double(nrows, 0) table["intensity.prf.value"] = flex.double(nrows, 0) table["intensity.prf.variance"] = flex.double(nrows, 0) table["lp"] = flex.double(nrows, 0) table["profile.correlation"] = flex.double(nrows, 0) return table
[docs] @staticmethod def plot(table, detector, key): """ Plot a reflection table using matplotlib :param table: The reflection table :param detector: The detector model :param key: The key to plot """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Polygon fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect="equal") spots = table[key] if "px" in key: spots = [ detector[table["panel"][i]].get_pixel_lab_coord(spots[i][0:2]) for i in xrange(len(spots)) ] else: assert "mm" in key spots = [ detector[table["panel"][i]].get_lab_coord(spots[i][0:2]) for i in xrange(len(spots)) ] min_f = max_f = min_s = max_s = 0 for i, panel in enumerate(detector): fs, ss = panel.get_image_size() p0 = panel.get_pixel_lab_coord((0, 0)) p1 = panel.get_pixel_lab_coord((fs - 1, 0)) p2 = panel.get_pixel_lab_coord((fs - 1, ss - 1)) p3 = panel.get_pixel_lab_coord((0, ss - 1)) p = Polygon( (p0[0:2], p1[0:2], p2[0:2], p3[0:2]), closed=True, color="green", fill=False, hatch="/", ) if p.xy[:, 0].min() < min_f: min_f = p.xy[:, 0].min() if p.xy[:, 0].max() > max_f: max_f = p.xy[:, 0].max() if p.xy[:, 1].min() < min_s: min_s = p.xy[:, 1].min() if p.xy[:, 1].max() > max_s: max_s = p.xy[:, 1].max() ax.add_patch(p) ax.set_xlim((min_f - 10, max_f + 10)) ax.set_ylim((min_s - 10, max_s + 10)) plt.scatter([s[0] for s in spots], [s[1] for s in spots], c="blue", linewidth=0)
[docs] def as_pickle(self, filename): """ Write the reflection table as a pickle file. :param filename: The output filename """ import six.moves.cPickle as pickle from libtbx import smart_open # Clean up any removed experiments from the identifiers map self.clean_experiment_identifiers_map() with smart_open.for_writing(filename, "wb") as outfile: pickle.dump(self, outfile, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs] def as_h5(self, filename): """ Write the reflection table as a HDF5 file. :param filename: The output filename """ from dials.util.nexus_old import NexusFile handle = NexusFile(filename, "w") # Clean up any removed experiments from the identifiers map self.clean_experiment_identifiers_map() handle.set_reflections(self) handle.close()
[docs] def as_miller_array(self, experiment, intensity="sum"): """Return a miller array with the chosen intensities. Use the provided experiment object and intensity choice to make a miller intensity array with sigmas (no scaling applied). Args: experiment (dxtbx.model.Experiment): An experiment object. intensity (str): The intensity type that will be used to make the miller array e.g 'prf', 'sum'. Returns: cctbx.miller.array: A miller array with intensities and sigmas. Raises: Sorry: If chosen intensity values cannot be found in the table. """ try: intensities, variances = ( self["intensity." + intensity + ".value"], self["intensity." + intensity + ".variance"], ) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error(e) raise Sorry( "Unable to find %s, %s in reflection table" % ( "intensity." + intensity + ".value", "intensity." + intensity + ".variance", ) ) miller_set = miller.set( crystal_symmetry=experiment.crystal.get_crystal_symmetry(), indices=self["miller_index"], anomalous_flag=False, ) i_obs = miller.array(miller_set, data=intensities) i_obs.set_observation_type_xray_intensity() i_obs.set_sigmas(variances ** 0.5) i_obs.set_info( miller.array_info(source="DIALS", source_type="reflection_tables") ) return i_obs
[docs] def copy(self): """ Copy everything. :return: A copy of the reflection table """ from scitbx.array_family import flex return, True))
[docs] def sort(self, name, reverse=False, order=None): """ Sort the reflection table by a key. :param name: The name of the column :param reverse: Reverse the sort order :param order: For multi element items specify order """ import __builtin__ if type(self[name]) in [ vec2_double, vec3_double, mat3_double, int6, miller_index, ]: data = self[name] if order is None: perm = flex.size_t( __builtin__.sorted( range(len(self)), key=lambda x: data[x], reverse=reverse ) ) else: assert len(order) == len(data[0]) def compare(x, y): a = tuple(x[i] for i in order) b = tuple(y[i] for i in order) return cmp(a, b) perm = flex.size_t( __builtin__.sorted( range(len(self)), key=lambda x: data[x], cmp=compare, reverse=reverse, ) ) else: perm = flex.sort_permutation(self[name], reverse=reverse) self.reorder(perm)
""" Sorting the reflection table within an already sorted column """
[docs] def subsort(self, key0, key1, reverse=False): """ Sort the reflection based on key1 within a constant key0. :param key0: The name of the column values to sort within :param key1: The sorting key name within the selected column """ import copy uniq_values = self[key0] for ii in set(uniq_values): val = (uniq_values == ii).iselection() ref_tmp = copy.deepcopy(self[min(val) : (max(val) + 1)]) ref_tmp.sort(key1, reverse) self[min(val) : (max(val) + 1)] = ref_tmp
[docs] def match(self, other): """ Match reflections with another set of reflections. :param other: The reflection table to match against :return: A tuple containing the matches in the reflection table and the other reflection table """ from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.spot_matcher import SpotMatcher match = SpotMatcher(max_separation=2) oind, sind = match(other, self) return sind, oind
[docs] def match_with_reference_without_copying_columns(self, other): """ Match reflections with another set of reflections. :param other: The reflection table to match against :return: The matches """ from collections import defaultdict import __builtin__"Matching reference spots with predicted reflections")" %d observed reflections input" % len(other))" %d reflections predicted" % len(self)) # Get the miller index, entering flag and turn number for # Both sets of reflections i1 = self["id"] h1 = self["miller_index"] e1 = self["entering"].as_int() x1, y1, z1 = self["xyzcal.px"].parts() p1 = self["panel"] i2 = other["id"] h2 = other["miller_index"] e2 = other["entering"].as_int() x2, y2, z2 = other["xyzcal.px"].parts() p2 = other["panel"] class Match(object): def __init__(self): self.a = [] self.b = [] # Create the match lookup lookup = defaultdict(Match) for i in range(len(self)): item = h1[i] + (e1[i], i1[i], p1[i]) lookup[item].a.append(i) # Add matches from input reflections for i in range(len(other)): item = h2[i] + (e2[i], i2[i], p2[i]) if item in lookup: lookup[item].b.append(i) # Create the list of matches match1 = [] match2 = [] for item, value in lookup.iteritems(): if len(value.b) == 0: continue elif len(value.a) == 1 and len(value.b) == 1: match1.append(value.a[0]) match2.append(value.b[0]) else: matched = {} for i in value.a: d = [] for j in value.b: dx = x1[i] - x2[j] dy = y1[i] - y2[j] dz = z1[i] - z2[j] d.append((i, j, dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + dz ** 2)) i, j, d = __builtin__.min(d, key=lambda x: x[2]) if j not in matched: matched[j] = (i, d) elif d < matched[j][1]: matched[j] = (i, d) for key1, value1 in matched.iteritems(): match1.append(value1[0]) match2.append(key1) # Select everything which matches sind = flex.size_t(match1) oind = flex.size_t(match2) # Sort by self index sort_index = flex.size_t( __builtin__.sorted(range(len(sind)), key=lambda x: sind[x]) ) sind = oind = s2 = o2 = h1 = s2["miller_index"] h2 = o2["miller_index"] e1 = s2["entering"] e2 = o2["entering"] assert (h1 == h2).all_eq(True) assert (e1 == e2).all_eq(True) x1, y1, z1 = s2["xyzcal.px"].parts() x2, y2, z2 = o2["xyzcal.px"].parts() distance = flex.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2 + (z1 - z2) ** 2) mask = distance < 2" %d reflections matched" % len(o2))" %d reflections accepted" % mask.count(True)) self.set_flags(, self.flags.reference_spot) self.set_flags(, self.flags.strong) self.set_flags(, self.flags.indexed ) self.set_flags(, self.flags.used_in_refinement, ) other_matched_indices = other_unmatched_mask = flex.bool(len(other), True) other_unmatched_mask.set_selected( other_matched_indices, flex.bool(len(other_matched_indices), False) ) other_matched = other_unmatched = mask2 = flex.bool(len(self), False) mask2.set_selected(, True) return mask2, other_matched, other_unmatched
[docs] def match_with_reference(self, other): """ Match reflections with another set of reflections. :param other: The reflection table to match against :return: The matches """ from collections import defaultdict import __builtin__"Matching reference spots with predicted reflections")" %d observed reflections input" % len(other))" %d reflections predicted" % len(self)) # Get the miller index, entering flag and turn number for # Both sets of reflections i1 = self["id"] h1 = self["miller_index"] e1 = self["entering"].as_int() x1, y1, z1 = self["xyzcal.px"].parts() p1 = self["panel"] i2 = other["id"] h2 = other["miller_index"] e2 = other["entering"].as_int() x2, y2, z2 = other["xyzcal.px"].parts() p2 = other["panel"] class Match(object): def __init__(self): self.a = [] self.b = [] # Create the match lookup lookup = defaultdict(Match) for i in range(len(self)): item = h1[i] + (e1[i], i1[i], p1[i]) lookup[item].a.append(i) # Add matches from input reflections for i in range(len(other)): item = h2[i] + (e2[i], i2[i], p2[i]) if item in lookup: lookup[item].b.append(i) # Create the list of matches match1 = [] match2 = [] for item, value in lookup.iteritems(): if len(value.b) == 0: continue elif len(value.a) == 1 and len(value.b) == 1: match1.append(value.a[0]) match2.append(value.b[0]) else: matched = {} for i in value.a: d = [] for j in value.b: dx = x1[i] - x2[j] dy = y1[i] - y2[j] dz = z1[i] - z2[j] d.append((i, j, dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + dz ** 2)) i, j, d = __builtin__.min(d, key=lambda x: x[2]) if j not in matched: matched[j] = (i, d) elif d < matched[j][1]: matched[j] = (i, d) for key1, value1 in matched.iteritems(): match1.append(value1[0]) match2.append(key1) # Select everything which matches sind = flex.size_t(match1) oind = flex.size_t(match2) # Sort by self index sort_index = flex.size_t( __builtin__.sorted(range(len(sind)), key=lambda x: sind[x]) ) sind = oind = s2 = o2 = h1 = s2["miller_index"] h2 = o2["miller_index"] e1 = s2["entering"] e2 = o2["entering"] assert (h1 == h2).all_eq(True) assert (e1 == e2).all_eq(True) x1, y1, z1 = s2["xyzcal.px"].parts() x2, y2, z2 = o2["xyzcal.px"].parts() distance = flex.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2 + (z1 - z2) ** 2) mask = distance < 2" %d reflections matched" % len(o2))" %d reflections accepted" % mask.count(True)) self.set_flags(, self.flags.reference_spot) self.set_flags(, self.flags.strong) self.set_flags(, self.flags.indexed ) self.set_flags(, self.flags.used_in_refinement, ) other_matched_indices = other_unmatched_mask = flex.bool(len(other), True) other_unmatched_mask.set_selected( other_matched_indices, flex.bool(len(other_matched_indices), False) ) other_matched = other_unmatched = for key, column in other_matched[key] = column mask2 = flex.bool(len(self), False) mask2.set_selected(, True) return mask2, other_matched, other_unmatched
# def is_bbox_inside_image_range(self, experiment): #''' Check if bbox is within image range. ''' # from dials.algorithms import filtering # assert(len(experiment.detector) == 1) # return filtering.is_bbox_outside_image_range( # self['bbox'], # experiment.detector[0].get_image_size()[::-1], # experiment.scan.get_array_range()) != True
[docs] def compute_zeta(self, experiment): """ Compute zeta for each reflection. :param experiment: The experimental models :return: Zeta for each reflection """ from dials.algorithms.profile_model.gaussian_rs import zeta_factor m2 = experiment.goniometer.get_rotation_axis() s0 = experiment.beam.get_s0() self["zeta"] = zeta_factor(m2, s0, self["s1"]) return self["zeta"]
[docs] def compute_zeta_multi(self, experiments): """ Compute zeta for each reflection. :param experiments: The list of experiments :return: Zeta for each reflection """ from dials.algorithms.profile_model.gaussian_rs import zeta_factor m2 = flex.vec3_double(len(experiments)) s0 = flex.vec3_double(len(experiments)) for i, e in enumerate(experiments): m2[i] = e.goniometer.get_rotation_axis() s0[i] = e.beam.get_s0() self["zeta"] = zeta_factor(m2, s0, self["s1"], self["id"]) return self["zeta"]
[docs] def compute_d_single(self, experiment): """ Compute the resolution for each reflection. :param experiment: The experimental models :return: The resolution for each reflection """ from dials.array_family import flex uc = flex.unit_cell(1) uc[0] = experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell() self["d"] = uc.d(self["miller_index"], flex.size_t(len(self), 0)) return self["d"]
[docs] def compute_d(self, experiments): """ Compute the resolution for each reflection. :param experiments: The experiment list :return: The resolution for each reflection """ from dials.array_family import flex uc = flex.unit_cell(len(experiments)) for i, e in enumerate(experiments): uc[i] = e.crystal.get_unit_cell() assert self["id"].all_ge(0) self["d"] = uc.d(self["miller_index"], flex.size_t(list(self["id"]))) return self["d"]
[docs] def compute_bbox(self, experiments, sigma_b_multiplier=2.0): """ Compute the bounding boxes. :param experiments: The list of experiments :param profile_model: The profile models :param sigma_b_multiplier: Multiplier to cover extra background :return: The bounding box for each reflection """ self["bbox"] = int6(len(self)) for expr, indices in self.iterate_experiments_and_indices(experiments): self["bbox"].set_selected( indices, expr.profile.compute_bbox(, expr.crystal, expr.beam, expr.detector, expr.goniometer, expr.scan, sigma_b_multiplier=sigma_b_multiplier, ), ) return self["bbox"]
[docs] def compute_partiality(self, experiments): """ Compute the reflection partiality. :param experiments: The experiment list :param profile_model: The profile models :return: The partiality for each reflection """ self["partiality"] = flex.double(len(self)) for expr, indices in self.iterate_experiments_and_indices(experiments): self["partiality"].set_selected( indices, expr.profile.compute_partiality(, expr.crystal, expr.beam, expr.detector, expr.goniometer, expr.scan, ), ) return self["partiality"]
[docs] def compute_mask(self, experiments, image_volume=None, overlaps=None): """ Apply a mask to the shoeboxes. :param experiments: The list of experiments :param profile_model: The profile model """ for expr, indices in self.iterate_experiments_and_indices(experiments): result = expr.profile.compute_mask(, expr.crystal, expr.beam, expr.detector, expr.goniometer, expr.scan, image_volume=image_volume, ) if result is not None: if "fraction" not in self: self["fraction"] = flex.double(len(self)) self["fraction"].set_selected(indices, result)
[docs] def iterate_experiments_and_indices(self, experiments): """ A helper function to interate through experiments and indices of reflections for each experiment """ assert len(experiments) > 0 index_list = self.split_indices_by_experiment_id(len(experiments)) assert len(experiments) == len(index_list) tot = 0 for l in index_list: tot += len(l) assert tot == len(self) for experiment, indices in zip(experiments, index_list): yield experiment, indices
[docs] def compute_background(self, experiments, image_volume=None): """ Helper function to compute the background. :param experiments: The list of experiments """ success = self._background_algorithm(experiments).compute_background( self, image_volume ) self.set_flags(~success, self.flags.failed_during_background_modelling)
[docs] def compute_centroid(self, experiments, image_volume=None): """ Helper function to compute the centroid. :param experiments: The list of experiments """ self._centroid_algorithm(experiments).compute_centroid( self, image_volume=image_volume )
[docs] def compute_summed_intensity(self, image_volume=None): """ Compute intensity via summation integration. """ from dials.algorithms.integration.sum import IntegrationAlgorithm algorithm = IntegrationAlgorithm() success = algorithm(self, image_volume=image_volume) self.set_flags(~success, self.flags.failed_during_summation)
[docs] def compute_fitted_intensity(self, fitter): """ Helper function to compute the intensity. :param experiments: The list of experiments :param profile_model: The profile model """ success = self.set_flags(~success, self.flags.failed_during_profile_fitting)
[docs] def compute_corrections(self, experiments): """ Helper function to correct the intensity. :param experiments: The list of experiments :return: The LP correction for each reflection """ from dials.algorithms.integration import Corrections, CorrectionsMulti compute = CorrectionsMulti() for experiment in experiments: if experiment.goniometer is not None: compute.append( Corrections( experiment.beam, experiment.goniometer, experiment.detector ) ) else: compute.append(Corrections(experiment.beam, experiment.detector)) lp = compute.lp(self["id"], self["s1"]) self["lp"] = lp if experiment.detector[0].get_mu() > 0: qe = compute.qe(self["id"], self["s1"], self["panel"]) self["qe"] = qe return lp
[docs] def integrate(self, experiments, profile_model, reference_selector=None): """ Helper function to integrate reflections. :param experiments: The list of experiments :param profile_model: The profile model :param reference_selector: The algorithm to choose reference spots """ self.compute_background(experiments) self.compute_centroid(experiments) self.compute_summed_intensity() if reference_selector is not None: reference_selector(self) self.compute_fitted_intensity(experiments, profile_model)
[docs] def extract_shoeboxes(self, imageset, mask=None, nthreads=1, verbose=False): """ Helper function to read a load of shoebox data. :param imageset: The imageset :param mask: The mask to apply :param nthreads: The number of threads to use :param verbose: The verbosity :return: A tuple containing read time and extract time """ from import make_image from time import time assert "shoebox" in self detector = imageset.get_detector() try: frame0, frame1 = imageset.get_array_range() except Exception: frame0, frame1 = (0, len(imageset)) extractor = ShoeboxExtractor(self, len(detector), frame0, frame1)" Beginning to read images") read_time = 0 extract_time = 0 for i in range(len(imageset)): if verbose:" reading image %d" % i) st = time() image = imageset.get_corrected_data(i) mask2 = imageset.get_mask(i) if mask is not None: assert len(mask) == len(mask2) mask2 = tuple(m1 & m2 for m1, m2 in zip(mask, mask2)) read_time += time() - st st = time(), mask2)) extract_time += time() - st del image assert extractor.finished()" successfully read %d images" % (frame1 - frame0))" read time: %g seconds" % read_time)" extract time: %g seconds" % extract_time) return read_time, extract_time
[docs] def is_overloaded(self, experiments_or_datablock): """ Check if the shoebox contains overloaded pixels. :param experiments: The experiment list :return: True/False overloaded for each reflection """ from dxtbx.model.experiment_list import ExperimentList from dials.algorithms.shoebox import OverloadChecker assert "shoebox" in self assert "id" in self if isinstance(experiments_or_datablock, ExperimentList): detectors = [expr.detector for expr in experiments_or_datablock] else: imagesets = experiments_or_datablock.extract_imagesets() detectors = [iset.get_detector() for iset in imagesets] checker = OverloadChecker() for detector in detectors: checker.add(flex.double((p.get_trusted_range()[1] for p in detector))) result = checker(self["id"], self["shoebox"]) self.set_flags(result, self.flags.overloaded) return result
[docs] def contains_invalid_pixels(self): """ Check if the shoebox contains invalid pixels. :return: True/False invalid for each reflection """ from dials.algorithms.shoebox import MaskCode assert "shoebox" in self x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1 = self["bbox"].parts() ntotal = (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0) * (z1 - z0) assert ntotal.all_gt(0) sbox = self["shoebox"] nvalid = sbox.count_mask_values(MaskCode.Valid) nbackg = sbox.count_mask_values(MaskCode.Background) nforeg = sbox.count_mask_values(MaskCode.Foreground) nvalbg = sbox.count_mask_values(MaskCode.Background | MaskCode.Valid) nvalfg = sbox.count_mask_values(MaskCode.Foreground | MaskCode.Valid) ninvbg = nbackg - nvalbg ninvfg = nforeg - nvalfg assert ninvbg.all_ge(0) assert ninvfg.all_ge(0) self.set_flags(ninvbg > 0, self.flags.background_includes_bad_pixels) self.set_flags(ninvfg > 0, self.flags.foreground_includes_bad_pixels) return (ntotal - nvalid) > 0
[docs] def find_overlaps(self, experiments=None, border=0): """ Check for overlapping reflections. :param experiments: The experiment list :param tolerance: A positive integer specifying border around shoebox :return: The overlap list """ from dials.algorithms.shoebox import OverlapFinder from itertools import groupby # Expand the bbox if necessary if border > 0: x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1 = self["bbox"].parts() x0 -= border x1 += border y0 -= border y1 += border z0 -= border z1 += border bbox = int6(x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1) else: bbox = self["bbox"] # Get the panel and id panel = self["panel"] exp_id = self["id"] # Group according to imageset if experiments is not None: groups = groupby(range(len(experiments)), lambda x: experiments[x].imageset) # Get the experiment ids we're to treat together lookup = {} for j, (key, indices) in enumerate(groups): for i in indices: lookup[i] = j group_id = flex.size_t([lookup[i] for i in self["id"]]) elif "imageset_id" in self: imageset_id = self["imageset_id"] assert imageset_id.all_ge(0) group_id = flex.size_t(list(imageset_id)) else: raise RuntimeError("Either need to supply experiments or have imageset_id") # Create the overlap finder find_overlapping = OverlapFinder() # Find the overlaps overlaps = find_overlapping(group_id, panel, bbox) assert overlaps.num_vertices() == len(self) # Return the overlaps return overlaps
[docs] def compute_shoebox_overlap_fraction(self, overlaps): """ Compute the fraction of shoebox overlapping. :param overlaps: The list of overlaps :return: The fraction of shoebox overlapped with other reflections """ from dials.array_family import flex result = flex.double(len(self)) bbox = self["bbox"] for i in range(len(self)): b1 = bbox[i] xs = b1[1] - b1[0] ys = b1[3] - b1[2] zs = b1[5] - b1[4] assert xs > 0 assert ys > 0 assert zs > 0 mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(zs, ys, xs), False) for edge in overlaps.adjacent_vertices(i): b2 = bbox[edge] x0 = b2[0] - b1[0] x1 = b2[1] - b1[0] y0 = b2[2] - b1[2] y1 = b2[3] - b1[2] z0 = b2[4] - b1[4] z1 = b2[5] - b1[4] if x0 < 0: x0 = 0 if y0 < 0: y0 = 0 if z0 < 0: z0 = 0 if x1 > xs: x1 = xs if y1 > ys: y1 = ys if z1 > zs: z1 = zs assert x1 > x0 assert y1 > y0 assert z1 > z0 m2 = flex.bool(flex.grid(z1 - z0, y1 - y0, x1 - x0), True) mask[z0:z1, y0:y1, x0:x1] = m2 result[i] = (1.0 * mask.count(True)) / mask.size() return result
[docs] def assert_experiment_identifiers_are_consistent(self, experiments=None): """ Check the experiment identifiers """ identifiers = self.experiment_identifiers() if len(identifiers) > 0: values = identifiers.values() assert len(set(values)) == len(values), (len(set(values)), len(values)) if "id" in self: index = set(self["id"]) for i in index: assert i in identifiers.keys(), (i, list(identifiers.keys())) if experiments is not None: if len(identifiers) > 0: assert len(identifiers) == len(experiments), ( len(identifiers), len(experiments), ) assert len(identifiers) == len(set(experiments.identifiers())) for experiment in experiments: assert ( experiment.identifier in identifiers.values() ), experiment.identifier
[docs] def are_experiment_identifiers_consistent(self, experiments=None): """ Check the experiment identifiers """ try: self.assert_experiment_identifiers_are_consistent(experiments) except AssertionError: return False return True
[docs] def compute_miller_indices_in_asu(self, experiments): """ Compute miller indices in the asu """ self["miller_index_asu"] = miller_index(len(self)) for idx, experiment in enumerate(experiments): # Create the crystal symmetry object uc = experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell() sg = experiment.crystal.get_space_group() cs = cctbx.crystal.symmetry(uc, space_group=sg) # Get the selection and compute the miller indices selection = self["id"] == idx h = self["miller_index"].select(selection) ms = miller.set(cs, h) ms_asu = ms.map_to_asu() h_asu = ms_asu.indices() # Set the miller indices self["miller_index_asu"].set_selected(selection, h_asu) return self["miller_index_asu"]
[docs] def select_on_experiment_identifiers(self, list_of_identifiers): """ Given a list of experiment identifiers (strings), perform a selection and return a reflection table with properly configured experiment_identifiers map. """ # First get the reverse of the map i.e. ids for a given exp_identifier id_values = [] for exp_id in list_of_identifiers: for k in self.experiment_identifiers().keys(): if self.experiment_identifiers()[k] == exp_id: id_values.append(k) break if len(id_values) != len(list_of_identifiers): raise KeyError( """Not all requested identifiers found in the table's map, has the experiment_identifiers() map been created? Requested %s: Found %s""" % (list_of_identifiers, id_values) ) # Build up a selection and use this sel = flex.bool(self.size(), False) for id_val, exp_id in zip(id_values, list_of_identifiers): id_sel = self["id"] == id_val sel.set_selected(id_sel, True) self = # Remove entries from the experiment_identifiers map for k in self.experiment_identifiers().keys(): if k not in id_values: del self.experiment_identifiers()[k] return self
[docs] def remove_on_experiment_identifiers(self, list_of_identifiers): """ Remove datasets from the table, given a list of experiment identifiers (strings). """ # First get the reverse of the map i.e. ids for a given exp_identifier assert "id" in self id_values = [] for exp_id in list_of_identifiers: for k in self.experiment_identifiers().keys(): if self.experiment_identifiers()[k] == exp_id: id_values.append(k) break if len(id_values) != len(list_of_identifiers): raise KeyError( """Not all requested identifiers found in the table's map, has the experiment_identifiers() map been created? Requested %s: Found %s""" % (list_of_identifiers, id_values) ) # Now delete the selections, also removing the entry from the map for id_val in id_values: sel = self["id"] == id_val self.del_selected(sel) del self.experiment_identifiers()[id_val] return self
[docs] def clean_experiment_identifiers_map(self): """ Remove any entries from the identifier map that do not have any data in the table. Primarily to call as saving data to give a consistent table and map. """ dataset_ids_in_table = set(self["id"]).difference(set([-1])) dataset_ids_in_map = set(self.experiment_identifiers().keys()) ids_to_remove = dataset_ids_in_map.difference(dataset_ids_in_table) for i in ids_to_remove: del self.experiment_identifiers()[i]
[docs] def reset_ids(self): """ Reset the 'id' column such that the experiment identifiers are numbered 0 .. n-1. """ reverse_map = OrderedDict((v, k) for k, v in self.experiment_identifiers()) orig_id = self["id"].deep_copy() for k in self.experiment_identifiers().keys(): del self.experiment_identifiers()[k] for i_exp, exp_id in enumerate(reverse_map.keys()): sel_exp = orig_id == reverse_map[exp_id] self["id"].set_selected(sel_exp, i_exp) self.experiment_identifiers()[i_exp] = exp_id
[docs]class reflection_table_selector(object): """ A class to select columns from reflection table. This is mainly useful for specifying selections from phil parameters """ def __init__(self, column, op, value): """ Initialise the selector :param col: The column name :param op: The operator :param value: The value """ import operator # Set the column and value self.column = column self.value = value # Set the operator if isinstance(op, str): if op == "<": self.op = elif op == "<=": self.op = operator.le elif op == "==": self.op = operator.eq elif op == "!=": self.op = elif op == ">=": self.op = elif op == ">": self.op = elif op == "&": self.op = operator.and_ else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown operator") else: self.op = op @property def op_string(self): """ Return the operator as a string """ import operator if self.op == string = "<" elif self.op == operator.le: string = "<=" elif self.op == operator.eq: string = "==" elif self.op == string = "!=" elif self.op == string = ">=" elif self.op == string = ">" elif self.op == operator.and_: string = "&" else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown operator") return string def __call__(self, reflections): """ Select the reflections :param reflections: The reflections :return: The selection as a mask """ import __builtin__ if self.column == "intensity.sum.i_over_sigma": I = reflections["intensity.sum.value"] V = reflections["intensity.sum.variance"] mask1 = V > 0 I = V = data = I / flex.sqrt(V) elif self.column == "intensity.prf.i_over_sigma": I = reflections["intensity.prf.value"] V = reflections["intensity.prf.variance"] mask1 = V > 0 I = V = data = I / flex.sqrt(V) else: mask1 = None data = reflections[self.column] if isinstance(data, double): value = __builtin__.float(self.value) elif isinstance(data, int): value = elif isinstance(data, size_t): value = elif isinstance(data, std_string): value = self.value elif isinstance(data, vec3_double): raise RuntimeError("Comparison not implemented") elif isinstance(data, vec2_double): raise RuntimeError("Comparison not implemented") elif isinstance(data, mat3_double): raise RuntimeError("Comparison not implemented") elif isinstance(data, int6): raise RuntimeError("Comparison not implemented") elif isinstance(data, shoebox): raise RuntimeError("Comparison not implemented") else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown column type") mask2 = self.op(data, self.value) if mask1 is not None: mask1.set_selected(size_t(range(len(mask1))).select(mask1), mask2) else: mask1 = mask2 return mask1