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Source code for dials.util.command_line
# Copyright (C) 2013 Diamond Light Source
# Author: James Parkhurst
# This code is distributed under the BSD license, a copy of which is
# included in the root directory of this package.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import time
from dials.util import debug_console
[docs]def parse_range_list_string(string):
"""Parse a string in the following ways:
string: 1, 2, 3 -> [1, 2, 3]
string: 1 - 6 -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
string: 1 - 6, 7, 8, 9 -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
items = string.split(",")
for i in range(len(items)):
items[i] = items[i].split("-")
if len(items[i]) == 1:
items[i] = [int(items[i][0])]
elif len(items[i]) == 2:
items[i] = range(int(items[i][0]), int(items[i][1]) + 1)
raise SyntaxError
items = [item for sublist in items for item in sublist]
return set(items)
interactive_console = debug_console
[docs]class ProgressBarTimer:
""" A simple timer for the progress bar. """
def __init__(self):
""" Init the progress bar timer. """
self._last_time = time.time()
self._last_perc = 0
self._update_period = 0.5
self._n_seconds_left = -1
[docs] def update(self, percent):
""" Update the timer. """
# Get the current time diff between last time
curr_time = time.time()
diff_time = curr_time - self._last_time
# Only update after certain period or at 100%
if percent < 0:
percent = 0
if percent > 100:
percent = 100
if diff_time >= self._update_period or percent >= 100:
# Check the difference in percentage and calculate
# number of seconds remaining
diff_perc = percent - self._last_perc
if diff_perc == 0:
self._n_seconds_left = 0
self._n_seconds_left = diff_time * (100 - percent) / diff_perc
# Return number of seconds
return self._n_seconds_left
[docs]class ProgressBar:
""" A command line progress bar. """
def __init__(
""" Init the progress bar parameters. """
# Set the parameters
self._title = title
self._indent = indent
self._spinner = spinner
self._estimate_time = estimate_time
self._bar = bar
self._length = length
self._timer = ProgressBarTimer()
# Print 0 percent
[docs] def update(self, fpercent):
""" Update the progress bar with a percentage. """
import sys
from math import ceil
# do not update if not a tty
if not sys.stdout.isatty():
# Get integer percentage
percent = int(fpercent)
if percent < 0:
percent = 0
if percent > 100:
percent = 100
# Add a percentage counter
right_str = ""
left_str = ""
if sys.stdout.isatty():
left_str = "\r"
left_str += " " * self._indent
# Add a title if given
if self._title:
left_str += self._title + ": "
left_str += "{0: >3}%".format(percent)
# Add a spinner
if self._spinner:
left_str += " "
left_str += "[ {0} ]".format("-\|/"[percent % 4])
# Add a timer
if self._estimate_time:
n_seconds_left = self._timer.update(fpercent)
if n_seconds_left < 0:
n_seconds_left = "?"
n_seconds_left = int(ceil(n_seconds_left))
right_str = " " + "est: {0}s".format(n_seconds_left) + right_str
# Add a bar
if self._bar:
bar_length = self._length - (len(left_str) + len(right_str)) - 5
n_char = int(percent * bar_length / 100)
n_space = bar_length - n_char
left_str += " "
left_str += "[ {0}>{1} ]".format("=" * n_char, " " * n_space)
# Append strings
progress_str = left_str + right_str
# Print progress string to stdout
[docs] def finished(self, string=None):
""" The progress bar is finished. """
if string:
self._title = string
string = ""
""" Print the 'end of comand' string."""
from sys import stdout
if self._estimate_time:
# Get the time string
time_string = "{0:.2f}s".format(self._timer.get_elapsed_time())
# Truncate the string
max_length = self._length - self._indent - len(time_string) - 1
string = string[:max_length]
# Add an indent and a load of dots and then the time string
dot_length = 1 + max_length - len(string)
string = (" " * self._indent) + string
string = string + "." * (dot_length)
string = string + time_string
# Truncate the string
max_length = self._length - self._indent
string = string[:max_length]
# Add a load of dots
dot_length = max_length - len(string)
string = (" " * self._indent) + string
string = string + "." * (dot_length)
# Write the string to stdout
if stdout.isatty():
string = "\r" + string + "\n"
string = string + "\n"
[docs]class Command(object):
"""Class to nicely print out a command with timing info."""
# Variables available in class methods
indent = 0
max_length = 80
print_time = True
[docs] @classmethod
def start(cls, string):
""" Print the 'start command' string."""
from sys import stdout
# from termcolor import colored
# Get the command start time
cls._start_time = time.time()
# do not output if not a tty
if not stdout.isatty():
# Truncate the string to the maximum length
max_length = cls.max_length - cls.indent - 3
string = string[:max_length]
string = (" " * cls.indent) + string + "..."
# Write the string to stdout
[docs] @classmethod
def end(cls, string):
""" Print the 'end of command' string."""
from sys import stdout
# from termcolor import colored
# Check if we want to print the time or not
if cls.print_time:
# Get the time string
time_string = "{0:.2f}s".format(time.time() - cls._start_time)
# Truncate the string
max_length = cls.max_length - cls.indent - len(time_string) - 1
string = string[:max_length]
# Add an indent and a load of dots and then the time string
dot_length = 1 + max_length - len(string)
string = (" " * cls.indent) + string
string = string + "." * (dot_length)
string = string + time_string
# Truncate the string
max_length = cls.max_length - cls.indent
string = string[:max_length]
# Add a load of dots
dot_length = max_length - len(string)
string = (" " * cls.indent) + string
string = string + "." * (dot_length)
# Write the string to stdout
if stdout.isatty():
string = "\r" + string + "\n"
string = string + "\n"
import termcolor
except ImportError:
termcolor = None
[docs]def coloured(text, *args, **kwargs):
import sys
if not sys.stdout.isatty() or termcolor is None:
return text
return termcolor.colored(text, *args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
p = ProgressBar()
for j in range(100):
Command.start("Starting to do a command")
Command.end("Ending the command")