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Source code for dials.util.options

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import sys
import os
import itertools
import optparse
import pickle
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple

from orderedset import OrderedSet

    import cPickle

    pickle_errors = pickle.UnpicklingError, cPickle.UnpicklingError
except ImportError:
    pickle_errors = (pickle.UnpicklingError,)

import libtbx.phil
from dials.util import Sorry

tolerance_phil_scope = libtbx.phil.parse(
    .help = "Tolerances used to determine shared models"
    .expert_level = 2

  beam {

    wavelength = 1e-6
      .type = float(value_min=0.0)
      .help = "The wavelength tolerance"

    direction = 1e-6
      .type = float(value_min=0.0)
      .help = "The direction tolerance"

    polarization_normal = 1e-6
      .type = float(value_min=0.0)
      .help = "The polarization normal tolerance"

    polarization_fraction = 1e-6
      .type = float(value_min=0.0)
      .help = "The polarization fraction tolerance"


  detector {

    fast_axis = 1e-6
      .type = float(value_min=0.0)
      .help = "The fast axis tolerance"

    slow_axis = 1e-6
      .type = float(value_min=0.0)
      .help = "The slow axis tolerance"

    origin = 5e-2
      .type = float(value_min=0.0)
      .help = "The origin tolerance"


  goniometer {

    rotation_axis = 1e-6
      .type = float(value_min=0.0)
      .help = "The rotation axis tolerance"

    fixed_rotation = 1e-6
      .type = float(value_min=0.0)
      .help = "The fixed rotation tolerance"

    setting_rotation = 1e-6
      .type = float(value_min=0.0)
      .help = "The setting rotation tolerance"


  scan {

    oscillation = 0.01
      .type = float(value_min=0.0)
      .help = "The oscillation tolerance for the scan"


geometry_phil_scope = libtbx.phil.parse(
  .help = "Allow overrides of experimental geometry"
  .expert_level = 2
  include scope dxtbx.model.beam.beam_phil_scope
  include scope dxtbx.model.detector.detector_phil_scope
  include scope dxtbx.model.goniometer.goniometer_phil_scope
  include scope dxtbx.model.scan.scan_phil_scope

  convert_stills_to_sweeps = False
    .type = bool
    .help = "When overriding the scan, convert stills into sweeps"
    .short_caption = "Convert stills into sweeps"

  convert_sweeps_to_stills = False
    .type = bool
    .help = "When overriding the scan, convert sweeps into stills"
    .short_caption = "Convert sweeps into stills"

format_phil_scope = libtbx.phil.parse(
  .help = "Options to pass to the Format class"
  .expert_level = 2
  dynamic_shadowing = auto
    .type = bool
    .help = "Enable dynamic shadowing"
  multi_panel = False
    .type = bool
    .help = "Enable a multi-panel detector model."
            "(Not supported by all detector formats)"

[docs]class ConfigWriter(object): """Class to write configuration to file.""" def __init__(self, master_phil): """ Initialise with the master phil. :param master_phil: The master phil scope """ self._master_phil = master_phil
[docs] def write(self, params, filename): """ Write the configuration to file. :param params: The input phil parameters :param filename: The output filename """ # Get the modified phil modified_phil = self._master_phil.format(python_object=params) # Get the phil as text text = modified_phil.as_str() # Write the text to file with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(text)
# Simple tuple to hold basic information on why an argument failed ArgumentHandlingErrorInfo = namedtuple( "ArgumentHandlingErrorInfo", ["name", "validation", "message", "traceback", "type", "exception"], )
[docs]class Importer(object): """ A class to import the command line arguments. """ def __init__( self, args, read_datablocks=False, read_experiments=False, read_reflections=False, read_datablocks_from_images=False, check_format=True, verbose=False, compare_beam=None, compare_detector=None, compare_goniometer=None, scan_tolerance=None, format_kwargs=None, ): """ Parse the arguments. Populates its instance attributes in an intelligent way from the arguments in args. If include is set, only those items set will be tried. If not, then if exclude is set, then those items will not be tested. These are the types we can import: - images: a list of images - reflections : a list of reflections - datablocks : a list of datablocks - experiments: a list of experiments :param args: The arguments to parse :param read_datablocks: Try to read the datablocks :param read_experiments: Try to read the experiments :param read_reflections: Try to read the reflections :param read_datablocks_from_images: Try to read the datablocks from images :param check_format: Check the format when reading images :param verbose: True/False print out some stuff """ # Initialise output self.datablocks = [] self.experiments = [] self.reflections = [] self.unhandled = args # Keep track of any errors whilst handling arguments self.handling_errors = defaultdict(list) # First try to read image files if read_datablocks_from_images: self.unhandled = self.try_read_datablocks_from_images( self.unhandled, verbose, compare_beam, compare_detector, compare_goniometer, scan_tolerance, format_kwargs, ) # Second try to read data block files if read_datablocks: self.unhandled = self.try_read_datablocks( self.unhandled, check_format, verbose ) # Third try to read experiment files if read_experiments: self.unhandled = self.try_read_experiments( self.unhandled, check_format, verbose ) # Fourth try to read reflection files if read_reflections: self.unhandled = self.try_read_reflections(self.unhandled, verbose) def _handle_converter_error(self, argument, exception, type, validation=False): "Record information about errors that occured processing an argument" self.handling_errors[argument].append( ArgumentHandlingErrorInfo( name=argument, validation=validation, message=str(exception), traceback=traceback.format_exc(), type=type, exception=exception, ) )
[docs] def try_read_datablocks_from_images( self, args, verbose, compare_beam, compare_detector, compare_goniometer, scan_tolerance, format_kwargs, ): """ Try to import images. :param args: The input arguments :param verbose: Print verbose output :return: Unhandled arguments """ from dxtbx.datablock import DataBlockFactory from dials.util.phil import FilenameDataWrapper, DataBlockConverters from glob import glob # If filenames contain wildcards, expand args_new = [] for arg in args: if "*" in arg: args_new.extend(glob(arg)) else: args_new.append(arg) args = args_new unhandled = [] datablocks = DataBlockFactory.from_filenames( args, verbose=verbose, unhandled=unhandled, compare_beam=compare_beam, compare_detector=compare_detector, compare_goniometer=compare_goniometer, scan_tolerance=scan_tolerance, format_kwargs=format_kwargs, ) if len(datablocks) > 0: filename = "<image files>" obj = FilenameDataWrapper(filename, datablocks) DataBlockConverters.cache[filename] = obj self.datablocks.append(obj) return unhandled
[docs] def try_read_datablocks(self, args, check_format, verbose): """ Try to import imagesets. :param args: The input arguments :param check_format: True/False check the image format :param verbose: Print verbose output :returns: Unhandled arguments """ from dials.util.phil import DataBlockConverters from dxtbx.datablock import InvalidDataBlockError converter = DataBlockConverters(check_format) unhandled = [] for argument in args: try: self.datablocks.append(converter.from_string(argument)) except InvalidDataBlockError as e: unhandled.append(argument) self._handle_converter_error( argument, e, type="DataBlock", validation=True ) except Exception as e: self._handle_converter_error(argument, e, type="DataBlock") unhandled.append(argument) return unhandled
[docs] def try_read_experiments(self, args, check_format, verbose): """ Try to import experiments. :param args: The input arguments :param check_format: True/False check the image format :param verbose: Print verbose output :returns: Unhandled arguments """ from dials.util.phil import ExperimentListConverters from dxtbx.model.experiment_list import InvalidExperimentListError converter = ExperimentListConverters(check_format) unhandled = [] for argument in args: try: self.experiments.append(converter.from_string(argument)) except InvalidExperimentListError as e: # This is a validation-related error: The file appears not to be in the correct format self._handle_converter_error( argument, e, type="ExperimentList", validation=True ) unhandled.append(argument) except Exception as e: self._handle_converter_error(argument, e, type="ExperimentList") unhandled.append(argument) return unhandled
[docs] def try_read_reflections(self, args, verbose): """Try to import reflections. :param args: The input arguments :param verbose: Print verbose output :returns: Unhandled arguments """ from dials.util.phil import ReflectionTableConverters converter = ReflectionTableConverters() unhandled = [] for argument in args: try: self.reflections.append(converter.from_string(argument)) except pickle_errors as e: self._handle_converter_error( argument, pickle.UnpicklingError("Appears to be an invalid pickle file"), type="Reflections", validation=True, ) unhandled.append(argument) except Exception as e: self._handle_converter_error(argument, e, type="Reflections") unhandled.append(argument) return unhandled
[docs]class PhilCommandParser(object): """ A class to parse phil parameters from positional arguments """ def __init__( self, phil=None, read_datablocks=False, read_experiments=False, read_reflections=False, read_datablocks_from_images=False, check_format=True, ): """ Initialise the parser. :param phil: The phil scope :param read_datablocks: Try to read the datablocks :param read_experiments: Try to read the experiments :param read_reflections: Try to read the reflections :param read_datablocks_from_images: Try to read the datablocks from images :param check_format: Check the format when reading images """ from dials.util.phil import parse # Set the system phil scope if phil is None: self._system_phil = parse("") else: self._system_phil = phil # Set the flags self._read_datablocks = read_datablocks self._read_experiments = read_experiments self._read_reflections = read_reflections self._read_datablocks_from_images = read_datablocks_from_images self._check_format = check_format # Adopt the input scope input_phil_scope = self._generate_input_scope() if input_phil_scope is not None: self.system_phil.adopt_scope(input_phil_scope) # Set the working phil scope self._phil = self.system_phil.fetch(source=parse("")) @property def phil(self): """ Get the phil object :return: The phil scope """ return self._phil @property def system_phil(self): """ Get the system phil. :return: The system phil scope """ return self._system_phil @property def diff_phil(self): """ Get the diff phil. :return: The difference phil scope """ return self.system_phil.fetch_diff(source=self.phil)
[docs] def parse_args( self, args, verbose=False, return_unhandled=False, quick_parse=False ): """ Parse the command line arguments. :param args: The input arguments :param verbose: Print verbose output :param return_unhandled: True/False also return unhandled arguments :param quick_parse: Return as fast as possible and without reading any data, ignoring class constructor options. :return: The options and parameters and (optionally) unhandled arguments """ from dxtbx.datablock import BeamComparison from dxtbx.datablock import DetectorComparison from dxtbx.datablock import GoniometerComparison from dials.util.phil import parse # Parse the command line phil parameters user_phils = [] unhandled = [] interpretor = self.system_phil.command_line_argument_interpreter() for arg in args: if os.path.isfile(arg) and os.path.getsize(arg) > 0: name, ext = os.path.splitext(arg) if ext in [".phil", ".param", ".params", ".eff", ".def"]: try: user_phils.append(parse(file_name=arg)) except Exception: if return_unhandled: unhandled.append(arg) else: raise else: unhandled.append(arg) elif arg.find("=") >= 0: try: user_phils.append(interpretor.process_arg(arg=arg)) except Exception: if return_unhandled: unhandled.append(arg) else: raise else: unhandled.append(arg) # Fetch the phil parameters self._phil, unused = self.system_phil.fetch( sources=user_phils, track_unused_definitions=True ) # Print if bad definitions if len(unused) > 0: msg = [item.object.as_str().strip() for item in unused] msg = "\n".join([" %s" % line for line in msg]) raise RuntimeError( "The following definitions were not recognised\n%s" % msg ) # Extract the parameters params = self._phil.extract() # Stop at this point if quick_parse is set. A second pass may be needed. if quick_parse: return params, unhandled # Create some comparison functions if self._read_datablocks_from_images: compare_beam = BeamComparison( wavelength_tolerance=params.input.tolerance.beam.wavelength, direction_tolerance=params.input.tolerance.beam.direction, polarization_normal_tolerance=params.input.tolerance.beam.polarization_normal, polarization_fraction_tolerance=params.input.tolerance.beam.polarization_fraction, ) compare_detector = DetectorComparison( fast_axis_tolerance=params.input.tolerance.detector.fast_axis, slow_axis_tolerance=params.input.tolerance.detector.slow_axis, origin_tolerance=params.input.tolerance.detector.origin, ) compare_goniometer = GoniometerComparison( rotation_axis_tolerance=params.input.tolerance.goniometer.rotation_axis, fixed_rotation_tolerance=params.input.tolerance.goniometer.fixed_rotation, setting_rotation_tolerance=params.input.tolerance.goniometer.setting_rotation, ) scan_tolerance = params.input.tolerance.scan.oscillation # FIXME Should probably make this smarter since it requires editing here # and in dials.import phil scope try: format_kwargs = { "dynamic_shadowing": params.format.dynamic_shadowing, "multi_panel": params.format.multi_panel, } except Exception: format_kwargs = None else: compare_beam = None compare_detector = None compare_goniometer = None scan_tolerance = None format_kwargs = None # Try to import everything importer = Importer( unhandled, read_datablocks=self._read_datablocks, read_experiments=self._read_experiments, read_reflections=self._read_reflections, read_datablocks_from_images=self._read_datablocks_from_images, check_format=self._check_format, verbose=verbose, compare_beam=compare_beam, compare_detector=compare_detector, compare_goniometer=compare_goniometer, scan_tolerance=scan_tolerance, format_kwargs=format_kwargs, ) # Grab a copy of the errors that occured in case the caller wants them self.handling_errors = importer.handling_errors # Add the cached arguments for obj in importer.datablocks: params.input.datablock.append(obj) for obj in importer.experiments: params.input.experiments.append(obj) for obj in importer.reflections: params.input.reflections.append(obj) # Convert to phil self._phil = self.system_phil.format(python_object=params) return params, importer.unhandled
def _generate_input_scope(self): """ Generate the required input scope. :return: The input phil scope """ from dials.util.phil import parse # Create the input scope require_input_scope = ( self._read_datablocks or self._read_experiments or self._read_reflections or self._read_datablocks_from_images ) if not require_input_scope: return None input_phil_scope = parse("input {}") main_scope = input_phil_scope.get_without_substitution("input") assert len(main_scope) == 1 main_scope = main_scope[0] # Add the datablock phil scope if self._read_datablocks or self._read_datablocks_from_images: phil_scope = parse( """ datablock = None .type = datablock(check_format=%r) .multiple = True .help = "The datablock file path" """ % self._check_format ) main_scope.adopt_scope(phil_scope) # If reading images, add some more parameters if self._read_datablocks_from_images: main_scope.adopt_scope(tolerance_phil_scope) # Add the experiments phil scope if self._read_experiments: phil_scope = parse( """ experiments = None .type = experiment_list(check_format=%r) .multiple = True .help = "The experiment list file path" """ % self._check_format ) main_scope.adopt_scope(phil_scope) # Add the reflections scope if self._read_reflections: phil_scope = parse( """ reflections = None .type = reflection_table .multiple = True .help = "The reflection table file path" """ ) main_scope.adopt_scope(phil_scope) # Return the input scope return input_phil_scope
[docs]class OptionParserBase(optparse.OptionParser, object): """ The base class for the option parser. """ def __init__(self, config_options=False, sort_options=False, **kwargs): """ Initialise the class. :param config_options: True/False show configuration options :param sort_options: True/False show argument sorting options """ # Initialise the option parser super(OptionParserBase, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Add an option to show configuration parameters if config_options: self.add_option( "-c", "--show-config", action="store_true", default=False, dest="show_config", help="Show the configuration parameters.", ) self.add_option( "-a", "--attributes-level", default=0, type="int", dest="attributes_level", help="Set the attributes level for showing configuration parameters", ) self.add_option( "-e", "--expert-level", type="int", default=0, dest="expert_level", help="Set the expert level for showing configuration parameters", ) self.add_option( "--export-autocomplete-hints", action="store_true", default=False, dest="export_autocomplete_hints", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, ) # Add an option to sort if sort_options: self.add_option( "-s", "--sort", action="store_true", dest="sort", default=False, help="Sort the arguments", ) # Set a verbosity parameter self.add_option( "-v", action="count", default=0, dest="verbose", help="Increase verbosity" ) # Add an option for PHIL file to parse - PHIL files passed as # positional arguments are also read but this allows the user to # explicitly specify STDIN self.add_option( "--phil", action="append", metavar="FILE", help="PHIL files to read. Pass '-' for STDIN. Can be specified multiple times, but duplicates ignored.", )
[docs] def parse_args(self, args=None, quick_parse=False): """ Parse the command line arguments and get system configuration. :param args: The arguments to parse. :returns: The options and phil parameters """ # Parse the command line arguments, this will separate out # options (e.g. -o, --option) and positional arguments, in # which phil options will be included. options, args = super(OptionParserBase, self).parse_args(args=args) # Read any argument-specified PHIL file. Ignore duplicates. if options.phil: for philfile in OrderedSet(options.phil): # Should we read STDIN? if philfile == "-": lines = sys.stdin.readlines() else: # Otherwise, assume we've been given a path with open(philfile) as phil_input: lines = phil_input.readlines() # Add these to the unparsed argument list args.extend(l.strip() for l in lines) # Maybe sort the data if hasattr(options, "sort") and options.sort: args = sorted(args) # Return the parameters return options, args
[docs] def format_epilog(self, formatter): """ Don't do formatting on epilog. """ if self.epilog is None: return "" return self.epilog
[docs]class OptionParser(OptionParserBase): """A class to parse command line options and get the system configuration. The class extends optparse.OptionParser to include the reading of phil parameters.""" def __init__( self, phil=None, read_datablocks=False, read_experiments=False, read_reflections=False, read_datablocks_from_images=False, check_format=True, sort_options=False, **kwargs ): """ Initialise the class. :param phil: The phil scope :param read_datablocks: Try to read the datablocks :param read_experiments: Try to read the experiments :param read_reflections: Try to read the reflections :param read_datablocks_from_images: Try to read the datablocks from images :param check_format: Check the format when reading images :param sort_options: Show argument sorting options """ # Create the phil parser self._phil_parser = PhilCommandParser( phil=phil, read_datablocks=read_datablocks, read_experiments=read_experiments, read_reflections=read_reflections, read_datablocks_from_images=read_datablocks_from_images, check_format=check_format, ) # Initialise the option parser super(OptionParser, self).__init__( sort_options=sort_options, config_options=self.system_phil.as_str() != "", **kwargs )
[docs] def parse_args( self, args=None, show_diff_phil=False, return_unhandled=False, ignore_unhandled=False, quick_parse=False, ): """ Parse the command line arguments and get system configuration. :param args: The input arguments :param show_diff_phil: True/False Print the diff phil :param return_unhandled: True/False return unhandled arguments :param ignore_unhandled: True/False ignore unhandled arguments if return_unhandled is False :param quick_parse: Return as fast as possible and without reading any data, ignoring class constructor options :return: The options and phil parameters """ # Parse the command line arguments, this will separate out # options (e.g. -o, --option) and positional arguments, in # which phil options will be included. options, args = super(OptionParser, self).parse_args( args=args, quick_parse=quick_parse ) # Show config if hasattr(options, "show_config") and options.show_config: print( "Showing configuration parameters with:\n" " attributes_level = %d\n" " expert_level = %d\n" % (options.attributes_level, options.expert_level) ) print( self.phil.as_str( expert_level=options.expert_level, attributes_level=options.attributes_level, ) ) exit(0) if ( hasattr(options, "export_autocomplete_hints") and options.export_autocomplete_hints ): self._export_autocomplete_hints() exit(0) # Parse the phil parameters params, args = self._phil_parser.parse_args( args, options.verbose > 0, return_unhandled=return_unhandled, quick_parse=quick_parse, ) # Print the diff phil if show_diff_phil: diff_phil_str = self.diff_phil.as_str() if diff_phil_str is not "": print("The following parameters have been modified:\n") print(diff_phil_str) # Return the parameters if return_unhandled: return params, options, args elif len(args) > 0 and not quick_parse: # Handle printing any messages to diagnose unhandled arguments msg = self._warn_about_unhandled_args(args, verbosity=options.verbose) if ignore_unhandled: print(msg) else: raise Sorry(msg) return params, options
def _warn_about_unhandled_args(self, unhandled, verbosity=0): """ Generate any messages about unhandled arguments. This separates errors by validation/non-validation related, and only gives the user validation information if there's no other reason (or asked for verbose output). :param unhandled: List of unhandled arguments :param verbosity: The output verbosity determined during parsing :returns: A formatted information string """ msg = [] msg.append("Unable to handle the following arguments:") # If we have any detailed information about why any of the # arguments weren't processed, give this to the user for arg in [x for x in unhandled if x in self._phil_parser.handling_errors]: # Split the reasons for unhandling into validation, non-validation non_valid = [ x for x in self._phil_parser.handling_errors[arg] if not x.validation ] valid = [x for x in self._phil_parser.handling_errors[arg] if x.validation] # If we have non-validation-related errors, these are more important for _, err in itertools.groupby(non_valid, key=lambda x: x.message): err = list(err) # Grouping the errors by message lets us avoid repeating messages if len(err) > 1: msg.append( ' "{}" failed repeatedly during processing:\n{}\n'.format( arg, " " + err[0].message ) ) elif isinstance(err[0].exception, Sorry): msg.append( ' "{}" failed during {} processing:\n {}\n'.format( arg, err[0].type, err[0].message ) ) else: msg.append( ' "{}" failed during {} processing:\n{}\n'.format( arg, err[0].type, "\n".join( " " + x for x in err[0].traceback.splitlines() ), ) ) # Otherwise (or if asked for verbosity), list the validation errors if valid and (not non_valid or verbosity): msg.append( " {} did not appear to conform to any{} expected format:".format( arg, " other" if non_valid else " " ) ) slen = max(len(x.type) for x in valid) for err in valid: msg.append( " - {} {}".format( "{}:".format(err.type).ljust(slen + 1), err.message ) ) return "\n".join(msg) @property def phil(self): """ Get the phil object :returns: The phil scope """ return self._phil_parser.phil @property def system_phil(self): """ Get the system phil. :returns: The system phil scope """ return self._phil_parser.system_phil @property def diff_phil(self): """ Get the diff phil. :returns: The diff phil scope """ return self._phil_parser.diff_phil def _strip_rst_markup(self, text): """ Strip rst markup :param text: The text to strip :return: The stripped text """ return text.replace("::", ":")
[docs] def format_help(self, formatter=None): """ Format the help string :param formatter: The formatter to use :return: The formatted help text """ result = super(OptionParser, self).format_help(formatter=formatter) return self._strip_rst_markup(result)
def _export_autocomplete_hints(self): # complete list of all parameters parameter_list = [] # short name -> full name expansion for unique names parameter_expansion_list = {} # full name -> list of flags for choice parameters parameter_choice_list = {} for d in self.phil.all_definitions(): # Create complete list of all parameters parameter_list.append(d.path) # Create expansion (alias) list for unique names that are not expert commands if ( not in parameter_expansion_list and d.object.expert_level is None and d.parent.expert_level is None ): parameter_expansion_list[] = d.path else: parameter_expansion_list[] = None # Extract parameter choice lists if d.object.type.phil_type == "choice": parameter_choice_list[d.path] = [ w[1:] if w.startswith("*") else w for w in (str(x) for x in d.object.words) ] elif d.object.type.phil_type == "bool": parameter_choice_list[d.path] = ["true", "false"] def construct_completion_tree(paths): """ Construct a tree of parameters, grouped by common prefixes """ # Split parameter paths at '.' character paths = [p.split(".", 1) for p in paths] # Identify all names that are directly on this level # or represent parameter groups with a common prefix top_elements = {"%s%s" % (x[0], "=" if len(x) == 1 else ".") for x in paths} # Partition all names that are further down the tree by their prefix subpaths = {} for p in paths: if len(p) > 1: if p[0] not in subpaths: subpaths[p[0]] = [] subpaths[p[0]].append(p[1]) # If there are prefixes with only one name beneath them, put them on the top level for s in list(subpaths.keys()): if len(subpaths[s]) == 1: top_elements.remove("%s." % s) top_elements.add("%s.%s=" % (s, subpaths[s][0])) del subpaths[s] result = {"": top_elements} # Revursively process each group for n, x in subpaths.items(): result[n] = construct_completion_tree(x) return result print("function _dials_autocomplete_flags ()") print("{") print(' case "$1" in') for p in parameter_choice_list.keys(): print("\n %s)" % p) print( ' _dials_autocomplete_values="%s";;' % " ".join(parameter_choice_list[p]) ) print("\n *)") print(' _dials_autocomplete_values="";;') print(" esac") print("}") print("function _dials_autocomplete_expansion ()") print("{") print(' case "$1" in') for p, exp in parameter_expansion_list.items(): if exp is not None: print("\n %s=)" % p) print(' _dials_autocomplete_values="%s=";;' % exp) print("\n *)") print(' _dials_autocomplete_values="";;') print(" esac") print("}") tree = construct_completion_tree(parameter_list) def _tree_to_bash(prefix, tree): for subkey in tree.keys(): if subkey != "": _tree_to_bash(prefix + subkey + ".", tree[subkey]) print("\n %s*)" % (prefix + subkey + ".")) print( ' _dials_autocomplete_values="%s";;' % " ".join( sorted( [prefix + subkey + "." + x for x in tree[subkey][""]] ) ) ) print("function _dials_autocomplete_hints ()") print("{") print(' case "$1" in') _tree_to_bash("", tree) toplevelset = tree[""] | set( [p + "=" for p, exp in parameter_expansion_list.items() if exp is not None] ) print("\n *)") print(' _dials_autocomplete_values="%s";;' % " ".join(sorted(toplevelset))) print(" esac") print("}")
[docs]def flatten_reflections(filename_object_list): """ Flatten a list of reflections tables :param filename_object_list: The parameter item :return: The flattened reflection table """ return [ for o in filename_object_list]
[docs]def flatten_datablocks(filename_object_list): """ Flatten a list of datablocks :param filename_object_list: The parameter item :return: The flattened list of datablocks """ result = [] for o in filename_object_list: result.extend( return result
[docs]def flatten_experiments(filename_object_list): """ Flatten a list of experiment lists :param filename_object_list: The parameter item :return: The flattened experiment lists """ from dxtbx.model.experiment_list import ExperimentList result = ExperimentList() for o in filename_object_list: result.extend( return result