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Source code for dxtbx.serialize.load

#!/usr/bin/env python
#  Copyright (C) 2013 Diamond Light Source
#  Author: James Parkhurst
#  This code is distributed under the BSD license, a copy of which is
#  included in the root directory of this package.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

def _decode_list(data):
    """Decode a list to str from unicode. """
    rv = []
    for item in data:
        if isinstance(item, unicode):
            item = item.encode("utf-8")
        elif isinstance(item, list):
            item = _decode_list(item)
        elif isinstance(item, dict):
            item = _decode_dict(item)
    return rv

def _decode_dict(data):
    """ Decode a dict to str from unicode. """
    rv = {}
    for key, value in data.iteritems():
        if isinstance(key, unicode):
            key = key.encode("utf-8")
        if isinstance(value, unicode):
            value = value.encode("utf-8")
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            value = _decode_list(value)
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            value = _decode_dict(value)
        rv[key] = value
    return rv

[docs]def imageset_from_string(string, directory=None): """Load the string and return the models. Params: string The JSON string to load Returns: The models """ import json from dxtbx.serialize.imageset import imageset_from_dict return imageset_from_dict( json.loads(string, object_hook=_decode_dict), directory=directory )
[docs]def imageset(filename): """Load the given JSON file. Params: infile The input filename Returns: The models """ from os.path import abspath, dirname # If the input is a string then open and read from that file filename = abspath(filename) directory = dirname(filename) with open(filename, "r") as infile: return imageset_from_string(, directory=directory)
[docs]def datablock(filename, check_format=True): """Load a given JSON or pickle file. Params: filename The input filename Returns: The datablock """ from dxtbx.datablock import DataBlockFactory return DataBlockFactory.from_serialized_format(filename, check_format=check_format)
[docs]def crystal(infile): """Load the given JSON file. Params: infile The input filename or file object Returns: The models """ import json from dxtbx.model.crystal import CrystalFactory # If the input is a string then open and read from that file if isinstance(infile, str): with open(infile, "r") as infile: return CrystalFactory.from_dict(json.loads( # Otherwise assume the input is a file and read from it else: return CrystalFactory.from_dict(json.loads(
[docs]def experiment_list(infile, check_format=True): """ Load an experiment list from a serialzied format. """ from dxtbx.model.experiment_list import ExperimentListFactory return ExperimentListFactory.from_serialized_format( infile, check_format=check_format )