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Source code for dxtbx.serialize.xds

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import sys
from scitbx import matrix
from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_helpers import align_reference_frame
from dxtbx.model.detector_helpers_types import detector_helpers_types

[docs]def to_imageset(input_filename, extra_filename=None): """Get an image set from the xds input filename plus an extra filename Params: input_filename The XDS.INP file extra_filename A (G)XPARM.XDS, INTGRATE.HKL or XDS_ASCII.HKL file Returns: The imageset """ from iotbx.xds import xds_inp from dxtbx.imageset import ImageSetFactory import dxtbx # Read the input filename handle = xds_inp.reader() handle.read_file(input_filename) # Get the template template = handle.name_template_of_data_frames[0].replace("?", "#") if template.endswith("h5"): template = template.replace("######", "master") image_range = handle.data_range detector_name = handle.detector if extra_filename is not None: # we can get all the extra dxtbx models from extra_filename check_format = False else: # we need the image files present to get the dxtbx models check_format = True # If an extra filename has been specified, try to load models if extra_filename: models = dxtbx.load(extra_filename) detector = models.get_detector() if detector_name.strip() in ("PILATUS", "EIGER") or handle.silicon is not None: from dxtbx.model import ParallaxCorrectedPxMmStrategy from cctbx.eltbx import attenuation_coefficient if handle.silicon is None: table = attenuation_coefficient.get_table("Si") wavelength = models.get_beam().get_wavelength() mu = table.mu_at_angstrom(wavelength) / 10.0 else: mu = handle.silicon t0 = handle.sensor_thickness for panel in detector: panel.set_px_mm_strategy(ParallaxCorrectedPxMmStrategy(mu, t0)) panel.set_trusted_range( (handle.minimum_valid_pixel_value, handle.overload) ) beam = models.get_beam() detector = models.get_detector() goniometer = models.get_goniometer() scan = models.get_scan() scan.set_image_range(image_range) else: beam = None detector = None goniometer = None scan = None # Create the imageset imageset = ImageSetFactory.from_template( template, image_range=image_range, check_format=check_format, beam=beam, detector=detector, goniometer=goniometer, scan=scan, )[0] # Return the imageset return imageset
[docs]def to_crystal(filename): """Get the crystal model from the xparm file Params: filename The xparm/or integrate filename Return: The crystal model """ from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import coordinate_frame_converter from cctbx.sgtbx import space_group, space_group_symbols # Get the real space coordinate frame cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(filename) real_space_a = cfc.get("real_space_a") real_space_b = cfc.get("real_space_b") real_space_c = cfc.get("real_space_c") sg = cfc.get("space_group_number") space_group = space_group(space_group_symbols(sg).hall()) mosaicity = cfc.get("mosaicity") # Return the crystal model if mosaicity is None: from dxtbx.model import Crystal crystal = Crystal( real_space_a=real_space_a, real_space_b=real_space_b, real_space_c=real_space_c, space_group=space_group, ) else: from dxtbx.model import MosaicCrystalKabsch2010 crystal = MosaicCrystalKabsch2010( real_space_a=real_space_a, real_space_b=real_space_b, real_space_c=real_space_c, space_group=space_group, ) crystal.set_mosaicity(mosaicity) return crystal
[docs]def xds_detector_name(dxtbx_name): """Translate from a xia2 name from the detector library to an XDS detector name.""" # if "pilatus" in dxtbx_name: return "PILATUS" if "eiger" in dxtbx_name: return "PILATUS" if "rayonix" in dxtbx_name: return "CCDCHESS" if "adsc" in dxtbx_name: return "ADSC" if "holton" in dxtbx_name: return "ADSC" if "saturn" in dxtbx_name: return "SATURN" if "raxis" in dxtbx_name: return "RAXIS" if "mar-345" in dxtbx_name: return "MAR345" if "mar" in dxtbx_name: return "MAR" if "unknown" in dxtbx_name: return "ADSC" raise RuntimeError("detector %s unknown" % dxtbx_name)
[docs]class to_xds(object): """A class to export contents of a Sweep as XDS.INP or XPARM.XDS.""" def __init__(self, sweep): self._sweep = sweep # detector dimensions in pixels self.detector_size = map( int, ( max( panel.get_raw_image_offset()[0] + panel.get_image_size()[0] for panel in self.get_detector() ), max( panel.get_raw_image_offset()[1] + panel.get_image_size()[1] for panel in self.get_detector() ), ), ), self.slow = self.detector_size if len(self.get_detector()) > 1: fast = self.get_detector()[0].get_parent_fast_axis() slow = self.get_detector()[0].get_parent_slow_axis() Rd = align_reference_frame(fast, (1, 0, 0), slow, (0, 1, 0)) origin = Rd * matrix.col(self.get_detector()[0].get_parent_origin()) else: fast = self.get_detector()[0].get_fast_axis() slow = self.get_detector()[0].get_slow_axis() Rd = align_reference_frame(fast, (1, 0, 0), slow, (0, 1, 0)) origin = Rd * matrix.col(self.get_detector()[0].get_origin()) self.detector_x_axis = (Rd * matrix.col(fast)).elems self.detector_y_axis = (Rd * matrix.col(slow)).elems F = Rd * matrix.col(fast) S = Rd * matrix.col(slow) N = F.cross(S) self.detector_normal = N.elems self.pixel_size = self.get_detector()[ 0 ].get_pixel_size() # assume all panels same pixel size centre = -(origin - * N) x = y = f, s = self.pixel_size self.detector_distance = # Need to add 0.5 because XDS seems to do centroids in fortran coords self.detector_origin = (x / f + 0.5, y / f + 0.5) self.imagecif_to_xds_transformation_matrix = Rd self.panel_limits = [] self.panel_x_axis = [] self.panel_y_axis = [] self.panel_origin = [] self.panel_distance = [] self.panel_normal = [] for panel_id, panel in enumerate(self.get_detector()): f = Rd * matrix.col(panel.get_fast_axis()) s = Rd * matrix.col(panel.get_slow_axis()) n = f.cross(s) xmin, ymin = panel.get_raw_image_offset() xmax = xmin + panel.get_image_size()[0] ymax = ymin + panel.get_image_size()[1] self.panel_limits.append((xmin + 1, xmax, ymin + 1, ymax)) o = Rd * matrix.col(panel.get_origin()) op = * n d0 = matrix.col((-x, -y, self.detector_distance)) orgsx = (op - o + d0).dot(f) / self.pixel_size[0] + xmin orgsy = (op - o + d0).dot(s) / self.pixel_size[1] + ymin panel_distance = - # axes in local (i.e. detector) frame fl = matrix.col(panel.get_local_fast_axis()) sl = matrix.col(panel.get_local_slow_axis()) nl = fl.cross(sl) self.panel_x_axis.append(fl.elems) self.panel_y_axis.append(sl.elems) self.panel_normal.append(nl.elems) self.panel_origin.append((orgsx, orgsy)) self.panel_distance.append(panel_distance) # Beam stuff self.wavelength = self.get_beam().get_wavelength() self.beam_vector = Rd * matrix.col(self.get_beam().get_direction()) # just to make sure it is the correct length self.beam_vector = self.beam_vector.normalize() # / self.wavelength self.beam_vector = (-self.beam_vector).elems # Scan and goniometer stuff self.starting_frame = self.get_scan().get_image_range()[0] self.starting_angle = self.get_scan().get_oscillation()[0] self.oscillation_range = self.get_scan().get_oscillation()[1] self.rotation_axis = ( Rd * matrix.col(self.get_goniometer().get_rotation_axis()) ).elems
[docs] def get_detector(self): return self._sweep.get_detector()
[docs] def get_goniometer(self): return self._sweep.get_goniometer()
[docs] def get_beam(self): return self._sweep.get_beam()
[docs] def get_scan(self): return self._sweep.get_scan()
[docs] def get_template(self): try: return self._sweep.get_template() except AttributeError: return "FIXME####.h5"
[docs] def XDS_INP( self, space_group_number=None, real_space_a=None, real_space_b=None, real_space_c=None, job_card="XYCORR INIT COLSPOT IDXREF DEFPIX INTEGRATE CORRECT", as_str=None, ): # as_str is deprecated and will be removed in the future result = [] assert [real_space_a, real_space_b, real_space_c].count(None) in (0, 3) sensor = self.get_detector()[0].get_type() fast, slow = self.detector_size f, s = self.pixel_size df = int(1000 * f) ds = int(1000 * s) # FIXME probably need to rotate by pi about the X axis detector = xds_detector_name( detector_helpers_types.get(sensor, fast, slow, df, ds) ) trusted = self.get_detector()[0].get_trusted_range() result.append( "DETECTOR=%s MINIMUM_VALID_PIXEL_VALUE=%d OVERLOAD=%d" % (detector, trusted[0] + 1, trusted[1]) ) if detector == "PILATUS": result.append( "SENSOR_THICKNESS= %.3f" % self.get_detector()[0].get_thickness() ) if self.get_detector()[0].get_material(): from cctbx.eltbx import attenuation_coefficient material = self.get_detector()[0].get_material() table = attenuation_coefficient.get_table(material) mu = table.mu_at_angstrom(self.wavelength) / 10.0 result.append( "!SENSOR_MATERIAL / THICKNESS %s %.3f" % (material, self.get_detector()[0].get_thickness()) ) result.append("!SILICON= %f" % mu) result.append( "DIRECTION_OF_DETECTOR_X-AXIS= %.5f %.5f %.5f" % self.detector_x_axis ) result.append( "DIRECTION_OF_DETECTOR_Y-AXIS= %.5f %.5f %.5f" % self.detector_y_axis ) result.append("NX=%d NY=%d QX=%.4f QY=%.4f" % (fast, slow, f, s)) result.append("DETECTOR_DISTANCE= %.6f" % self.detector_distance) result.append("ORGX= %.2f ORGY= %.2f" % self.detector_origin) result.append("ROTATION_AXIS= %.5f %.5f %.5f" % self.rotation_axis) result.append("STARTING_ANGLE= %.3f" % self.starting_angle) result.append("OSCILLATION_RANGE= %.3f" % self.oscillation_range) result.append("X-RAY_WAVELENGTH= %.5f" % self.wavelength) result.append( "INCIDENT_BEAM_DIRECTION= %.3f %.3f %.3f" % tuple([b / self.wavelength for b in self.beam_vector]) ) # FIXME LATER if hasattr(self.get_beam(), "get_polarization_fraction"): result.append( "FRACTION_OF_POLARIZATION= %.3f" % self.get_beam().get_polarization_fraction() ) result.append( "POLARIZATION_PLANE_NORMAL= %.3f %.3f %.3f" % self.get_beam().get_polarization_normal() ) template = self.get_template() if template.endswith("master.h5"): template = template.replace("master", "??????") result.append("NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES= %s" % template.replace("#", "?")) result.append("TRUSTED_REGION= 0.0 1.41") for f0, s0, f1, s1 in self.get_detector()[0].get_mask(): result.append("UNTRUSTED_RECTANGLE= %d %d %d %d" % (f0, f1 + 1, s0, s1 + 1)) start_end = self.get_scan().get_image_range() if start_end[0] == 0: start_end = (1, start_end[1]) result.append("DATA_RANGE= %d %d" % start_end) result.append("JOB=%s" % job_card) if space_group_number is not None: result.append("SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER= %i" % space_group_number) if [real_space_a, real_space_b, real_space_c].count(None) == 0: R = self.imagecif_to_xds_transformation_matrix unit_cell_a_axis = R * matrix.col(real_space_a) unit_cell_b_axis = R * matrix.col(real_space_b) unit_cell_c_axis = R * matrix.col(real_space_c) result.append("UNIT_CELL_A-AXIS= %.6f %.6f %.6f" % unit_cell_a_axis.elems) result.append("UNIT_CELL_B-AXIS= %.6f %.6f %.6f" % unit_cell_b_axis.elems) result.append("UNIT_CELL_C-AXIS= %.6f %.6f %.6f" % unit_cell_c_axis.elems) if len(self.panel_x_axis) > 1: for panel_id, panel_x_axis in enumerate(self.panel_x_axis): result.append("") result.append("!") result.append("! SEGMENT %d" % (panel_id + 1)) result.append("!") result.append("SEGMENT= %d %d %d %d" % self.panel_limits[panel_id]) result.append( "DIRECTION_OF_SEGMENT_X-AXIS= %.5f %.5f %.5f" % panel_x_axis ) result.append( "DIRECTION_OF_SEGMENT_Y-AXIS= %.5f %.5f %.5f" % self.panel_y_axis[panel_id] ) result.append("SEGMENT_DISTANCE= %.3f" % self.panel_distance[panel_id]) result.append( "SEGMENT_ORGX= %.2f SEGMENT_ORGY= %.2f" % self.panel_origin[panel_id] ) return "\n".join(result)
[docs] def xparm_xds( self, real_space_a, real_space_b, real_space_c, space_group, out=None ): from cctbx import uctbx R = self.imagecif_to_xds_transformation_matrix unit_cell_a_axis = R * matrix.col(real_space_a) unit_cell_b_axis = R * matrix.col(real_space_b) unit_cell_c_axis = R * matrix.col(real_space_c) A_inv = matrix.sqr( unit_cell_a_axis.elems + unit_cell_b_axis.elems + unit_cell_c_axis.elems ) metrical_matrix = (A_inv * A_inv.transpose()).as_sym_mat3() unit_cell = uctbx.unit_cell(metrical_matrix=metrical_matrix) from iotbx.xds import xparm writer = xparm.writer( self.starting_frame, self.starting_angle, self.oscillation_range, self.rotation_axis, self.wavelength, self.beam_vector, space_group, unit_cell.parameters(), unit_cell_a_axis.elems, unit_cell_b_axis.elems, unit_cell_c_axis.elems, None, # num_segments self.detector_size, self.pixel_size, self.detector_origin, self.detector_distance, self.detector_x_axis, self.detector_y_axis, self.detector_normal, segments=None, orientation=None, )