This documentation page refers to a previous release of DIALS (1.14).
Click here to go to the corresponding page for the latest version of DIALS



This program can be used for viewing diffraction images, optionally overlayed with the results of spot finding, indexing or integration.


dials.image_viewer image.cbf

dials.image_viewer datablock.json

dials.image_viewer datablock.json strong.pickle

dials.image_viewer datablock.json integrated.pickle

dials.image_viewer experiments.json

Basic parameters

brightness = 100
color_scheme = *grayscale rainbow heatmap invert
show_beam_center = True
show_resolution_rings = False
show_ice_rings = False
show_ctr_mass = True
show_max_pix = True
show_all_pix = True
show_shoebox = True
show_predictions = True
show_miller_indices = False
show_indexed = False
show_integrated = False
show_mask = False
show_basis_vectors = True
display = *image mean variance dispersion sigma_b sigma_s threshold \
nsigma_b = 6
nsigma_s = 3
global_threshold = 0
kernel_size = 3,3
min_local = 2
gain = 1
d_min = None
mask = None
powder_arcs {
  show = False
  code = None
calibrate_silver = False
calibrate_pdb {
  code = None
  d_min = 20.
calibrate_unitcell {
  unitcell = None
  d_min = 20.
  spacegroup = None
masking {
  border = 0
  use_trusted_range = True
  d_min = None
  d_max = None
  resolution_range = None
  untrusted {
    panel = 0
    circle = None
    rectangle = None
    polygon = None
    pixel = None
  ice_rings {
    filter = False
    d_min = None
output {
  mask = mask.pickle
  mask_params = mask.phil
predict_reflections = False
profile {
  algorithm = *gaussian_rs
  gaussian_rs {
    scan_varying = False
    min_spots {
      overall = 50
      per_degree = 20
    sigma_m_algorithm = basic *extended
    parameters {
      sigma_b = None
      sigma_m = None
    filter {
      min_zeta = 0.05
    fitting {
      scan_step = 5
      grid_size = 5
      threshold = 0.02
      grid_method = single *regular_grid circular_grid spherical_grid
      fit_method = *reciprocal_space detector_space
      detector_space {
        deconvolution = False
prediction {
  d_min = None
  d_max = None
  margin = 1
  force_static = False
  padding = 1.0

Full parameter definitions

brightness = 100
  .type = int(allow_none=True)
color_scheme = *grayscale rainbow heatmap invert
  .type = choice
show_beam_center = True
  .type = bool
show_resolution_rings = False
  .type = bool
show_ice_rings = False
  .type = bool
show_ctr_mass = True
  .type = bool
show_max_pix = True
  .type = bool
show_all_pix = True
  .type = bool
show_shoebox = True
  .type = bool
show_predictions = True
  .type = bool
show_miller_indices = False
  .type = bool
show_indexed = False
  .type = bool
show_integrated = False
  .type = bool
show_mask = False
  .type = bool
show_basis_vectors = True
  .type = bool
display = *image mean variance dispersion sigma_b sigma_s threshold \
  .type = choice
nsigma_b = 6
  .type = float(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
nsigma_s = 3
  .type = float(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
global_threshold = 0
  .type = float(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
kernel_size = 3,3
  .type = ints(size=2, value_min=1)
min_local = 2
  .type = int(allow_none=True)
gain = 1
  .help = "Set gain for the thresholding algorithm. This does not override the"
          "detector's panel gain, but acts as a multiplier for it."
  .type = float(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
sum_images = 1
  .type = int(value_min=1, allow_none=True)
  .expert_level = 2
d_min = None
  .type = float(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
mask = None
  .help = "path to mask pickle file"
  .type = path
powder_arcs {
  show = False
    .help = "show powder arcs calculated from PDB file."
    .type = bool
  code = None
    .help = "PDB code (4 characters) for file; fetch it from the Internet."
    .type = str
calibrate_silver = False
  .help = "Open special GUI for distance/metrology from silver behenate."
  .type = bool
calibrate_pdb {
  code = None
    .help = "Option is mutually exclusive with calibrate silver, unit cell and"
            "powder arcs options."
    .type = str
  d_min = 20.
    .help = "Limiting resolution to calculate powder rings"
    .type = float(allow_none=True)
calibrate_unitcell {
  unitcell = None
    .help = "Option is mutually exclusive with calibrate silver, pdb and"
            "powder arcs options."
    .type = unit_cell
  d_min = 20.
    .help = "Limiting resolution to calculate powder rings"
    .type = float(allow_none=True)
  spacegroup = None
    .help = "Specify spacegroup for the unit cell"
    .type = str
masking {
  border = 0
    .help = "The border around the edge of the image."
    .type = int(allow_none=True)
  use_trusted_range = True
    .help = "Use the trusted range to mask bad pixels."
    .type = bool
  d_min = None
    .help = "The high resolution limit in Angstrom for a pixel to be accepted"
            "by the filtering algorithm."
    .type = float(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
  d_max = None
    .help = "The low resolution limit in Angstrom for a pixel to be accepted"
            "by the filtering algorithm."
    .type = float(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
  resolution_range = None
    .help = "an untrusted resolution range"
    .type = floats(size=2)
    .multiple = True
    .multiple = True
    panel = 0
      .help = "The panel number"
      .type = int(allow_none=True)
    circle = None
      .help = "An untrusted circle (xc, yc, r)"
      .type = ints(size=3)
    rectangle = None
      .help = "An untrusted rectangle (x0, x1, y0, y1)"
      .type = ints(size=4)
    polygon = None
      .help = "The pixel coordinates (fast, slow) that define the corners  of"
              "the untrusted polygon. Spots whose centroids fall within  the"
              "bounds of the untrusted polygon will be rejected."
      .type = ints(value_min=0)
    pixel = None
      .help = "An untrusted pixel (x, y)"
      .type = ints(size=2, value_min=0)
  ice_rings {
    filter = False
      .type = bool
    unit_cell = 4.498,4.498,7.338,90,90,120
      .help = "The unit cell to generate d_spacings for powder rings."
      .type = unit_cell
      .expert_level = 1
    space_group = 194
      .help = "The space group used to generate d_spacings for powder rings."
      .type = space_group
      .expert_level = 1
    width = 0.002
      .help = "The width of an ice ring (in 1/d^2)."
      .type = float(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
      .expert_level = 1
    d_min = None
      .help = "The high resolution limit (otherwise use detector d_min)"
      .type = float(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
output {
  mask = mask.pickle
    .help = "Name of output mask file"
    .type = path
  mask_params = mask.phil
    .help = "Name of output mask parameter file"
    .type = path
predict_reflections = False
  .help = "Predict reflections if no reflections provided in input"
  .type = bool
  .help = "
         T h e   i n t e r f a c e   d e f i n i t i o n   f o r  "
          "a   p r o f i l e   m o d e l . 
  algorithm = *gaussian_rs
    .help = "The choice of algorithm"
    .type = choice
    .help = "An extension class implementing a reciprocal space gaussian"
            "profile model."
    scan_varying = False
      .help = "Calculate a scan varying model"
      .type = bool
      .help = "if (total_reflections > overall or reflections_per_degree >"
              "per_degree) then do the profile modelling."
      overall = 50
        .help = "The minimum number of spots needed to do the profile"
        .type = int(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
      per_degree = 20
        .help = "The minimum number of spots needed to do the profile"
        .type = int(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
    sigma_m_algorithm = basic *extended
      .help = "The algorithm to compute mosaicity"
      .type = choice
    parameters {
      sigma_b = None
        .help = "Override the sigma_b value (degrees)"
        .type = float(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
      sigma_m = None
        .help = "Override the sigma_m value (degrees)"
        .type = float(value_min=0, allow_none=True)
    filter {
      min_zeta = 0.05
        .help = "Filter reflections by min zeta"
        .type = float(allow_none=True)
    fitting {
      scan_step = 5
        .help = "Space between profiles in degrees"
        .type = float(allow_none=True)
      grid_size = 5
        .help = "The size of the profile grid."
        .type = int(allow_none=True)
      threshold = 0.02
        .help = "The threshold to use in reference profile"
        .type = float(allow_none=True)
      grid_method = single *regular_grid circular_grid spherical_grid
        .help = "Select the profile grid method"
        .type = choice
      fit_method = *reciprocal_space detector_space
        .help = "The fitting method"
        .type = choice
      detector_space {
        deconvolution = False
          .help = "Do deconvolution in detector space"
          .type = bool
prediction {
  d_min = None
    .help = "The maximum resolution limit"
    .type = float(allow_none=True)
  d_max = None
    .help = "The minimum resolution limit"
    .type = float(allow_none=True)
  margin = 1
    .help = "The margin to use to scan varying prediction"
    .type = int(allow_none=True)
  force_static = False
    .help = "For scan-varying prediction force scan-static prediction"
    .type = bool
  padding = 1.0
    .help = "The padding in degrees"
    .type = float(value_min=0, allow_none=True)