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Source code for dials.algorithms.indexing.basis_vector_search.real_space_grid_search

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging
import math

from libtbx import phil
from scitbx import matrix
from rstbx.array_family import (
    flex,  # required to load scitbx::af::shared<rstbx::Direction> to_python converter
from rstbx.dps_core import SimpleSamplerTool

from dials.algorithms.indexing import DialsIndexError
from . import Strategy
from .utils import group_vectors

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

real_space_grid_search_phil_str = """\
characteristic_grid = 0.02
    .type = float(value_min=0)
max_vectors = 30
    .help = "The maximum number of unique vectors to find in the grid search."
    .type = int(value_min=3)

[docs]class RealSpaceGridSearch(Strategy): """Basis vector search using a real space grid search. See: Gildea, R. J., Waterman, D. G., Parkhurst, J. M., Axford, D., Sutton, G., Stuart, D. I., Sauter, N. K., Evans, G. & Winter, G. (2014). Acta Cryst. D70, 2652-2666. """ phil_scope = phil.parse(real_space_grid_search_phil_str) def __init__(self, max_cell, target_unit_cell, params=None, *args, **kwargs): """Construct a real_space_grid_search object. Args: max_cell (float): An estimate of the maximum cell dimension of the primitive cell. target_unit_cell (cctbx.uctbx.unit_cell): The target unit cell. """ super(RealSpaceGridSearch, self).__init__( max_cell, params=params, *args, **kwargs ) if target_unit_cell is None: raise DialsIndexError( "Target unit cell must be provided for real_space_grid_search" ) self._target_unit_cell = target_unit_cell @property def search_directions(self): """Generator of the search directions (i.e. vectors with length 1).""" SST = SimpleSamplerTool(self._params.characteristic_grid) SST.construct_hemisphere_grid(SST.incr) for direction in SST.angles: yield matrix.col(direction.dvec) @property def search_vectors(self): """Generator of the search vectors. The lengths of the vectors correspond to the target unit cell dimensions. """ unique_cell_dimensions = set(self._target_unit_cell.parameters()[:3]) for i, direction in enumerate(self.search_directions): for l in unique_cell_dimensions: yield direction * l
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_functional(vector, reciprocal_lattice_vectors): """Compute the functional for a single direction vector. Args: vector (tuple): The vector at which to compute the functional. reciprocal_lattice_vectors (scitbx.array_family.flex.vec3_double): The list of reciprocal lattice vectors. Returns: The functional for the given vector. """ two_pi_S_dot_v = 2 * math.pi * return flex.sum(flex.cos(two_pi_S_dot_v))
[docs] def score_vectors(self, reciprocal_lattice_vectors): """Compute the functional for the given directions. Args: directions: An iterable of the search directions. reciprocal_lattice_vectors (scitbx.array_family.flex.vec3_double): The list of reciprocal lattice vectors. Returns: A tuple containing the list of search vectors and their scores. """ vectors = flex.vec3_double() scores = flex.double() for i, v in enumerate(self.search_vectors): f = self.compute_functional(v.elems, reciprocal_lattice_vectors) vectors.append(v.elems) scores.append(f) return vectors, scores
[docs] def find_basis_vectors(self, reciprocal_lattice_vectors): """Find a list of likely basis vectors. Args: reciprocal_lattice_vectors (scitbx.array_family.flex.vec3_double): The list of reciprocal lattice vectors to search for periodicity. """ used_in_indexing = flex.bool(reciprocal_lattice_vectors.size(), True)"Indexing from %i reflections" % used_in_indexing.count(True)) vectors, weights = self.score_vectors(reciprocal_lattice_vectors) perm = flex.sort_permutation(weights, reverse=True) vectors = weights = groups = group_vectors(vectors, weights, max_groups=self._params.max_vectors) unique_vectors = [] unique_weights = [] for g in groups: idx = flex.max_index(flex.double(g.weights)) unique_vectors.append(g.vectors[idx]) unique_weights.append(g.weights[idx])"Number of unique vectors: %i" % len(unique_vectors)) for v, w in zip(unique_vectors, unique_weights): logger.debug("%s %s %s" % (w, v.length(), str(v.elems))) return unique_vectors, used_in_indexing