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Source code for dials.algorithms.symmetry.cosym

"""Methods for symmetry determination from partial datasets.

This module implements the methods of `Gildea, R. J. & Winter, G. (2018).
Acta Cryst. D74, 405-410 <>`_ for
determination of Patterson group symmetry from sparse multi-crystal data sets in
the presence of an indexing ambiguity.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import copy
from collections import OrderedDict
import math

from libtbx import Auto
from libtbx import table_utils
from scitbx.array_family import flex
from cctbx import sgtbx
import iotbx.phil

from dials.algorithms.symmetry.cosym import target
from dials.algorithms.symmetry.cosym import engine
from dials.algorithms.symmetry import symmetry_base

phil_scope = iotbx.phil.parse(

normalisation = kernel quasi *ml_iso ml_aniso
  .type = choice

d_min = Auto
  .type = float(value_min=0)

min_i_mean_over_sigma_mean = 4
  .type = float(value_min=0)

min_cc_half = 0.6
  .type = float(value_min=0, value_max=1)

lattice_group = None
  .type = space_group

dimensions = None
  .type = int(value_min=2)

use_curvatures = True
  .type = bool

weights = count standard_error
  .type = choice

min_pairs = 3
  .type = int(value_min=1)
  .help = 'Minimum number of pairs for inclusion of correlation coefficient in calculation of Rij matrix.'

save_plot = True
  .type = bool

plot_prefix = ''
  .type = str

termination_params {
  max_iterations = 100
    .type = int(value_min=0)
  max_calls = None
    .type = int(value_min=0)
  traditional_convergence_test = True
    .type = bool
  traditional_convergence_test_eps = 1
    .type = float
    .type = int(value_min=2)
    .type = float(value_min=0)
    .type = float(value_min=1)

cluster {
  method = dbscan bisect minimize_divide agglomerative *seed
    .type = choice
  dbscan {
    eps = 0.5
      .type = float(value_min=0)
    min_samples = 5
      .type = int(value_min=1)
  bisect {
    axis = 0
      .type = int(value_min=0)
  agglomerative {
    n_clusters = 2
      .type = int(value_min=1)
  seed {
    min_silhouette_score = 0.2
      .type = float(value_min=-1, value_max=1)
    n_clusters = auto
      .type = int(value_min=1)

nproc = 1
  .type = int(value_min=1)
  .help = "The number of processes to use."


[docs]class analyse_datasets(symmetry_base): """Peform cosym analysis. Peform cosym analysis on the input intensities using the methods of `Gildea, R. J. & Winter, G. (2018). Acta Cryst. D74, 405-410 <>`_ for determination of Patterson group symmetry from sparse multi-crystal data sets in the presence of an indexing ambiguity. """ def __init__(self, intensities, params): """Initialise an analyse_datasets object. Args: intensities (cctbx.miller.array): The intensities on which to perform cosym anaylsis. params (libtbx.phil.scope_extract): Parameters for the analysis. """ self.input_space_group = intensities[0].space_group() super(analyse_datasets, self).__init__( intensities, normalisation=params.normalisation, lattice_symmetry_max_delta=5.0, d_min=params.d_min, min_i_mean_over_sigma_mean=params.min_i_mean_over_sigma_mean, min_cc_half=params.min_cc_half, relative_length_tolerance=None, absolute_angle_tolerance=None, ) self.params = params self.intensities = self.intensities.customized_copy( space_group_info=self.input_space_group.change_basis( self.cb_op_inp_min ).info() ) if self.params.dimensions is Auto: dimensions = None else: dimensions = self.params.dimensions lattice_group = None if self.params.lattice_group is not None: lattice_group = ( .build_derived_patterson_group() .info() .primitive_setting() .group() ) = target.Target( self.intensities, self.dataset_ids, min_pairs=self.params.min_pairs, lattice_group=lattice_group, dimensions=dimensions, weights=self.params.weights, nproc=self.params.nproc, ) if self.params.dimensions is Auto and == 2: self.params.dimensions = 2 elif self.params.dimensions is Auto: dimensions = [] functional = [] explained_variance = [] explained_variance_ratio = [] for dim in range(1, + 1): self._optimise()"Functional: %g" % self.minimizer.f) self._principal_component_analysis() dimensions.append(dim) functional.append(self.minimizer.f) explained_variance.append(self.explained_variance) explained_variance_ratio.append(self.explained_variance_ratio) # Find the elbow point of the curve, in the same manner as that used by # distl spotfinder for resolution method 1 (Zhang et al 2006). # See also dials/algorithms/spot_finding/ from scitbx import matrix x = flex.double(dimensions) y = flex.double(functional) slopes = (y[-1] - y[:-1]) / (x[-1] - x[:-1]) p_m = flex.min_index(slopes) x1 = matrix.col((x[p_m], y[p_m])) x2 = matrix.col((x[-1], y[-1])) gaps = flex.double() v = matrix.col(((x2[1] - x1[1]), -(x2[0] - x1[0]))).normalize() for i in range(p_m, len(x)): x0 = matrix.col((x[i], y[i])) r = x1 - x0 g = abs( gaps.append(g) p_k = flex.max_index(gaps) g_k = gaps[p_k] p_g = p_k x_g = x[p_g + p_m] y_g = y[p_g + p_m]"Best number of dimensions: %i" % x_g) if params.save_plot: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) plt.clf() plt.plot(dimensions, functional) plt.plot([x_g, x_g], plt.ylim()) plt.xlabel("Dimensions") plt.ylabel("Functional") plt.savefig("%sfunctional_vs_dimension.png" % params.plot_prefix) plt.clf() for dim, expl_var in zip(dimensions, explained_variance): plt.plot(range(1, dim + 1), expl_var, label="%s" % dim) plt.plot([x_g, x_g], plt.ylim()) plt.xlabel("Dimension") plt.ylabel("Explained variance") plt.savefig( "%sexplained_variance_vs_dimension.png" % params.plot_prefix ) plt.clf() for dim, expl_var_ratio in zip(dimensions, explained_variance_ratio): plt.plot(range(1, dim + 1), expl_var_ratio, label="%s" % dim) plt.plot([x_g, x_g], plt.ylim()) plt.xlabel("Dimension") plt.ylabel("Explained variance ratio") plt.savefig( "%sexplained_variance_ratio_vs_dimension.png" % params.plot_prefix ) plt.close(fig) self._optimise() self._principal_component_analysis() self._cosine_analysis() self._cluster_analysis() if self.params.save_plot: self._plot() def _optimise(self): NN = len(self.input_intensities) dim = n_sym_ops = len( coords = flex.random_double(NN * n_sym_ops * dim) import scitbx.lbfgs tp = self.params.termination_params termination_params = scitbx.lbfgs.termination_parameters( traditional_convergence_test=tp.traditional_convergence_test, traditional_convergence_test_eps=tp.traditional_convergence_test_eps, drop_convergence_test_n_test_points=tp.drop_convergence_test_n_test_points, drop_convergence_test_max_drop_eps=tp.drop_convergence_test_max_drop_eps, drop_convergence_test_iteration_coefficient=tp.drop_convergence_test_iteration_coefficient, # min_iterations=tp.min_iterations, max_iterations=tp.max_iterations, max_calls=tp.max_calls, ) M = engine.lbfgs_with_curvs(, coords, use_curvatures=self.params.use_curvatures, termination_params=termination_params, ) self.minimizer = M coords = M.x.deep_copy() coords.reshape(flex.grid(dim, NN * n_sym_ops)) coords.matrix_transpose_in_place() self.coords = coords def _principal_component_analysis(self): # Perform PCA from sklearn.decomposition import PCA X = self.coords.as_numpy_array() pca = PCA().fit(X)"Principal component analysis:") "Explained variance: " + ", ".join(["%.2g" % v for v in pca.explained_variance_]) ) "Explained variance ratio: " + ", ".join(["%.2g" % v for v in pca.explained_variance_ratio_]) ) self.explained_variance = pca.explained_variance_ self.explained_variance_ratio = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ if > 3: pca.n_components = 3 x_reduced = pca.fit_transform(X) import numpy self.coords_reduced = flex.double(numpy.ascontiguousarray(x_reduced)) def _cosine_analysis(self): from scipy.cluster import hierarchy import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd X = self.coords.as_numpy_array() dist_mat = ssd.pdist(X, metric="cosine") cos_angle = 1 - ssd.squareform(dist_mat) linkage_matrix = hierarchy.linkage(dist_mat, method="average") c, coph_dists = hierarchy.cophenet(linkage_matrix, dist_mat) logger.debug( "Cophenetic correlation coefficient between heirarchical clustering and pairwise distance matrix: %.3f" % c ) if self.params.save_plot: plot_matrix( cos_angle, linkage_matrix, "%scos_angle_matrix.png" % self.params.plot_prefix, ) plot_dendrogram( linkage_matrix, "%scos_angle_dendrogram.png" % self.params.plot_prefix ) sym_ops = [ sgtbx.rt_mx(s).new_denominators(1, 12) for s in ] sym_ops_cos_angle = OrderedDict() for dataset_id in range(len(self.input_intensities)): ref_sym_op_id = None ref_cluster_id = None for sym_op_id in range(len(sym_ops)): if ref_sym_op_id is None: ref_sym_op_id = sym_op_id continue op = sym_ops[ref_sym_op_id].inverse().multiply(sym_ops[sym_op_id]) op = op.new_denominators(1, 12) ref_idx = len(self.input_intensities) * ref_sym_op_id + dataset_id comp_idx = len(self.input_intensities) * sym_op_id + dataset_id sym_ops_cos_angle.setdefault(op, flex.double()) sym_ops_cos_angle[op].append(cos_angle[ref_idx, comp_idx]) # print symops sorted by average cos(angle) sg = copy.deepcopy(self.input_space_group) rows = [["symop", "order", "sg", "mean(cos(angle))", "median(cos(angle))"]] perm = flex.sort_permutation( flex.double([flex.mean(ca) for ca in sym_ops_cos_angle.values()]), reverse=True, ) for p in perm: op, ca = sym_ops_cos_angle.items()[p] sg.expand_smx(op) rows.append( ( str(op), str(op.r().order()), str(, "%.3f" % flex.mean(ca), "%.3f" % flex.median(ca), ) ) "Analysis of cos(angle) between points corresponding to the same datasets:" ), has_header=True)) def _space_group_for_dataset(self, dataset_id, sym_ops): sg = copy.deepcopy(self.input_space_group) ref_sym_op_id = None ref_cluster_id = None for sym_op_id in range(len(sym_ops)): i_cluster = self.cluster_labels[ len(self.input_intensities) * sym_op_id + dataset_id ] if i_cluster < 0: continue if ref_sym_op_id is None: ref_sym_op_id = sym_op_id ref_cluster_id = i_cluster continue op = sym_ops[ref_sym_op_id].inverse().multiply(sym_ops[sym_op_id]) if i_cluster == ref_cluster_id: sg.expand_smx(op.new_denominators(1, 12)) return sg.make_tidy() def _reindexing_ops_for_dataset(self, dataset_id, sym_ops, cosets): reindexing_ops = {} # Number of clusters in labels, ignoring noise if present. n_clusters = len(set(self.cluster_labels)) - ( 1 if -1 in self.cluster_labels else 0 ) for i_cluster in range(n_clusters): isel = (self.cluster_labels == i_cluster).iselection() dataset_ids = isel % len(self.input_intensities) idx = flex.first_index(dataset_ids, dataset_id) sel = (dataset_ids == dataset_id).iselection() if idx >= 0: sym_op_id = isel[idx] // len(self.input_intensities) for s in sel: sym_op_id = isel[s] // len(self.input_intensities) for partition in cosets.partitions: if sym_ops[sym_op_id] in partition: if i_cluster not in reindexing_ops: reindexing_ops[i_cluster] = partition[0].as_xyz() return reindexing_ops def _cluster_analysis(self): self.cluster_labels = self._do_clustering(self.params.cluster.method) cluster_miller_arrays = [] space_groups = [] sym_ops = [ sgtbx.rt_mx(s).new_denominators(1, 12) for s in ] self.space_groups = space_groups reindexing_ops = {} space_groups = {} for dataset_id in range(len(self.input_intensities)): space_groups[dataset_id] = self._space_group_for_dataset( dataset_id, sym_ops ) cosets = sgtbx.cosets.left_decomposition(, space_groups[dataset_id].info().primitive_setting().group(), ) reindexing_ops[dataset_id] = self._reindexing_ops_for_dataset( dataset_id, sym_ops, cosets ) self.space_groups = space_groups self.reindexing_ops = reindexing_ops def _do_clustering(self, method): if method == "dbscan": clustering = self._dbscan_clustering elif method == "bisect": clustering = self._bisect_clustering elif method == "minimize_divide": clustering = self._minimize_divide_clustering elif method == "agglomerative": clustering = self._agglomerative_clustering elif method == "seed": clustering = self._seed_clustering return clustering() def _dbscan_clustering(self): from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler X = self.coords_reduced.as_numpy_array() X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) # Perform cluster analysis from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN db = DBSCAN( eps=self.params.cluster.dbscan.eps, min_samples=self.params.cluster.dbscan.min_samples, ).fit(X) import numpy as np return def _bisect_clustering(self): axis = self.params.cluster.bisect.axis assert axis < self.coords_reduced.all()[1] x = self.coords_reduced[:, axis : axis + 1].as_1d() cluster_labels =, 0) cluster_labels.set_selected(x > 0, 1) return cluster_labels def _minimize_divide_clustering(self): x = self.coords_reduced[:, :1].as_1d() y = self.coords_reduced[:, 1:2].as_1d() from cctbx.merging.brehm_diederichs import minimize_divide selection = minimize_divide(x, y).plus_minus() cluster_labels =, 0) cluster_labels.set_selected(selection, 1) return cluster_labels def _agglomerative_clustering(self): X = self.coords.as_numpy_array() # Perform cluster analysis from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering import numpy as np model = AgglomerativeClustering( n_clusters=self.params.cluster.agglomerative.n_clusters, linkage="average", affinity="cosine", ) return def _seed_clustering(self): from dials.algorithms.symmetry.cosym.seed_clustering import seed_clustering clustering = seed_clustering( self.coords, len(self.input_intensities), len(, min_silhouette_score=self.params.cluster.seed.min_silhouette_score, n_clusters=self.params.cluster.seed.n_clusters, plot_prefix=self.params.plot_prefix if self.params.save_plot else None, ) return clustering.cluster_labels def _plot(self):"%srij.png" % self.params.plot_prefix) plot_name="%srij_hist.png" % self.params.plot_prefix ) plot_name="%srij_sorted.png" % self.params.plot_prefix )"%swij.png" % self.params.plot_prefix) plot_name="%swij_hist.png" % self.params.plot_prefix ) plot_name="%swij_sorted.png" % self.params.plot_prefix ) coord_x = self.coords[:, 0:1].as_1d() coord_y = self.coords[:, 1:2].as_1d() assert coord_x.size() == coord_y.size(), (coord_x.size(), coord_y.size()) coord_reduced_x = self.coords_reduced[:, 0:1].as_1d() coord_reduced_y = self.coords_reduced[:, 1:2].as_1d() _plot( (coord_x, coord_y), labels=self.cluster_labels, plot_name="%sxy.png" % self.params.plot_prefix, ) _plot( (coord_reduced_x, coord_reduced_y), labels=self.cluster_labels, plot_name="%sxy_pca.png" % self.params.plot_prefix, ) _plot_angles( (coord_x, coord_y), labels=self.cluster_labels, plot_name="%sphi_r.png" % self.params.plot_prefix, ) _plot_angles( (coord_reduced_x, coord_reduced_y), labels=self.cluster_labels, plot_name="%sphi_r_pca.png" % self.params.plot_prefix, ) if self.coords_reduced.all()[1] > 2: coord_z = self.coords[:, 2:3].as_1d() coord_reduced_z = self.coords_reduced[:, 2:3].as_1d() _plot( (coord_x, coord_y, coord_z), labels=self.cluster_labels, plot_name="%sxyz.png" % self.params.plot_prefix, ) _plot( (coord_reduced_x, coord_reduced_y, coord_reduced_z), labels=self.cluster_labels, plot_name="%sxyz_pca.png" % self.params.plot_prefix, )
def _plot(coords, labels=None, plot_name="xy.png"): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy coord_x = coords[0] coord_y = coords[1] fig = plt.figure() if len(coords) > 2: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # import dependency ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") coord_z = coords[2] else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) coord_z = None if labels is None: labels =, -1) unique_labels = set(labels) unique_labels = sorted(unique_labels) n_clusters = len(unique_labels) - (1 if -1 in unique_labels else 0) colours = list(, 1, n_clusters))) if -1 in unique_labels: colours.insert(0, (255, 255, 255, 1)) for k, col in zip(unique_labels, colours): isel = (labels == k).iselection() if k == -1: # or len(class_members) < min_cluster_size: # Black used for noise. col = "k" col = "0.25" # mid-grey markersize = 1 marker = "+" alpha = 0.1 else: markersize = 2 marker = "o" alpha = 0.5 edgecolor = col if coord_z is None: ax.scatter(,, s=markersize, marker=marker, c=col, edgecolor=edgecolor, alpha=alpha, ) if k >= 0: # plot cluster centroid ax.scatter( flex.mean(, flex.mean(, s=markersize * 10, marker=marker, c=col, edgecolor="black", ) else: ax.scatter(,,, s=markersize, marker=marker, c=col, edgecolor=edgecolor, alpha=alpha, ) if k >= 0: # plot cluster centroid ax.scatter( flex.mean(, flex.mean(, flex.mean(, s=markersize * 10, marker=marker, c=col, edgecolor="black", ) ax.set_xlim(-1, 1) ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) ax.set_aspect("equal") plt.savefig(plot_name, size_inches=(10, 10), dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig) def _plot_angles(coords, labels=None, plot_name="phi_r.png"): coord_x, coord_y = coords r = flex.sqrt(flex.pow2(coord_x) + flex.pow2(coord_y)) phi = flex.atan2(coord_y, coord_x) import math phi_deg = (180 / math.pi) * phi from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if labels is None: labels =, -1) unique_labels = set(labels) unique_labels = sorted(unique_labels) n_clusters = len(unique_labels) - (1 if -1 in unique_labels else 0) colours = list(, 1, n_clusters))) if -1 in unique_labels: colours.insert(0, (255, 255, 255, 1)) for k, col in zip(unique_labels, colours): isel = (labels == k).iselection() if k == -1: # or len(class_members) < min_cluster_size: # Black used for noise. col = "k" col = "0.25" # mid-grey markersize = 1 marker = "+" else: markersize = 2 marker = "o" if 0 and not isinstance(col, basestring) and len(col) == 4: # darken the edges frac = 0.75 edgecolor = [col[0] * frac, col[1] * frac, col[2] * frac, col[3]] else: edgecolor = col ax.scatter(,, s=markersize, marker=marker, c=col, edgecolor=edgecolor, ) ax.set_xlim(-180, 180) ax.set_ylim(0, ax.get_ylim()[1]) ax.set_xlabel("Angle ($^{\circ}$)") ax.set_ylabel("Magnitude") plt.savefig(plot_name, size_inches=(10, 10), dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig)
[docs]def plot_matrix( correlation_matrix, linkage_matrix, file_name, labels=None, color_threshold=0.05 ): """Plot correlation and linkage matrices. Args: correlation_matrix (numpy.ndarray): The distance matrix used to generate the ``linkage_matrix``. linkage_matrix (numpy.ndarray): The hierarchical clustering of centroids of the initial clustering as produced by :func:`scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage`. file_name (str): The output file name. labels (list): Optional labels for the leaves of the dendrogram. color_threshold (float): The color threshold passed to the :func:scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram` function. """ if correlation_matrix.shape[0] > 2000: return from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from scipy.cluster import hierarchy # Compute and plot dendrogram. fig = plt.figure(dpi=200, figsize=(16, 12)) axdendro = fig.add_axes([0.09, 0.1, 0.2, 0.8]) Y = linkage_matrix Z = hierarchy.dendrogram(Y, color_threshold=color_threshold, orientation="right") axdendro.set_xticks([]) axdendro.set_yticks([]) # Plot distance matrix. axmatrix = fig.add_axes([0.3, 0.1, 0.6, 0.8]) index = Z["leaves"] D = correlation_matrix D = D[index, :] D = D[:, index] im = axmatrix.matshow(D, aspect="auto", origin="lower") axmatrix.yaxis.tick_right() if labels is not None: axmatrix.xaxis.tick_bottom() axmatrix.set_xticks(list(range(len(labels)))) axmatrix.set_xticklabels([labels[i] for i in index], rotation=70) axmatrix.yaxis.set_ticks([]) # Plot colorbar. axcolor = fig.add_axes([0.91, 0.1, 0.02, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(im, cax=axcolor) # Display and save figure. fig.savefig(file_name) plt.close(fig)
[docs]def plot_dendrogram(linkage_matrix, file_name, labels=None, color_threshold=0.05): """Plot dendrogram from a linkage matrix. Args: linkage_matrix (numpy.ndarray): The hierarchical clustering of centroids of the initial clustering as produced by :func:`scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage`. file_name (str): The output file name. labels (list): Optional labels for the leaves of the dendrogram. color_threshold (float): The color threshold passed to the :func:scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram` function. """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(dpi=200, figsize=(16, 12)) from scipy.cluster import hierarchy ddict = hierarchy.dendrogram( linkage_matrix, color_threshold=color_threshold, labels=labels, show_leaf_counts=False, ) locs, labels = plt.xticks() plt.setp(labels, rotation=70) fig.savefig(file_name) plt.close(fig)