Source code for dials.algorithms.symmetry.cosym

"""Methods for symmetry determination from partial datasets.

This module implements the methods of `Gildea, R. J. & Winter, G. (2018).
Acta Cryst. D74, 405-410 <>`_ for
determination of Patterson group symmetry from sparse multi-crystal data sets in
the presence of an indexing ambiguity.

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
import math

import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

import iotbx.phil
from cctbx import miller, sgtbx
from cctbx.sgtbx.lattice_symmetry import metric_subgroups
from libtbx import Auto
from scitbx import matrix
from scitbx.array_family import flex

import dials.util
import dials.util.system
from dials.algorithms.indexing.symmetry import find_matching_symmetry
from dials.algorithms.symmetry import median_unit_cell, symmetry_base
from dials.algorithms.symmetry.cosym import engine as cosym_engine
from dials.algorithms.symmetry.cosym import target
from dials.algorithms.symmetry.laue_group import ScoreCorrelationCoefficient
from import Subject
from dials.util.reference import intensities_from_reference_file

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# these parameters are only required if running the cosym procedure in symmetry analysis mode.
symmetry_analysis_phil = """
lattice_group = None
  .type = space_group
  .short_caption = "Lattice group"

space_group = None
  .type = space_group
  .short_caption = "Space group"

lattice_symmetry_max_delta = 5.0
  .type = float(value_min=0)
  .short_caption = "Lattice symmetry max δ"

best_monoclinic_beta = True
  .type = bool
  .help = "If True, then for monoclinic centered cells, I2 will be preferred over C2 if"
          "it gives a less oblique cell (i.e. smaller beta angle)."
  .short_caption = "Best monoclinic β"

# these parameters are required for the core cosym procedure for e.g. non-symmetry based isomorphism analysis
cosym_scope = """
min_reflections = 10
  .type = int(value_min=0)
  .help = "The minimum number of merged reflections per experiment required to perform cosym analysis."

seed = 230
  .type = int(value_min=0)

normalisation = kernel quasi *ml_iso ml_aniso
  .type = choice

d_min = Auto
  .type = float(value_min=0)

min_i_mean_over_sigma_mean = 4
  .type = float(value_min=0)
  .short_caption = "Minimum <I>/<σ>"

min_cc_half = 0.6
  .type = float(value_min=0, value_max=1)
  .short_caption = "Minimum CC½"

dimensions = Auto
  .type = int(value_min=2)
  .short_caption = "Dimensions"

use_curvatures = True
  .type = bool
  .short_caption = "Use curvatures"

weights = *count standard_error
  .type = choice
  .short_caption = "Weights"
  .help = "If not None, a weights matrix is used in the cosym procedure."
          "weights=count uses the number of reflections used to calculate a pairwise correlation coefficient as its weight"
          "weights=standard_error uses the reciprocal of the standard error as the weight. The standard error is given by"
          "(1-CC*2)/sqrt(N), where N=(n-2) or N=(neff-1) depending on the cc_weights option."
cc_weights = None sigma
  .type = choice
  .help = "If not None, a weighted cc-half formula is used for calculating pairwise correlation coefficients and degrees of"
          "freedom in the cosym procedure."
          "weights=sigma uses the intensity uncertainties to perform inverse variance weighting during the cc calculation."

min_pairs = 3
  .type = int(value_min=1)
  .help = 'Minimum number of pairs for inclusion of correlation coefficient in calculation of Rij matrix.'
  .short_caption = "Minimum number of pairs"

  .short_caption = "Minimization"
  engine = *scitbx scipy
    .type = choice
    .short_caption = "Engine"
  max_iterations = 100
    .type = int(value_min=0)
    .short_caption = "Maximum number of iterations"
  max_calls = None
    .type = int(value_min=0)
    .short_caption = "Maximum number of calls"

nproc = Auto
  .type = int(value_min=1)
  .help = "Number of processes"

phil_scope = iotbx.phil.parse(

[docs] class CosymAnalysis(symmetry_base, Subject): """Perform cosym analysis. Perform cosym analysis on the input intensities using the methods of `Gildea, R. J. & Winter, G. (2018). Acta Cryst. D74, 405-410 <>`_ for determination of Patterson group symmetry from sparse multi-crystal data sets in the presence of an indexing ambiguity. """
[docs] def __init__( self, intensities, params, seed_dataset: int | None = None, apply_sigma_correction=True, ): """Initialise a CosymAnalysis object. Args: intensities (cctbx.miller.array): The intensities on which to perform cosym analysis. params (libtbx.phil.scope_extract): Parameters for the analysis. seed_dataset (int): The index into the intensities list to use when choosing a seed dataset for the reindexing analysis (the x,y,z reindex mode will be used for this dataset). If None, a high density cluster point is chosen. """ self.seed_dataset = seed_dataset if self.seed_dataset: self.seed_dataset = int(self.seed_dataset) assert ( 0 <= seed_dataset < len(intensities) ), "cosym_analysis: seed_dataset parameter must be an integer that can be used to index the intensities list" max_id = len(intensities) - 1 super().__init__( intensities, normalisation=params.normalisation, lattice_symmetry_max_delta=params.lattice_symmetry_max_delta, d_min=params.d_min, min_i_mean_over_sigma_mean=params.min_i_mean_over_sigma_mean, min_cc_half=params.min_cc_half, relative_length_tolerance=None, absolute_angle_tolerance=None, best_monoclinic_beta=params.best_monoclinic_beta, apply_sigma_correction=apply_sigma_correction, ) Subject.__init__( self, events=["optimised", "analysed_symmetry", "analysed_clusters"] ) # remove those with less than min_reflections after setup. if params.min_reflections: to_remove = [] min_id = 0 histy = flex.histogram( self.dataset_ids.as_double(), min_id - 0.5, max_id + 0.5, n_slots=max_id + 1 - min_id, ) vals = histy.slots() for i, _ in enumerate(range(min_id, max_id + 1)): n = vals[i] if n < params.min_reflections: to_remove.append(i) if to_remove: f"Removing datasets {', '.join(str(i) for i in to_remove)} with < {params.min_reflections} reflections" ) sel = flex.bool(self.intensities.size(), True) for i in to_remove: sel.set_selected(self.dataset_ids == i, False) self.intensities = self.dataset_ids = self.params = params if self.params.space_group is not None: def _map_space_group_to_input_cell(intensities, space_group): from cctbx.sgtbx.bravais_types import bravais_lattice best_subgroup = find_matching_symmetry( intensities.unit_cell(), space_group, best_monoclinic_beta=str(bravais_lattice(group=space_group)) == "mI", ) cb_op_inp_best = best_subgroup["cb_op_inp_best"] best_subsym = best_subgroup["best_subsym"] cb_op_best_primitive = ( best_subsym.change_of_basis_op_to_primitive_setting() ) sg_cb_op_inp_primitive = ( ) sg_primitive = space_group.change_basis(sg_cb_op_inp_primitive) sg_best = sg_primitive.change_basis(cb_op_best_primitive.inverse()) # best_subgroup above is the bravais type, so create thin copy here with the # user-input space group instead best_subsym = best_subsym.customized_copy( ) best_subgroup = { "subsym": best_subsym.change_basis(cb_op_inp_best.inverse()), "best_subsym": best_subsym, "cb_op_inp_best": cb_op_inp_best, } intensities = intensities.customized_copy( space_group_info=sg_best.change_basis( cb_op_inp_best.inverse() ).info() ) return intensities, best_subgroup self.intensities, self.best_subgroup = _map_space_group_to_input_cell( self.intensities, ) self.best_subgroup["cb_op_inp_best"] = ( self.best_subgroup["cb_op_inp_best"] * self.cb_op_inp_min ) self.input_space_group = self.intensities.space_group() # ensure still unique after mapping - merge equivalents in the higher symmetry new_intensities = None new_dataset_ids =[]) for d in set(self.dataset_ids): sel = self.dataset_ids == d these_i = these_merged = these_i.merge_equivalents().array() if not new_intensities: new_intensities = these_merged else: new_intensities = new_intensities.concatenate(these_merged) new_dataset_ids.extend(, d)) self.intensities = new_intensities self.dataset_ids = new_dataset_ids else: self.input_space_group = None if self.params.lattice_group is not None: tmp_intensities, _ = _map_space_group_to_input_cell( self.intensities, ) self.params.lattice_group = tmp_intensities.space_group_info() # N.B. currently only multiprocessing used if cc_weights=sigma if self.params.nproc is Auto: if self.params.cc_weights == "sigma": params.nproc = dials.util.system.CPU_COUNT"Setting nproc={params.nproc}") else: params.nproc = 1
def _intialise_target(self): if self.params.dimensions is Auto: dimensions = None else: dimensions = self.params.dimensions if self.params.lattice_group is not None: self.lattice_group = ( .build_derived_patterson_group() .info() .primitive_setting() .group() ) = target.Target( self.intensities, self.dataset_ids.as_numpy_array(), min_pairs=self.params.min_pairs, lattice_group=self.lattice_group, dimensions=dimensions, weights=self.params.weights, cc_weights=self.params.cc_weights, nproc=self.params.nproc, ) def _determine_dimensions(self, dims_to_test, outlier_rejection=False):"=" * 80)"\nAutomatic determination of number of dimensions for analysis") dimensions = [] functional = [] for dim in range(1, dims_to_test + 1): logger.debug("Testing dimension: %i", dim) max_calls = self.params.minimization.max_calls self._optimise( self.params.minimization.engine, max_iterations=self.params.minimization.max_iterations, max_calls=min(20, max_calls) if max_calls else max_calls, ) dimensions.append(dim) functional.append( self.minimizer.x, outlier_rejection ) ) # Find the elbow point of the curve, in the same manner as that used by # distl spotfinder for resolution method 1 (Zhang et al 2006). # See also dials/algorithms/spot_finding/ x = np.array(dimensions) y = np.array(functional) slopes = (y[-1] - y[:-1]) / (x[-1] - x[:-1]) p_m = slopes.argmin() x1 = matrix.col((x[p_m], y[p_m])) x2 = matrix.col((x[-1], y[-1])) gaps = [] v = matrix.col(((x2[1] - x1[1]), -(x2[0] - x1[0]))).normalize() for i in range(p_m, len(x)): x0 = matrix.col((x[i], y[i])) r = x1 - x0 g = abs( gaps.append(g) p_g = np.array(gaps).argmax() x_g = x[p_g + p_m] dials.util.tabulate( zip(dimensions, functional), headers=("Dimensions", "Functional") ) )"Best number of dimensions: %i", x_g) if int(x_g) < 2: "As a minimum of 2-dimensions is required, dimensions have been set to 2." ) else:"Using %i dimensions for analysis", return dimensions, functional
[docs] def run(self): self._intialise_target() if self.params.dimensions is Auto and != 2: self._determine_dimensions( self._optimise( self.params.minimization.engine, max_iterations=self.params.minimization.max_iterations, max_calls=self.params.minimization.max_calls, ) self._principal_component_analysis() self._analyse_symmetry()
@Subject.notify_event(event="optimised") def _optimise(self, engine, max_iterations=None, max_calls=None): np.random.seed(self.params.seed) NN = len(set(self.dataset_ids)) n_sym_ops = len( coords = np.random.rand(NN * n_sym_ops * if engine == "scitbx": self.minimizer = cosym_engine.minimize_scitbx_lbfgs(, coords, use_curvatures=self.params.use_curvatures, max_iterations=max_iterations, max_calls=max_calls, ) else: self.minimizer = cosym_engine.minimize_scipy(, coords, method="L-BFGS-B", max_iterations=max_iterations, max_calls=max_calls, ) self.coords = self.minimizer.x.reshape(, NN * n_sym_ops ).transpose() def _principal_component_analysis(self): # Perform PCA from sklearn.decomposition import PCA pca = PCA().fit(self.coords)"Principal component analysis:") "Explained variance: " + ", ".join(["%.2g" % v for v in pca.explained_variance_]) ) "Explained variance ratio: " + ", ".join(["%.2g" % v for v in pca.explained_variance_ratio_]) ) self.explained_variance = pca.explained_variance_ self.explained_variance_ratio = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ if > 3: pca.n_components = 3 self.coords_reduced = pca.fit_transform(self.coords) @Subject.notify_event(event="analysed_symmetry") def _analyse_symmetry(self): sym_ops = [sgtbx.rt_mx(s).new_denominators(1, 12) for s in] if not self.input_space_group: self._symmetry_analysis = SymmetryAnalysis( self.coords, sym_ops, self.subgroups, self.cb_op_inp_min ) self.best_solution = self._symmetry_analysis.best_solution self.best_subgroup = self.best_solution.subgroup else: self.best_solution = None self._symmetry_analysis = None cosets = sgtbx.cosets.left_decomposition(, self.best_subgroup["subsym"].space_group().build_derived_acentric_group(), ) self.reindexing_ops = self._reindexing_ops(self.coords, sym_ops, cosets) def _reindexing_ops( self, coords: np.ndarray, sym_ops: list[sgtbx.rt_mx], cosets: sgtbx.cosets.left_decomposition, ) -> list[sgtbx.change_of_basis_op]: """Identify the reindexing operator for each dataset. Args: coords (np.ndarray): A flattened list of the N-dimensional vectors, i.e. coordinates in the first dimension are stored first, followed by the coordinates in the second dimension, etc. sym_ops (List[sgtbx.rt_mx]): List of cctbx.sgtbx.rt_mx used for the cosym symmetry analysis cosets (sgtbx.cosets.left_decomposition): The left coset decomposition of the lattice group with respect to the proposed Patterson group Returns: List[sgtbx.change_of_basis_op]: A list of reindexing operators corresponding to each dataset. """ reindexing_ops = [] n_datasets = len(set(self.dataset_ids)) n_sym_ops = len(sym_ops) coord_ids = np.arange(n_datasets * n_sym_ops) dataset_ids = coord_ids % n_datasets if self.seed_dataset is not None: # if seed dataset was specified, use the reindexing op xyz as seed sel = np.where(dataset_ids == self.seed_dataset) xis = np.array([coords[sel][0]]) else: # choose a high density point as seed X = coords nbrs = NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=min(11, len(X)), algorithm="brute", metric="cosine" ).fit(X) distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(X) average_distance = np.array([dist[1:].mean() for dist in distances]) i = average_distance.argmin() xis = np.array([X[i]]) coordstr = ",".join(str(round(i, 4)) for i in xis[0]) logger.debug(f"Coordinate of cluster seed dataset: {coordstr}") for j in range(n_datasets): sel = np.where(dataset_ids == j) X = coords[sel] # Find nearest neighbour in cosine-space to the current cluster centroid nbrs = NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=min(1, len(X)), algorithm="brute", metric="cosine" ).fit(X) distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors([xis.mean(axis=0)]) k = indices[0][0] xis = np.append(xis, [X[k]], axis=0) for partition in cosets.partitions: if sym_ops[k] in partition: cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(partition[0]).new_denominators( self.cb_op_inp_min ) reindexing_ops.append( ( self.cb_op_inp_min.inverse() * cb_op * self.cb_op_inp_min ).as_xyz() ) break return reindexing_ops
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of the results. Returns: dict """ d = { "input_symmetry": { "hall_symbol": self.input_intensities[0] .space_group() .type() .hall_symbol(), "unit_cell": self.median_unit_cell.parameters(), }, "cb_op_inp_min": self.cb_op_inp_min.as_xyz(), "min_cell_symmetry": { "hall_symbol": self.intensities.space_group().type().hall_symbol(), "unit_cell": self.intensities.unit_cell().parameters(), }, "lattice_point_group": self.lattice_group.type().hall_symbol(), } if self._symmetry_analysis is not None: d.update(self._symmetry_analysis.as_dict()) return d
[docs] def as_json(self, filename=None, indent=2): """Return a json representation of the results. Args: filename (str): Optional filename to export the json representation of the results. indent (int): The indent level for pretty-printing of the json. If ``None`` is the most compact representation. Returns: str: """ d = self.as_dict() json_str = json.dumps(d, indent=indent) if filename: with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(json_str) return json.dumps(d, indent=indent)
[docs] class SymmetryAnalysis:
[docs] def __init__(self, coords, sym_ops, subgroups, cb_op_inp_min): import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd self.subgroups = subgroups self.cb_op_inp_min = cb_op_inp_min n_datasets = coords.shape[0] // len(sym_ops) dist_mat = ssd.pdist(coords, metric="cosine") cos_angle = 1 - ssd.squareform(dist_mat) self._sym_ops_cos_angle = {} for dataset_id in range(n_datasets): for ref_sym_op_id in range(len(sym_ops)): ref_idx = n_datasets * ref_sym_op_id + dataset_id for sym_op_id in range(ref_sym_op_id + 1, len(sym_ops)): op = sym_ops[ref_sym_op_id].inverse().multiply(sym_ops[sym_op_id]) op = op.new_denominators(1, 12) comp_idx = n_datasets * sym_op_id + dataset_id self._sym_ops_cos_angle.setdefault(op, []) self._sym_ops_cos_angle[op].append(cos_angle[ref_idx, comp_idx]) self._score_symmetry_elements() self._score_laue_groups()
def _score_symmetry_elements(self): self.sym_op_scores = {} for op, cos_angle in self._sym_ops_cos_angle.items(): cc_true = 1 cc = np.mean(cos_angle) score = ScoreSymmetryElement(cc, sigma_cc=0.1, cc_true=cc_true) score.sym_op = op self.sym_op_scores[op] = score def _score_laue_groups(self): subgroup_scores = [ ScoreSubGroup(subgrp, list(self.sym_op_scores.values())) for subgrp in self.subgroups.result_groups ] total_likelihood = sum(score.likelihood for score in subgroup_scores) for score in subgroup_scores: score.likelihood /= total_likelihood self.subgroup_scores = sorted( subgroup_scores, key=lambda score: score.likelihood, reverse=True ) # The 'confidence' scores are derived from the total probability of the best # solution p_best and that for the next best solution p_next: # confidence = [p_best * (p_best - p_next)]^1/2. for i, score in enumerate(self.subgroup_scores[:-1]): next_score = self.subgroup_scores[i + 1] if score.likelihood > 0 and next_score.likelihood > 0: lgc = score.likelihood * (score.likelihood - next_score.likelihood) confidence = abs(lgc) ** 0.5 if lgc < 0: confidence = -confidence score.confidence = confidence self.best_solution = self.subgroup_scores[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def sym_ops_table(d): header = ("likelihood", "Z-CC", "CC", "", "Operator") rows = [header] for score in d["sym_op_scores"]: rows.append( ( f"{score['likelihood']:.3f}", f"{score['z_cc']:.2f}", f"{score['cc']:.2f}", score["stars"], str(sgtbx.rt_mx(str(score["operator"])).r().info()), ) ) return rows
[docs] @staticmethod def subgroups_table(d): header = ( "Patterson group", "", "Likelihood", "NetZcc", "Zcc+", "Zcc-", "delta", "Reindex operator", ) rows = [header] for score in d["subgroup_scores"]: rows.append( ( str( sgtbx.space_group( hall_symbol=str(score["patterson_group"]) ).info() ), score["stars"], f"{score['likelihood']:.3f}", f"{score['z_cc_net']: .2f}", f"{score['z_cc_for']: .2f}", f"{score['z_cc_against']: .2f}", f"{score['max_angular_difference']:.1f}", str(sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(str(score["cb_op"]))), ) ) return rows
[docs] @staticmethod def summary_table(d): best_subgroup = d["subgroup_scores"][0] cell = ", ".join(f"{i:.3f}" for i in best_subgroup["unit_cell"]) return ( ( "Best solution", str( sgtbx.space_group( hall_symbol=str(best_subgroup["patterson_group"]) ).info() ), ), ("Unit cell", cell), ("Reindex operator", best_subgroup["cb_op"]), ("Laue group probability", f"{best_subgroup['likelihood']:.3f}"), ("Laue group confidence", f"{best_subgroup['confidence']:.3f}"), )
def __str__(self): """Return a string representation of the results. Returns: str: """ output = [] output.append("Scoring individual symmetry elements") d = self.as_dict() output.append(dials.util.tabulate(self.sym_ops_table(d), headers="firstrow")) output.append("Scoring all possible sub-groups") output.append(dials.util.tabulate(self.subgroups_table(d), headers="firstrow")) output.append( "Best solution: %s" % self.best_solution.subgroup["best_subsym"].space_group_info() ) cell = ", ".join( f"{i:.3f}" for i in self.best_solution.subgroup["best_subsym"].unit_cell().parameters() ) output.append(f"Unit cell: {cell}") output.append( "Reindex operator: %s" % (self.best_solution.subgroup["cb_op_inp_best"] * self.cb_op_inp_min) ) output.append(f"Laue group probability: {self.best_solution.likelihood:.3f}") output.append(f"Laue group confidence: {self.best_solution.confidence:.3f}") return "\n".join(output)
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of the results. Returns: dict """ d = {"cb_op_inp_min": self.cb_op_inp_min.as_xyz()} d["sym_op_scores"] = [] for rt_mx, score in self.sym_op_scores.items(): dd = score.as_dict() dd["operator"] = rt_mx.as_xyz() d["sym_op_scores"].append(dd) d["subgroup_scores"] = [] for score in self.subgroup_scores: dd = score.as_dict() dd["cb_op"] = ( sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(dd["cb_op"]) * self.cb_op_inp_min ).as_xyz() d["subgroup_scores"].append(dd) return d
[docs] class ScoreSymmetryElement: """Analyse intensities for presence of a given symmetry operation. 1) Calculate the probability of observing this CC if the sym op is present, p(CC; S), modelled by a Cauchy distribution centred on cc_true and width gamma = sigma_cc. 2) Calculate the probability of observing this CC if the sym op is NOT present, p(CC; !S). 3) Calculate the likelihood of symmetry element being present, p(S; CC) = p(CC; S) / (p(CC; S) + p(CC; !S)) See appendix A1 of `Evans, P. R. (2011). Acta Cryst. D67, 282-292. <>`_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, cc, sigma_cc, cc_true): """Initialise a ScoreSymmetryElement object. Args: cc (float): the correlation coefficient for this symmetry element sigma_cc (float): the estimated error in the correlation coefficient cc_true (float): the expected value of CC if the symmetry element is present, E(CC; S) """ = cc self.sigma_cc = sigma_cc self.z_cc = / self.sigma_cc score_cc = ScoreCorrelationCoefficient(, self.sigma_cc, cc_true) self.p_cc_given_s = score_cc.p_cc_given_s self.p_cc_given_not_s = score_cc.p_cc_given_not_s self.likelihood = score_cc.p_s_given_cc
@property def stars(self): # define stars attribute - used mainly for output if self.likelihood > 0.9: stars = "***" elif self.likelihood > 0.7: stars = "**" elif self.likelihood > 0.5: stars = "*" else: stars = "" return stars
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of the symmetry element scoring. The dictionary will contain the following keys: - likelihood: The likelihood of the symmetry element being present - z_cc: The Z-score for the correlation coefficient - cc: The correlation coefficient for the symmetry element - operator: The xyz representation of the symmetry element Returns: dict: """ return { "likelihood": self.likelihood, "z_cc": self.z_cc, "cc":, "stars": self.stars, }
[docs] class ScoreSubGroup: """Score the probability of a given subgroup being the true subgroup. 1) Calculates overall Zcc scores for symmetry elements present/absent from the subgroup. 2) Calculates the overall likelihood for this subgroup. See appendix A2 of `Evans, P. R. (2011). Acta Cryst. D67, 282-292. <>`_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, subgroup, sym_op_scores): """Initialise a ScoreSubGroup object. Args: subgroup (dict): A dictionary describing the subgroup as generated by :class:`cctbx.sgtbx.lattice_symmetry.metric_subgroups`. sym_op_scores (list): A list of :class:`ScoreSymmetryElement` objects for each symmetry element possibly in the lattice symmetry. """ # Combined correlation coefficients for symmetry operations # present/absent from subgroup self.subgroup = subgroup patterson_group = subgroup["subsym"].space_group() # Overall Zcc scores for symmetry elements present/absent from subgroup self.z_cc_for = 0 self.z_cc_against = 0 n_for = 0 n_against = 0 PL_for = 0 PL_against = 0 power = 2 for score in sym_op_scores: if score.sym_op in patterson_group: self.z_cc_for += score.z_cc**power n_for += 1 PL_for += math.log(score.p_cc_given_s) else: self.z_cc_against += score.z_cc**power n_against += 1 PL_against += math.log(score.p_cc_given_not_s) # Overall likelihood for this subgroup self.likelihood = math.exp(PL_for + PL_against) if n_against > 0: self.z_cc_against = (self.z_cc_against / n_against) ** (1 / power) if n_for > 0: self.z_cc_for = (self.z_cc_for / n_for) ** (1 / power) self.z_cc_net = self.z_cc_for - self.z_cc_against self.confidence = 0
def __str__(self): """Return a string representation of the subgroup scores. Returns: str: """ return "{} {:.3f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}".format( self.subgroup["best_subsym"].space_group_info(), self.likelihood, self.z_cc_net, self.z_cc_for, self.z_cc_against, ) @property def stars(self): if self.likelihood > 0.8: stars = "***" elif self.likelihood > 0.6: stars = "**" elif self.likelihood > 0.4: stars = "*" else: stars = "" return stars
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of the subgroup scoring. The dictionary will contain the following keys: - patterson_group: The current subgroup - likelihood: The likelihood of the subgroup being correct - confidence: The confidence of the subgroup being correct - z_cc_for: The combined Z-scores for all symmetry elements present in the subgroup - z_cc_against: The combined Z-scores for all symmetry elements present in the lattice group but not in the subgroup - z_cc_net: The net Z-score, i.e. z_cc_for - z_cc_against - max_angular_difference: The maximum angular difference between the symmetrised unit cell and the P1 unit cell. - cb_op: The change of basis operation from the input unit cell to the 'best' unit cell. Returns: dict: """ return { "patterson_group": self.subgroup["best_subsym"] .space_group() .type() .hall_symbol(), "unit_cell": self.subgroup["best_subsym"].unit_cell().parameters(), "likelihood": self.likelihood, "confidence": self.confidence, "z_cc_net": self.z_cc_net, "z_cc_for": self.z_cc_for, "z_cc_against": self.z_cc_against, "max_angular_difference": self.subgroup["max_angular_difference"], "cb_op": f"{self.subgroup['cb_op_inp_best']}", "stars": self.stars, }
[docs] def extract_reference_intensities( params: iotbx.phil.scope_extract, wavelength: float ) -> miller.array: # Extract/calculate a set of intensities from a reference. if params.d_min not in {Auto, None}: reference_intensities = intensities_from_reference_file( params.reference, d_min=params.d_min, wavelength=wavelength, k_sol=params.reference_model.k_sol, b_sol=params.reference_model.b_sol, ) else: reference_intensities = intensities_from_reference_file( params.reference, wavelength=wavelength, k_sol=params.reference_model.k_sol, b_sol=params.reference_model.b_sol, ) initial_space_group_info = reference_intensities.space_group_info() group = metric_subgroups( reference_intensities.crystal_symmetry(), params.lattice_symmetry_max_delta, enforce_max_delta_for_generated_two_folds=True, ).result_groups[0] ref_cb_op = ( group["best_subsym"].change_of_basis_op_to_minimum_cell() * group["cb_op_inp_best"] ) reference_intensities = ( reference_intensities.change_basis( ref_cb_op, ) .expand_to_p1() .as_non_anomalous_array() .merge_equivalents() .array() ) if not reference_intensities.sigmas(): reference_intensities.set_sigmas( ** 0.5) return reference_intensities, initial_space_group_info
[docs] def change_of_basis_op_to_best_cell( experiments, max_delta, relative_length_tolerance, absolute_angle_tolerance, best_subgroup, ): """ Compute change of basis op to map experiments from P1 cell to the best cell that matches the best subgroup """ median_cell = median_unit_cell(experiments) groups = metric_subgroups( experiments[0] .crystal.get_crystal_symmetry() .customized_copy(unit_cell=median_cell), max_delta, enforce_max_delta_for_generated_two_folds=True, ) match = None for g in groups.result_groups: if ( g["best_subsym"] .unit_cell() .is_similar_to( best_subgroup["best_subsym"].unit_cell(), relative_length_tolerance=relative_length_tolerance, absolute_angle_tolerance=absolute_angle_tolerance, ) ) and ( sgtbx.lattice_symmetry_group(g["best_subsym"].unit_cell(), max_delta=0) == sgtbx.lattice_symmetry_group( best_subgroup["best_subsym"].unit_cell(), max_delta=0 ) ): match = g break if not match: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to determine reindexing operator from minumum cells to best cell.\n" + "This may be fixed by increasing relative_length_tolerance or absolute_angle_tolerance." ) cb_op = match["cb_op_inp_best"] return cb_op