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Source code for dxtbx.datablock

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import collections
import errno
import itertools
import json
import logging
import math
import operator
import os.path
from builtins import range
from os.path import abspath, dirname, normpath, splitext

import libtbx
from scitbx import matrix

import dxtbx.imageset
import dxtbx.model
import six
import six.moves.cPickle as pickle
from dxtbx.format.Format import Format
from dxtbx.format.FormatMultiImage import FormatMultiImage
from dxtbx.format.image import ImageBool, ImageDouble
from dxtbx.format.Registry import get_format_class_for_file
from dxtbx.sequence_filenames import (
from dxtbx.serialize import load
from dxtbx.serialize.filename import resolve_path
from dxtbx.serialize.load import _decode_dict

    from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Type
except ImportError:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _iterate_with_previous(iterable):
    """Convenience iterator to give pairs of (previous, next) items"""
    previous = None
    for val in iterable:
        yield (previous, val)
        previous = val

[docs]class DataBlock(object): """High level container for blocks of sequences and imagesets.""" def __init__(self, imagesets=None): """Instantiate from a list of imagesets.""" # Try to get a format class self._format_class = None self._imagesets = [] # Load imagesets if imagesets is not None: for iset in imagesets: self.append(iset)
[docs] def append(self, imageset): """Add an imageset to the block.""" if self._format_class is None: self._format_class = imageset.get_format_class() elif not self._format_class == imageset.get_format_class(): raise TypeError("Can not mix image format classes in one datablock") self._imagesets.append(imageset)
[docs] def extend(self, datablock): """Add two datablocks.""" for iset in datablock: self.append(iset)
[docs] def format_class(self): """Return the format class.""" return self._format_class
[docs] def extract_stills(self): """Extract all the still imagesets""" return list(self.iter_stills())
[docs] def extract_sequences(self): """Extract all the sequences from the block.""" return list(self.iter_sequences())
[docs] def extract_imagesets(self): """Extract all imagesets.""" return list(self._imagesets)
[docs] def num_images(self): """Get the number of images.""" return sum(len(iset) for iset in self._imagesets)
def __len__(self): """The number of image sets.""" return len(self._imagesets) def __eq__(self, rhs): """Check if two blocks are the same.""" return ( self._format_class == rhs._format_class and self._imagesets == rhs._imagesets ) __hash__ = None # datablock objects are mutable and therefore unhashable def __ne__(self, rhs): """Check if two blocks are not equal.""" return not self.__eq__(rhs) def __iter__(self): """Iterate through the imagesets.""" for iset in self._imagesets: yield iset
[docs] def iter_sequences(self): """Iterate over sequence groups.""" for iset in self._imagesets: if isinstance(iset, dxtbx.imageset.ImageSequence): yield iset
[docs] def iter_stills(self): """Iterate over still groups.""" for iset in self._imagesets: if not isinstance(iset, dxtbx.imageset.ImageSequence): yield iset
def _find_unique_items(self, item_name, filter_none=False): """Return a list of unique beams, detectors, ... in order. Optionally filter out None values (unless they came in via an ImageSequence).""" # Use the keys of an ordered dictionary to guaranteeing uniqueness # while keeping the order. Could rewrite to use OrderedSet or wait # for Python 3.7 and use a regular dictionary # (3.7+: all dictionaries are guaranteed to be ordered) items = collections.OrderedDict() for imageset in self._imagesets: getter_function = getattr(imageset, "get_" + item_name) if isinstance(imageset, dxtbx.imageset.ImageSequence): items[getter_function()] = None else: for i in range(len(imageset)): item = getter_function(i) if not filter_none or item is not None: items[item] = None return list(items)
[docs] def unique_beams(self): return self._find_unique_items("beam")
[docs] def unique_detectors(self): return self._find_unique_items("detector")
[docs] def unique_goniometers(self): return self._find_unique_items("goniometer", filter_none=True)
[docs] def unique_scans(self): return self._find_unique_items("scan", filter_none=True)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the datablock to a dictionary""" def abspath_or_none(filename): if filename is None or filename == "": return None return abspath(filename) # Get a list of all the unique models b = list(self.unique_beams()) d = list(self.unique_detectors()) g = list(self.unique_goniometers()) s = list(self.unique_scans()) # Create the data block dictionary result = collections.OrderedDict() result["__id__"] = "DataBlock" result["imageset"] = [] # Loop through all the imagesets for iset in self._imagesets: if isinstance(iset, dxtbx.imageset.ImageSequence): if iset.reader().is_single_file_reader(): result["imageset"].append( collections.OrderedDict( [ ("__id__", "ImageSequence"), ("master", abspath(iset.reader().master_path())), ( "mask", abspath_or_none(iset.external_lookup.mask.filename), ), ( "gain", abspath_or_none(iset.external_lookup.gain.filename), ), ( "pedestal", abspath_or_none( iset.external_lookup.pedestal.filename ), ), ( "dx", abspath_or_none(iset.external_lookup.dx.filename), ), ( "dy", abspath_or_none(iset.external_lookup.dy.filename), ), ("beam", b.index(iset.get_beam())), ("detector", d.index(iset.get_detector())), ("goniometer", g.index(iset.get_goniometer())), ("scan", s.index(iset.get_scan())), ("images", list(iset.indices())), ("params", iset.params()), ] ) ) else: result["imageset"].append( collections.OrderedDict( [ ("__id__", "ImageSequence"), ("template", abspath(iset.get_template())), ( "mask", abspath_or_none(iset.external_lookup.mask.filename), ), ( "gain", abspath_or_none(iset.external_lookup.gain.filename), ), ( "pedestal", abspath_or_none( iset.external_lookup.pedestal.filename ), ), ( "dx", abspath_or_none(iset.external_lookup.dx.filename), ), ( "dy", abspath_or_none(iset.external_lookup.dy.filename), ), ("beam", b.index(iset.get_beam())), ("detector", d.index(iset.get_detector())), ("goniometer", g.index(iset.get_goniometer())), ("scan", s.index(iset.get_scan())), ("params", iset.params()), ] ) ) else: imageset = collections.OrderedDict() if isinstance(iset, dxtbx.imageset.ImageGrid): imageset["__id__"] = "ImageGrid" imageset["grid_size"] = iset.get_grid_size() else: imageset["__id__"] = "ImageSet" image_list = [] for i in range(len(iset)): image_dict = collections.OrderedDict() image_dict["filename"] = abspath(iset.get_path(i)) image_dict["gain"] = abspath_or_none( iset.external_lookup.gain.filename ) image_dict["pedestal"] = abspath_or_none( iset.external_lookup.pedestal.filename ) image_dict["dx"] = abspath_or_none(iset.external_lookup.dx.filename) image_dict["dy"] = abspath_or_none(iset.external_lookup.dy.filename) if iset.reader().is_single_file_reader(): image_dict["image"] = iset.indices()[i] try: image_dict["beam"] = b.index(iset.get_beam(i)) except Exception: pass try: image_dict["detector"] = d.index(iset.get_detector()) except Exception: pass try: image_dict["goniometer"] = g.index(iset.get_goniometer()) except Exception: pass try: image_dict["scan"] = s.index(iset.get_scan(i)) except Exception: pass image_list.append(image_dict) imageset["mask"] = abspath_or_none(iset.external_lookup.mask.filename) imageset["images"] = image_list imageset["params"] = iset.params() result["imageset"].append(imageset) # Add the models to the dictionary result["beam"] = [bb.to_dict() for bb in b] result["detector"] = [dd.to_dict() for dd in d] result["goniometer"] = [gg.to_dict() for gg in g] result["scan"] = [ss.to_dict() for ss in s] # Return the data block as a dictionary return result
[docs]class FormatChecker(object): """A helper class to speed up identifying the correct image format by first trying the last format that was used.""" def __init__(self): """Set the format class to none.""" self._format_class = None
[docs] def find_format(self, filename): """Search the registry for the image format class. Where possible use the last seen format class as a prioritisation hint. """ if self._format_class: self._format_class = get_format_class_for_file( filename, format_hint=self._format_class.__name__ ) else: self._format_class = get_format_class_for_file(filename) if self._format_class: logger.debug("Using %s for %s", self._format_class.__name__, filename) else: logger.debug("No format class found for %s", filename) return self._format_class
[docs] def iter_groups(self, filenames): group_format = None group_fnames = [] for filename in filenames: fmt = self.find_format(filename) if fmt == group_format: group_fnames.append(filename) else: if group_fnames: yield group_format, group_fnames group_fnames = [filename] group_format = fmt if fmt is not None: logger.debug("Using %s for %s", fmt.__name__, filename) if group_fnames: yield group_format, group_fnames
[docs]class DataBlockTemplateImporter(object): """A class to import a datablock from a template.""" def __init__(self, templates, **kwargs): """Import the datablocks from the given templates.""" assert "verbose" not in kwargs, "The verbose parameter has been removed" assert len(templates) > 0 self.datablocks = [] # A function to append or create a new datablock def append_to_datablocks(iset): try: self.datablocks[-1].append(iset) except (IndexError, TypeError): # This happens when we already have a datablock with a different format self.datablocks.append(DataBlock([iset])) logger.debug("Added imageset to datablock %d", len(self.datablocks) - 1) # For each template do an import for template in templates: template = normpath(template) paths = sorted(locate_files_matching_template_string(template)) logger.debug("The following files matched the template string:") if len(paths) > 0: for p in paths: logger.debug(" %s", p) else: logger.debug(" No files found") # Check if we've matched any filenames if len(paths) == 0: raise ValueError('Template "%s" does not match any files' % template) # Get the format from the first image fmt = FormatChecker().find_format(paths[0]) if fmt is None: raise ValueError("Image file %s format is unknown" % paths[0]) elif fmt.ignore(): raise ValueError("Image file %s format will be ignored" % paths[0]) else: imageset = self._create_imageset(fmt, template, paths, **kwargs) append_to_datablocks(imageset) def _create_imageset(self, format_class, template, filenames, **kwargs): """Create a multi file sequence or imageset.""" # Get the image range index = slice(*template_string_number_index(template)) first = int(filenames[0][index]) last = int(filenames[-1][index]) # Check all images in range are present - if allowed if not kwargs.get("allow_incomplete_sequences", False): all_numbers = {int(f[index]) for f in filenames} missing = set(range(first, last + 1)) - all_numbers if missing: raise ValueError( "Missing image{} {} from imageset ({}-{})".format( "s" if len(missing) > 1 else "", ", ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(missing)), first, last, ) ) # Read the image fmt = format_class(filenames[0], **(kwargs.get("format_kwargs", {}))) # Get the meta data from the format b = fmt.get_beam() d = fmt.get_detector() g = fmt.get_goniometer() s = fmt.get_scan() # Update the image range s.set_image_range((first, last)) # Get the image range image_range = s.get_image_range() image_range = (image_range[0], image_range[1] + 1) # Create the sequence imageset = dxtbx.imageset.ImageSetFactory.make_sequence( template, list(range(*image_range)), format_class, b, d, g, s, format_kwargs=kwargs.get("format_kwargs"), ) # Return the imageset return imageset
[docs]class ImageMetadataRecord(object): """Object to store metadata information. This is used whilst building the datablocks. The metadata for each image can be read once, and then any grouping/deduplication can happen later, without re-opening the original file. """ def __init__( self, beam=None, detector=None, goniometer=None, scan=None, template=None, filename=None, index=None, ): # type: (dxtbx.model.Beam, dxtbx.model.Detector, dxtbx.model.Goniometer, dxtbx.model.Scan, str, str, int) """ Args: beam: Stores a beam model detector: Stores a detector model goniometer: Stores a goniometer model scan: Stores a scan model filename: The filename this record was parsed from template: The template string parsed from the filename. Usually, the template is only present if a scan was found and oscillation width was nonzero. index: The index of this file in the template. Applying the index to the template field should recover the filename """ self.beam = beam self.detector = detector self.goniometer = goniometer self.scan = scan self.template = template self.filename = filename self.index = index
[docs] def merge_metadata_from( self, other_record, compare_beam=operator.__eq__, compare_detector=operator.__eq__, compare_goniometer=operator.__eq__, ): # type: (ImageMetadataRecord, Callable, Callable, Callable) -> bool """ Compare two record objects and merge equivalent data. This method will compare (with optional functions) instance data for beam, detector and goniometer. If any of the metadata for this record is equivalent to (but a different instance from) the other record, then this instance will be altered to match the other. The function used to compare beams, detectors and goniometers can be customised - but by default the normal equality operator is used. Args: other_record: Another metadata instance compare_beam: A function to compare beams compare_detector: A function to compare detectors compare_goniometer: A function to compare goniometers Returns: True if any action was taken """ # Allow 'defaults' of None to work - behavior from legacy implementation compare_beam = compare_beam or operator.__eq__ compare_detector = compare_detector or operator.__eq__ compare_goniometer = compare_goniometer or operator.__eq__ record_altered = False if self.beam is not other_record.beam and compare_beam( self.beam, other_record.beam ): self.beam = other_record.beam record_altered = True if self.detector is not other_record.detector and compare_detector( self.detector, other_record.detector ): self.detector = other_record.detector record_altered = True if self.goniometer is not other_record.goniometer and compare_goniometer( self.goniometer, other_record.goniometer ): self.goniometer = other_record.goniometer record_altered = True return record_altered
[docs] @classmethod def from_format(cls, fmt): # type: (Format) -> Any """ Read metadata information from a Format instance. This will only pull information out of a single format instance while it is open - combining metadata records must be done separately. Args: format: The instance of the format class to read data from Returns: A new ImageMetadataRecord with the pre-read information """ record = cls() record.filename = fmt.get_image_file() # Get the metadata from the format try: record.beam = fmt.get_beam() except Exception: pass try: record.detector = fmt.get_detector() except Exception: pass try: record.goniometer = fmt.get_goniometer() except Exception: pass try: record.scan = fmt.get_scan() except Exception: pass # Get the template and index if possible - and only if we've got a # recorded oscillation value if record.scan is not None: record.template, record.index = template_regex(record.filename) return record
def __repr__(self): items = [ ("filename", self.filename), ("beam", self.beam), ("detector", self.detector), ("goiometer", self.goniometer), ("scan", self.scan), ("template", self.template), ("index", self.index), ] itemstr = ", ".join(x + "=" + repr(y) for x, y in items) return "<{}{}{}>".format(type(self).__name__, " " if itemstr else "", itemstr) def __hash__(self): return hash( ( self.beam, self.detector, self.goniometer, self.scan, self.template, self.filename, self.index, ) ) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ImageMetadataRecord): return False return all( getattr(self, attribute) == getattr(other, attribute) for attribute in ( "beam", "detector", "goniometer", "scan", "template", "filename", "index", ) ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
[docs]class OpeningPathIterator(object): """Utility class to efficiently open all paths. A path is a potential file or directory. Each path will be opened with :meth:`dxtbx.format.Format.open_file`, but in order to do so each file will only be opened once, and extraneous use of :func:`os.stat` will be avoided. Any path entries that are a directory will be recursed into, once - any further directories found will be ignored. Any path that is not a file or directory, or on which IO fails for any reason, will be added to the :attr:`unhandled` list. The current expected length of the iterator can be found with `len(iterator)` - this can change while iterating, because until a directory is encountered it cannot be detected without extra IO operations. The number of items processed can be accessed through the :attr:`index` attribute. Attributes: unhandled: List of paths that could not be handled index: Index of the next path item (alternatively, number of processed path items) """ def __init__(self, pathnames): # type: (Iterable[str]) """Initialise the path iterator. Args: pathnames: Paths to attempt to open """ # Store a tuple of (recurse, pathname) to track what was root level self._paths = collections.deque((True, x) for x in sorted(pathnames)) # Let's keep track of how many we've processed self._processed_count = 0 # List of paths that could not be opened self.unhandled = [] def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): """Get the next path to process""" try: # Get the next path from the queue (do_recurse, pathname) = self._paths.popleft() except IndexError: raise StopIteration() self._processed_count += 1 try: # Attempt to open this path Format.open_file(pathname) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EISDIR: if do_recurse: # We've tried to open a directory. Get all the entries... subdir_paths = sorted( os.path.join(pathname, x) for x in os.listdir(pathname) ) # ... and add them to our queue. Make sure not to mark for recursion self._paths.extendleft((False, x) for x in reversed(subdir_paths)) logger.debug("Adding %d files from %s", len(subdir_paths), pathname) else: logger.debug("Not adding sub-level directory entry %s", pathname) # Don't return directory instances return next(self) else: # A non-directory-related IO error self.unhandled.append(pathname) logger.debug("Could not import %s: %s", pathname, os.strerror(e.errno)) return pathname next = __next__ def __len__(self): """Get the (current) total of path items""" return len(self._paths) + self._processed_count @property def index(self): """Get the number of processed items""" return self._processed_count
def _merge_model_metadata( records, compare_beam=None, compare_detector=None, compare_goniometer=None ): # type: (Iterable[ImageMetadataRecord], Callable, Callable, Callable) """ Merge metadata between consecutive record objects. This will compare each record with the previous one, and make sure the metadata instances are shared where appropriate. Args: records: Records for the images to merge into imagesets compare_beam: The function to to compare beams compare_detector: The function to compare detectors compare_goniometer: The function to compare goniometers """ for prev, record in _iterate_with_previous(records): if prev is None: continue record.merge_metadata_from( prev, compare_beam=compare_beam, compare_detector=compare_detector, compare_goniometer=compare_goniometer, ) def _merge_scans(records, scan_tolerance=None): # type: (Iterable[ImageMetadataRecord], float) -> List[ImageMetadataRecord] """ Merge consecutive scan records with identical metadata. The records should have previously had their model metadata merged, as identity will be used to compare metadata identity at this stage. Args: records: Records to merge scan_tolerance: Percentage of oscillation range to tolerate when merging scan records Returns: A (potentially shorter) list of records with scans merged """ merged_records = [] logger.debug("Merging scans") for prev, record in _iterate_with_previous(records): # The first record always gets recorded if prev is None: merged_records.append(record) logger.debug(" Saving initial record %s", record) continue # Compare metadata instances same_metadata = [ prev.beam is record.beam, prev.detector is record.detector, prev.goniometer is record.goniometer, ] # Condition for combining: # - All metadata must match # - Previous record must be templated # - This record must be templated if ( all(same_metadata) and prev.template is not None and record.template is not None ): # Attempt to append to scan try: if scan_tolerance is None: prev.scan.append(record.scan) else: prev.scan.append(record.scan, scan_tolerance=scan_tolerance) except RuntimeError as e: print(e) logger.debug( " Failed to merge record %s with previous - writing new scan" ) else: # If we appended, then we don't need to keep this record's scan record.scan = prev.scan logger.debug(" Appended record %s to previous", record) continue merged_records.append(record) logger.debug("Result of merging record scans: %d records", len(merged_records)) return merged_records def _create_imagesequence(record, format_class, format_kwargs=None): # type: (ImageMetadataRecord, Type[Format], Dict) -> dxtbx.imageset.ImageSequence """ Create an ImageSequence object from a single rotation data image. Args: record: Single-image metadata records to merge into a single imageset format_class: The format class object for these image records format_kwargs: Extra arguments to pass to the format class when creating an ImageSet Returns: An imageset representing the sequence of data """ index_start, index_end = record.scan.get_image_range() # Create the sequence sequence = dxtbx.imageset.ImageSetFactory.make_sequence( template=os.path.abspath(record.template), indices=range(index_start, index_end + 1), format_class=format_class, beam=record.beam, detector=record.detector, goniometer=record.goniometer, scan=record.scan, format_kwargs=format_kwargs, # check_format=False, ) return sequence def _groupby_template_is_none(records): # type: (Iterable[ImageMetadataRecord]) -> Generator[List[ImageMetadataRecord]] """Specialization of groupby that groups records by format=None""" for _, group in itertools.groupby( enumerate(records), key=lambda x: -1 if x[1].template is None else x[0] ): yield list(x[1] for x in group) def _convert_to_imagesets(records, format_class, format_kwargs=None): # type: (Iterable[ImageMetadataRecord], Type[dxtbx.format.Format], Dict) -> Generator[dxtbx.imageset.ImageSet] """ Convert records into imagesets. The records should have been metadata- and scan-merged by this point. Rules: - Any groups of template=None where any of the metadata objects are shared, go into a single imageset - Anything with a template goes into a single sequence Args: records: The records to convert format_class: The format class for the data in this record format_kwargs: Any format configuration arguments to pass to the format imageset creator. Returns: Imagesets representing the records """ # Iterate over images/sets such that template=None are clustered for setgroup in _groupby_template_is_none(records): if setgroup[0].template is not None: # If we have a template, then it's a sequence assert len(setgroup) == 1, "Got group of metadata records in template?" logger.debug("Creating Imagesequence from %s", setgroup[0].template) yield _create_imagesequence(setgroup[0], format_class, format_kwargs) else: # Without a template, it was never identified as a sequence, so an imageset logger.debug("Creating ImageSet from %d files", len(setgroup)) yield _create_imageset(setgroup, format_class, format_kwargs) def _create_imageset(records, format_class, format_kwargs=None): # type: (Iterable[ImageMetadataRecord], Type[dxtbx.format.Format], Dict) -> dxtbx.imageset.ImageSet """ Create an ImageSet object from a set of single-image records. Args: records: Single-image metadata records to merge into a single imageset format_class: The format class object for these image records format_kwargs: Extra arguments to pass to the format class when creating an ImageSet Returns: An imageset for all the image records """ records = list(records) # Nothing here should have been assigned a template parameter assert all(x.template is None for x in records) # Extract the filenames from the records filenames = [os.path.abspath(x.filename) for x in records] # Create the imageset imageset = dxtbx.imageset.ImageSetFactory.make_imageset( filenames, format_class, format_kwargs=format_kwargs, check_format=False ) # Update all of the metadata for each record for i, r in enumerate(records): imageset.set_beam(r.beam, i) imageset.set_detector(r.detector, i) imageset.set_goniometer(r.goniometer, i) imageset.set_scan(r.scan, i) return imageset
[docs]class DataBlockFilenameImporter(object): """A class to import a datablock from image files.""" def __init__( self, filenames, compare_beam=None, compare_detector=None, compare_goniometer=None, scan_tolerance=None, format_kwargs=None, ): """Import the datablocks from the given filenames.""" # Init the datablock list self.unhandled = [] self.datablocks = [] # A function to append or create a new datablock def append_to_datablocks(iset): try: self.datablocks[-1].append(iset) except (IndexError, TypeError): # This happens when we already have a datablock with a different format self.datablocks.append(DataBlock([iset])) logger.debug("Added imageset to datablock %d", len(self.datablocks) - 1) # Process each file given by this path list to_process = OpeningPathIterator(filenames) find_format = FormatChecker() format_groups = collections.OrderedDict() if format_kwargs is None: format_kwargs = {} for filename in to_process: # We now have a file, pre-opened by Format.open_file (therefore # cached). Determine its type, and prepare to put into a group format_class = find_format.find_format(filename) # Verify this makes sense if not format_class: # No format class found? logger.debug("Could not determine format for %s", filename) self.unhandled.append(filename) elif format_class.ignore(): # Invalid format class found? logger.debug( "Found format class %s for %s but is ignored", str(format_class), filename, ) self.unhandled.append(filename) elif issubclass(format_class, FormatMultiImage): imageset = self._create_single_file_imageset( format_class, filename, format_kwargs=format_kwargs ) format_groups.setdefault(format_class, []).append(imageset) logger.debug("Loaded file: %s", filename) else: format_object = format_class(filename, **format_kwargs) meta = ImageMetadataRecord.from_format(format_object) assert meta.filename == filename # Add this entry to our table of formats format_groups.setdefault(format_class, []).append(meta) logger.debug("Loaded metadata of file: %s", filename) # Now, build datablocks from these files. Duplicating the logic of # the previous implementation: # - Each change in format goes into its own Datablock # - FormatMultiImage files each have their own ImageSet # - Every set of images forming a scan goes into its own ImageSequence # - Any consecutive still frames that share any metadata with the # previous still fram get collected into one ImageSet # Treat each format as a separate datablock for format_class, records in format_groups.items(): if issubclass(format_class, FormatMultiImage): for imageset in records: append_to_datablocks(imageset) continue # Merge any consecutive and identical metadata together _merge_model_metadata( records, compare_beam=compare_beam, compare_detector=compare_detector, compare_goniometer=compare_goniometer, ) records = _merge_scans(records, scan_tolerance=scan_tolerance) imagesets = _convert_to_imagesets(records, format_class, format_kwargs) imagesets = list(imagesets) # Validate this datablock and store it assert imagesets, "Datablock got no imagesets?" for i in imagesets: append_to_datablocks(i) # Now we are done. since in an __init__, the caller can now pick the # results out of the .datablocks and .unhandled instance attributes. def _extract_file_metadata( self, format_class, filenames, compare_beam=None, compare_detector=None, compare_goniometer=None, scan_tolerance=None, format_kwargs=None, ): """Extract the file meta data in order to sort them.""" # If no comparison functions are set if compare_beam is None: compare_beam = operator.__eq__ if compare_detector is None: compare_detector = operator.__eq__ if compare_goniometer is None: compare_goniometer = operator.__eq__ if format_kwargs is None: format_kwargs = {} class Record(object): def __init__( self, beam=None, detector=None, goniometer=None, scan=None, template=None, filename=None, index=None, group=None, ): self.beam = beam self.detector = detector self.goniometer = goniometer self.scan = scan self.template = template self.filename = filename self.index = index = group # Loop through all the filenames records = [] group = 0 for filename in filenames: # Read the image fmt = format_class(filename, **format_kwargs) # Get the meta data from the format try: b = fmt.get_beam() except Exception: b = None try: d = fmt.get_detector() except Exception: d = None try: g = fmt.get_goniometer() except Exception: g = None try: s = fmt.get_scan() except Exception: s = None # Get the template and index if possible if s is not None and abs(s.get_oscillation()[1]) > 0.0: template, index = template_regex(filename) else: template, index = None, None # Check the last record if available if len(records) > 0: last = records[-1] same = [False, False, False] if compare_beam(last.beam, b): b = last.beam same[0] = True if compare_detector(last.detector, d): d = last.detector same[1] = True if compare_goniometer(last.goniometer, g): g = last.goniometer same[2] = True # If the last was not a sequence then if the current is a sequence or none of # the models are the same, increment. Otherwise if the current is not a # sequence or if both sequences don't share all models, increment. If both # share, models try scan and increment if exception. if last.template is None: if template is not None or not any(same): group += 1 else: if template is None or not all(same): group += 1 else: try: if scan_tolerance is None: last.scan.append(s) else: last.scan.append(s, scan_tolerance=scan_tolerance) last.index = index continue except Exception: group += 1 # Add a record records.append( Record( beam=b, detector=d, goniometer=g, scan=s, template=template, filename=filename, index=index, group=group, ) ) # Return the records return records def _create_multi_file_imageset(self, format_class, records, format_kwargs=None): """Create a multi file sequence or imageset.""" # Make either an imageset or sequence if len(records) == 1 and records[0].template is not None: # Get the image range image_range = records[0].scan.get_image_range() image_range = (image_range[0], image_range[1] + 1) # Create the sequence imageset = dxtbx.imageset.ImageSetFactory.make_sequence( abspath(records[0].template), list(range(*image_range)), format_class, records[0].beam, records[0].detector, records[0].goniometer, records[0].scan, format_kwargs=format_kwargs, ) else: # Get the filenames filenames = [] for r in records: assert r.template is None filenames.append(r.filename) # make an imageset imageset = dxtbx.imageset.ImageSetFactory.make_imageset( list(map(abspath, filenames)), format_class, format_kwargs=format_kwargs ) for i, r in enumerate(records): imageset.set_beam(r.beam, i) imageset.set_detector(r.detector, i) imageset.set_goniometer(r.goniometer, i) imageset.set_scan(r.scan, i) # Return the imageset return imageset def _create_single_file_imageset(self, format_class, filename, format_kwargs=None): """Create an imageset from a multi image file.""" if format_kwargs is None: format_kwargs = {} return format_class.get_imageset(abspath(filename), format_kwargs=format_kwargs)
[docs]class InvalidDataBlockError(RuntimeError): """ Indicates an error whilst validating the experiment list. This means that there is some structural problem that prevents the given data from representing a well-formed experiment list. This doesn't indicate e.g. some problem with the data or model consistency. """
[docs]class DataBlockDictImporter(object): """A class to import a datablock from dictionary.""" def __init__(self, obj, check_format=True, directory=None): """Get the datablocks from the dictionary.""" self.datablocks = self._load_datablocks(obj, check_format, directory) def _load_datablocks(self, obj, check_format=True, directory=None): """Create the datablock from a dictionary.""" # If we have a list, extract for each dictionary in the list if isinstance(obj, list): return [self._load_datablocks(dd, check_format, directory) for dd in obj] elif not isinstance(obj, dict): raise InvalidDataBlockError( "Unexpected datablock type {} instead of dict".format(type(obj)) ) # Make sure the id signature is correct if not obj.get("__id__") == "DataBlock": raise InvalidDataBlockError( "Expected __id__ 'DataBlock', but found {}".format( repr(obj.get("__id__")) ) ) # Get the list of models blist = obj.get("beam", []) dlist = obj.get("detector", []) glist = obj.get("goniometer", []) slist = obj.get("scan", []) def load_models(obj): try: beam = dxtbx.model.BeamFactory.from_dict(blist[obj["beam"]]) except Exception: beam = None try: dobj = dlist[obj["detector"]] detector = dxtbx.model.DetectorFactory.from_dict(dobj) except Exception: detector = None try: gonio = dxtbx.model.GoniometerFactory.from_dict( glist[obj["goniometer"]] ) except Exception: gonio = None try: scan = dxtbx.model.ScanFactory.from_dict(slist[obj["scan"]]) except Exception: scan = None return beam, detector, gonio, scan if six.PY3: pickle_parameters = {"encoding": "bytes"} else: pickle_parameters = {} # Loop through all the imagesets imagesets = [] for imageset in obj["imageset"]: ident = imageset["__id__"] if "params" in imageset: format_kwargs = imageset["params"] else: format_kwargs = {} if ident == "ImageSequence" or ident == "ImageSweep": beam, detector, gonio, scan = load_models(imageset) if "template" in imageset: template = resolve_path(imageset["template"], directory=directory) i0, i1 = scan.get_image_range() iset = dxtbx.imageset.ImageSetFactory.make_sequence( template, list(range(i0, i1 + 1)), None, beam, detector, gonio, scan, check_format, format_kwargs=format_kwargs, ) if "mask" in imageset and imageset["mask"] is not None: imageset["mask"] = resolve_path( imageset["mask"], directory=directory ) iset.external_lookup.mask.filename = imageset["mask"] if check_format: with open(imageset["mask"], "rb") as infile: = ImageBool( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) if "gain" in imageset and imageset["gain"] is not None: imageset["gain"] = resolve_path( imageset["gain"], directory=directory ) iset.external_lookup.gain.filename = imageset["gain"] if check_format: with open(imageset["gain"], "rb") as infile: = ImageDouble( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) if "pedestal" in imageset and imageset["pedestal"] is not None: imageset["pedestal"] = resolve_path( imageset["pedestal"], directory=directory ) iset.external_lookup.pedestal.filename = imageset["pedestal"] if check_format: with open(imageset["pedestal"], "rb") as infile: = ImageDouble( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) if "dx" in imageset and imageset["dx"] is not None: imageset["dx"] = resolve_path( imageset["dx"], directory=directory ) iset.external_lookup.dx.filename = imageset["dx"] with open(imageset["dx"], "rb") as infile: = ImageDouble( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) if "dy" in imageset and imageset["dy"] is not None: imageset["dy"] = resolve_path( imageset["dy"], directory=directory ) iset.external_lookup.dy.filename = imageset["dy"] with open(imageset["dy"], "rb") as infile: = ImageDouble( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) iset.update_detector_px_mm_data() elif "master" in imageset: template = resolve_path(imageset["master"], directory=directory) i0, i1 = scan.get_image_range() if not check_format: format_class = FormatMultiImage else: format_class = None iset = dxtbx.imageset.ImageSetFactory.make_sequence( template, list(range(i0, i1 + 1)), format_class=format_class, beam=beam, detector=detector, goniometer=gonio, scan=scan, check_format=check_format, format_kwargs=format_kwargs, ) if "mask" in imageset and imageset["mask"] is not None: imageset["mask"] = resolve_path(imageset["mask"], directory) iset.external_lookup.mask.filename = imageset["mask"] if check_format: with open(imageset["mask"], "rb") as infile: = ImageBool( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) if "gain" in imageset and imageset["gain"] is not None: imageset["gain"] = resolve_path(imageset["gain"], directory) iset.external_lookup.gain.filename = imageset["gain"] if check_format: with open(imageset["gain"], "rb") as infile: = ImageDouble( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) if "pedestal" in imageset and imageset["pedestal"] is not None: imageset["pedestal"] = resolve_path( imageset["pedestal"], directory ) iset.external_lookup.pedestal.filename = imageset["pedestal"] if check_format: with open(imageset["pedestal"], "rb") as infile: = ImageDouble( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) if "dx" in imageset and imageset["dx"] is not None: imageset["dx"] = resolve_path(imageset["dx"], directory) iset.external_lookup.dx.filename = imageset["dx"] with open(imageset["dx"], "rb") as infile: = ImageDouble( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) if "dy" in imageset and imageset["dy"] is not None: imageset["dy"] = resolve_path(imageset["dy"], directory) iset.external_lookup.dy.filename = imageset["dy"] with open(imageset["dy"], "rb") as infile: = ImageDouble( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) iset.update_detector_px_mm_data() imagesets.append(iset) elif ident == "ImageSet" or ident == "ImageGrid": filenames = [image["filename"] for image in imageset["images"]] indices = [ image["image"] for image in imageset["images"] if "image" in image ] assert len(indices) == 0 or len(indices) == len(filenames) iset = dxtbx.imageset.ImageSetFactory.make_imageset( filenames, None, check_format, indices, format_kwargs=format_kwargs ) if ident == "ImageGrid": grid_size = imageset["grid_size"] iset = dxtbx.imageset.ImageGrid.from_imageset(iset, grid_size) for i, image in enumerate(imageset["images"]): beam, detector, gonio, scan = load_models(image) iset.set_beam(beam, i) iset.set_detector(detector, i) iset.set_goniometer(gonio, i) iset.set_scan(scan, i) if "mask" in imageset and imageset["mask"] is not None: imageset["mask"] = resolve_path(imageset["mask"], directory) iset.external_lookup.mask.filename = imageset["mask"] if check_format: with open(imageset["mask"], "rb") as infile: = ImageBool( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) if "gain" in imageset and imageset["gain"] is not None: imageset["gain"] = resolve_path(imageset["gain"], directory) iset.external_lookup.gain.filename = imageset["gain"] if check_format: with open(imageset["gain"], "rb") as infile: = ImageDouble( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) if "pedestal" in imageset and imageset["pedestal"] is not None: imageset["pedestal"] = resolve_path(imageset["pedestal"], directory) iset.external_lookup.pedestal.filename = imageset["pedestal"] if check_format: with open(imageset["pedestal"], "rb") as infile: = ImageDouble( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) if "dx" in imageset and imageset["dx"] is not None: imageset["dx"] = resolve_path(imageset["dx"], directory) iset.external_lookup.dx.filename = imageset["dx"] with open(imageset["dx"], "rb") as infile: = ImageDouble( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) if "dy" in imageset and imageset["dy"] is not None: imageset["dy"] = resolve_path(imageset["dy"], directory) iset.external_lookup.dy.filename = imageset["dy"] with open(imageset["dy"], "rb") as infile: = ImageDouble( pickle.load(infile, **pickle_parameters) ) iset.update_detector_px_mm_data() imagesets.append(iset) else: raise RuntimeError("expected ImageSet/ImageSequence, got %s" % ident) # Return the datablock return DataBlock(imagesets)
[docs]class DataBlockImageSetImporter(object): """A class to import a datablock from imagesets.""" def __init__(self, imagesets): """Load a list of datablocks from imagesets.""" self.datablocks = [] if not isinstance(imagesets, list): imagesets = [imagesets] for imageset in imagesets: try: self.datablocks[-1].append(imageset) except (IndexError, AssertionError): self.datablocks.append(DataBlock([imageset]))
[docs]class DataBlockFactory(object): """Class for creating DataBlock instances"""
[docs] @staticmethod def from_args( args, verbose=None, unhandled=None, compare_beam=None, compare_detector=None, compare_goniometer=None, scan_tolerance=None, format_kwargs=None, ): """Try to load datablocks from any recognized format.""" if unhandled is None: unhandled = [] unhandled1 = [] # Try as image files datablocks = DataBlockFactory.from_filenames( args, unhandled=unhandled1, compare_beam=compare_beam, compare_detector=compare_detector, compare_goniometer=compare_goniometer, scan_tolerance=scan_tolerance, format_kwargs=format_kwargs, ) # Try as serialized formats for filename in unhandled1: try: datablocks.extend(DataBlockFactory.from_serialized_format(filename)) logger.debug("Loaded datablocks(s) from %s", filename) except Exception: unhandled.append(filename) # Return the datablocks return datablocks
[docs] @staticmethod def from_filenames( filenames, verbose=None, unhandled=None, compare_beam=None, compare_detector=None, compare_goniometer=None, scan_tolerance=None, format_kwargs=None, ): """Create a list of data blocks from a list of directory or file names.""" importer = DataBlockFilenameImporter( filenames, compare_beam=compare_beam, compare_detector=compare_detector, compare_goniometer=compare_goniometer, scan_tolerance=scan_tolerance, format_kwargs=format_kwargs, ) if unhandled is not None: unhandled.extend(importer.unhandled) return importer.datablocks
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(obj, check_format=True, directory=None): """Create a datablock from a dictionary.""" importer = DataBlockDictImporter(obj, check_format, directory) return importer.datablocks
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(string, check_format=True, directory=None): """Decode a datablock from JSON string.""" return DataBlockFactory.from_dict( json.loads(string, object_hook=_decode_dict), check_format=check_format, directory=directory, )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json_file(filename, check_format=True): """Decode a datablock from a JSON file.""" filename = abspath(filename) directory = dirname(filename) with open(filename, "r") as infile: return DataBlockFactory.from_json(, check_format=check_format, directory=directory )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_pickle_file(filename): """Decode a datablock from a pickle file.""" with open(filename, "rb") as infile: obj = pickle.load(infile) if isinstance(obj, list): assert all(isinstance(db, DataBlock) for db in obj) else: assert isinstance(obj, DataBlock) return obj
[docs] @staticmethod def from_imageset(imagesets): """Load a datablock from a list of imagesets.""" importer = DataBlockImageSetImporter(imagesets) return importer.datablocks
[docs] @staticmethod def from_imageset_json_file(filename): """Load a datablock from a sequence file.""" # Load the imageset and create a datablock from the filenames imageset = load.imageset(filename) return DataBlockFactory.from_imageset(imageset)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_serialized_format(filename, check_format=True): """Load a datablock from serialized formats.""" # First try as JSON format try: return DataBlockFactory.from_json_file(filename, check_format) except Exception: pass # Now try as pickle format try: return DataBlockFactory.from_pickle_file(filename) except Exception: pass # Now try as imageset json files return DataBlockFactory.from_imageset_json_file(filename)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_in_memory(images, indices=None): """Function to instantiate data block from in memory imageset.""" return DataBlock( [ dxtbx.imageset.ImageSet( dxtbx.imageset.ImageSetData(dxtbx.imageset.MemReader(images)), indices, ) ] )
[docs]class AutoEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, libtbx.AutoType): return "Auto" # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs]class DataBlockDumper(object): """Class to help in dumping datablock objects.""" def __init__(self, datablocks): """Initialise the list of data blocks.""" if isinstance(datablocks, DataBlock): self._datablocks = [datablocks] else: self._datablocks = datablocks
[docs] def as_json(self, filename=None, compact=False): """Dump datablock as json.""" dictionary = [db.to_dict() for db in self._datablocks] if compact: json.dump( dictionary, open(filename, "w"), separators=(",", ":"), ensure_ascii=True, cls=AutoEncoder, ) else: json.dump( dictionary, open(filename, "w"), indent=2, ensure_ascii=True, cls=AutoEncoder, )
[docs] def as_pickle(self, filename=None, **kwargs): """Dump datablock as pickle.""" # Get the pickle string text = pickle.dumps(self._datablocks, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # Write the file if filename is not None: with open(filename, "wb") as outfile: outfile.write(text) else: return text
[docs] def as_file(self, filename, **kwargs): """Dump datablocks as file.""" ext = splitext(filename)[1] j_ext = [".json"] p_ext = [".p", ".pkl", ".pickle"] if ext.lower() in j_ext: return self.as_json(filename, **kwargs) elif ext.lower() in p_ext: return self.as_pickle(filename, **kwargs) else: ext_str = "|".join(j_ext + p_ext) raise RuntimeError("expected extension {%s}, got %s" % (ext_str, ext))
[docs]class BeamComparison(object): """A class to provide simple beam comparison""" def __init__( self, wavelength_tolerance=1e-6, direction_tolerance=1e-6, polarization_normal_tolerance=1e-6, polarization_fraction_tolerance=1e-6, ): self.wavelength_tolerance = wavelength_tolerance self.direction_tolerance = direction_tolerance self.polarization_normal_tolerance = polarization_normal_tolerance self.polarization_fraction_tolerance = polarization_fraction_tolerance def __call__(self, a, b): if a is None and b is None: return True return a.is_similar_to( b, wavelength_tolerance=self.wavelength_tolerance, direction_tolerance=self.direction_tolerance, polarization_normal_tolerance=self.polarization_normal_tolerance, polarization_fraction_tolerance=self.polarization_fraction_tolerance, )
[docs]class DetectorComparison(object): """A class to provide simple detector comparison""" def __init__( self, fast_axis_tolerance=1e-6, slow_axis_tolerance=1e-6, origin_tolerance=1e-6 ): self.fast_axis_tolerance = fast_axis_tolerance self.slow_axis_tolerance = slow_axis_tolerance self.origin_tolerance = origin_tolerance def __call__(self, a, b): if a is None and b is None: return True return a.is_similar_to( b, fast_axis_tolerance=self.fast_axis_tolerance, slow_axis_tolerance=self.slow_axis_tolerance, origin_tolerance=self.origin_tolerance, )
[docs]class GoniometerComparison(object): """A class to provide simple goniometer comparison""" def __init__( self, rotation_axis_tolerance=1e-6, fixed_rotation_tolerance=1e-6, setting_rotation_tolerance=1e-6, ): self.rotation_axis_tolerance = rotation_axis_tolerance self.fixed_rotation_tolerance = fixed_rotation_tolerance self.setting_rotation_tolerance = setting_rotation_tolerance def __call__(self, a, b): if a is None and b is None: return True elif a is None or b is None: return False return a.is_similar_to( b, rotation_axis_tolerance=self.rotation_axis_tolerance, fixed_rotation_tolerance=self.fixed_rotation_tolerance, setting_rotation_tolerance=self.setting_rotation_tolerance, )
def _all_equal(a, b): return all(x[0] == x[1] for x in zip(a, b)) def _all_approx_equal(a, b, tolerance): return all(abs(x[0] - x[1]) < tolerance for x in zip(a, b))
[docs]class BeamDiff(object): """A class to provide simple beam comparison""" def __init__( self, wavelength_tolerance=1e-6, direction_tolerance=1e-6, polarization_normal_tolerance=1e-6, polarization_fraction_tolerance=1e-6, ): self.wavelength_tolerance = wavelength_tolerance self.direction_tolerance = direction_tolerance self.polarization_normal_tolerance = polarization_normal_tolerance self.polarization_fraction_tolerance = polarization_fraction_tolerance def __call__(self, a, b): aw = a.get_wavelength() bw = b.get_wavelength() ad = matrix.col(a.get_sample_to_source_direction()) bd = matrix.col(b.get_sample_to_source_direction()) an = matrix.col(a.get_polarization_normal()) bn = matrix.col(b.get_polarization_normal()) af = a.get_polarization_fraction() bf = b.get_polarization_fraction() text = [] if abs(aw - bw) > self.wavelength_tolerance: text.append(" Wavelength: %f, %f" % (aw, bw)) if abs(ad.angle(bd)) > self.direction_tolerance: text.append(" Direction: %s, %s" % (tuple(ad), tuple(bd))) if abs(an.angle(bn)) > self.polarization_normal_tolerance: text.append(" Polarization Normal: %s, %s" % (tuple(an), tuple(bn))) if abs(af - bf) > self.polarization_fraction_tolerance: text.append(" Polarization Fraction: %s, %s" % (af, bf)) if len(text) > 0: text = ["Beam:"] + text return text
[docs]class DetectorDiff(object): """A class to provide simple detector comparison""" def __init__( self, fast_axis_tolerance=1e-6, slow_axis_tolerance=1e-6, origin_tolerance=1e-6 ): self.fast_axis_tolerance = fast_axis_tolerance self.slow_axis_tolerance = slow_axis_tolerance self.origin_tolerance = origin_tolerance def __call__(self, a, b): text = [] if len(a) != len(b): text.append("Num Panels: %d, %d" % (len(a), len(b))) for i, (aa, bb) in enumerate(zip(a, b)): a_image_size = aa.get_image_size() b_image_size = bb.get_image_size() a_pixel_size = aa.get_pixel_size() b_pixel_size = bb.get_pixel_size() a_trusted_range = aa.get_trusted_range() b_trusted_range = bb.get_trusted_range() a_fast = aa.get_fast_axis() b_fast = bb.get_fast_axis() a_slow = aa.get_slow_axis() b_slow = bb.get_slow_axis() a_origin = aa.get_origin() b_origin = bb.get_origin() temp_text = [] if not _all_equal(a_image_size, b_image_size): temp_text.append(" Image size: %s, %s" % (a_image_size, b_image_size)) if not _all_approx_equal(a_pixel_size, b_pixel_size, 1e-7): temp_text.append(" Pixel size: %s, %s" % (a_pixel_size, b_pixel_size)) if not _all_approx_equal(a_trusted_range, b_trusted_range, 1e-7): temp_text.append( " Trusted Range: %s, %s" % (a_trusted_range, b_trusted_range) ) if not _all_approx_equal(a_fast, b_fast, self.fast_axis_tolerance): temp_text.append(" Fast axis: %s, %s" % (a_fast, b_fast)) if not _all_approx_equal(a_slow, b_slow, self.slow_axis_tolerance): temp_text.append(" Slow axis: %s, %s" % (a_slow, b_slow)) if not _all_approx_equal(a_origin, b_origin, self.origin_tolerance): temp_text.append(" Origin: %s, %s" % (a_origin, b_origin)) if len(temp_text) > 0: text.append(" panel %d:" % i) text.extend(temp_text) if len(text) > 0: text = ["Detector:"] + text return text
[docs]class GoniometerDiff(object): """A class to provide simple goniometer comparison""" def __init__( self, rotation_axis_tolerance=1e-6, fixed_rotation_tolerance=1e-6, setting_rotation_tolerance=1e-6, ): self.rotation_axis_tolerance = rotation_axis_tolerance self.fixed_rotation_tolerance = fixed_rotation_tolerance self.setting_rotation_tolerance = setting_rotation_tolerance def __call__(self, a, b): a_axis = matrix.col(a.get_rotation_axis()) b_axis = matrix.col(b.get_rotation_axis()) a_fixed = a.get_fixed_rotation() b_fixed = b.get_fixed_rotation() a_setting = a.get_setting_rotation() b_setting = b.get_setting_rotation() text = [] if abs(a_axis.angle(b_axis)) > self.rotation_axis_tolerance: text.append(" Rotation axis: %s, %s" % (tuple(a_axis), tuple(b_axis))) if not _all_approx_equal(a_fixed, b_fixed, self.fixed_rotation_tolerance): text.append(" Fixed rotation: %s, %s" % (a_fixed, b_fixed)) if not _all_approx_equal(a_setting, b_setting, self.setting_rotation_tolerance): text.append(" Setting rotation: %s, %s" % (a_setting, b_setting)) if len(text) > 0: text = ["Goniometer:"] + text return text
[docs]class ScanDiff(object): """A class to provide scan comparison""" def __init__(self, scan_tolerance=1e-6): self.scan_tolerance = scan_tolerance def __call__(self, a, b): eps = self.scan_tolerance * abs(a.get_oscillation()[1]) a_image_range = a.get_image_range() b_image_range = b.get_image_range() a_oscillation = a.get_oscillation() b_oscillation = b.get_oscillation() a_osc_range = a.get_oscillation_range() b_osc_range = b.get_oscillation_range() def mod_2pi(x): return x - 2 * math.pi * math.floor(x / (2 * math.pi)) diff_2pi = abs(mod_2pi(a_osc_range[1]) - mod_2pi(b_osc_range[0])) diff_abs = abs(a_osc_range[1] - b_osc_range[0]) text = [] if not (a_image_range[1] + 1 == b_image_range[0]): text.append( " Incompatible image range: %s, %s" % (a_image_range, b_image_range) ) if abs(a_oscillation[1] - b_oscillation[1]) > eps: text.append( " Incompatible Oscillation: %s, %s" % (a_oscillation, b_oscillation) ) if min(diff_2pi, diff_abs) > eps * a.get_num_images(): text.append( " Incompatible Oscillation Range: %s, %s" % (a_osc_range, b_osc_range) ) if len(text) > 0: text = ["Scan:"] + text return text
[docs]class SequenceDiff(object): def __init__(self, tolerance): if tolerance is None: self.b_diff = BeamDiff() self.d_diff = DetectorDiff() self.g_diff = GoniometerDiff() self.s_diff = ScanDiff() else: self.b_diff = BeamDiff( wavelength_tolerance=tolerance.beam.wavelength, direction_tolerance=tolerance.beam.direction, polarization_normal_tolerance=tolerance.beam.polarization_normal, polarization_fraction_tolerance=tolerance.beam.polarization_fraction, ) self.d_diff = DetectorDiff( fast_axis_tolerance=tolerance.detector.fast_axis, slow_axis_tolerance=tolerance.detector.slow_axis, origin_tolerance=tolerance.detector.origin, ) self.g_diff = GoniometerDiff( rotation_axis_tolerance=tolerance.goniometer.rotation_axis, fixed_rotation_tolerance=tolerance.goniometer.fixed_rotation, setting_rotation_tolerance=tolerance.goniometer.setting_rotation, ) self.s_diff = ScanDiff(scan_tolerance=tolerance.scan.oscillation) def __call__(self, sequence1, sequence2): text = [] text.extend(self.b_diff(sequence1.get_beam(), sequence2.get_beam())) text.extend(self.d_diff(sequence1.get_detector(), sequence2.get_detector())) text.extend(self.g_diff(sequence1.get_goniometer(), sequence2.get_goniometer())) text.extend(self.s_diff(sequence1.get_scan(), sequence2.get_scan())) return text