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Source code for dxtbx.model.experiment_list

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import copy
import errno
import json
import os
from builtins import range

import pkg_resources
import six
import six.moves.cPickle as pickle

from dxtbx.datablock import (
from dxtbx.format.FormatMultiImage import FormatMultiImage
from dxtbx.format.image import ImageBool, ImageDouble
from dxtbx.imageset import ImageGrid, ImageSequence, ImageSet, ImageSetFactory
from dxtbx.model import (
from dxtbx.sequence_filenames import template_image_range
from dxtbx.serialize import xds
from dxtbx.serialize.filename import resolve_path
from dxtbx.serialize.load import _decode_dict

    from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple
except ImportError:

__all__ = [

class InvalidExperimentListError(RuntimeError):
    Indicates an error whilst validating the experiment list.

    This means that there is some structural problem that prevents the given data
    from representing a well-formed experiment list. This doesn't indicate e.g.
    some problem with the data or model consistency.

class ExperimentListDict(object):
    """A helper class for serializing the experiment list to dictionary (needed
    to save the experiment list to JSON format."""

    def __init__(self, obj, check_format=True, directory=None):
        """Initialise. Copy the dictionary."""
        # Basic check: This is a dict-like object. This can happen if e.g. we
        # were passed a DataBlock list instead of an ExperimentList dictionary
        if isinstance(obj, list) or not hasattr(obj, "get"):
            raise InvalidExperimentListError(
                "Expected dictionary, not {}".format(type(obj))

        self._obj = copy.deepcopy(obj)
        self._check_format = check_format
        self._directory = directory

        # If this doesn't claim to be an ExperimentList, don't even try
        if self._obj.get("__id__") != "ExperimentList":
            raise InvalidExperimentListError(
                "Expected __id__ 'ExperimentList', but found {}".format(

        # Extract lists of models referenced by experiments
        # Go through all the imagesets and make sure the dictionary
        # references by an index rather than a file path.
        self._lookups = {
            model: self._extract_models(model, function)
            for model, function in (
                ("beam", BeamFactory.from_dict),
                ("detector", DetectorFactory.from_dict),
                ("goniometer", GoniometerFactory.from_dict),
                ("scan", ScanFactory.from_dict),
                ("crystal", CrystalFactory.from_dict),
                ("profile", ProfileModelFactory.from_dict),
                ("imageset", lambda x: x),
                ("scaling_model", self._scaling_model_from_dict),

    def _extract_models(self, name, from_dict):
        Helper function. Extract the models.

        if name == imageset: Extract imageset objects from the source.

        This function does resolving of an (old) method of imageset lookup
        e.g. it was valid to have a string as the imageset value in an
        experiment instead of an int - in which case the imageset was
        loaded from the named file in the target directory.

        If any experiments point to a file in this way, the imageset is
        loaded and the experiment is rewritted with an integer pointing
        to the new ImageSet in the returned list.

                The ordered list of serialized-ImageSet dictionaries
                that the Experiment list points to.

        # Extract all the model list
        mlist = self._obj.get(name, [])

        # Convert the model from dictionary to concreate
        # python class for the model.
        mlist = [from_dict(d) for d in mlist]

        # Dictionaries for file mappings
        mmap = {}

        # For each experiment, check the model is not specified by
        # a path, if it is then get the dictionary of the model
        # and insert it into the list. Replace the path reference
        # with an index
        for eobj in self._obj["experiment"]:
            value = eobj.get(name)
            if value is None:
            elif isinstance(value, str):
                if value not in mmap:
                    mmap[value] = len(mlist)
                        from_dict(_experimentlist_from_file(value, self._directory))
                eobj[name] = mmap[value]
            elif not isinstance(value, int):
                raise TypeError("expected int or str, got %s" % type(value))

        # Return the model list
        return mlist

    def _load_pickle_path(self, imageset_data, param):
        # type: (Dict, str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Any]
        Read a filename from an imageset dict and load if required.

            imageset_data: The dictionary holding imageset information
            param: The key name to lookup in the imageset dictionary

            A tuple of (filename, data) where data has been loaded from
            the pickle file. If there is no key entry then (None, None)
            is returned. If the configuration parameter check_format is
            False then (filename, None) will be returned.
        if param not in imageset_data:
            return "", None

        filename = resolve_path(imageset_data[param], directory=self._directory)
        if self._check_format and filename:
            with open(filename, "rb") as fh:
                if six.PY3:
                    return filename, pickle.load(fh, encoding="bytes")
                    return filename, pickle.load(fh)

        return filename or "", None

    def _imageset_from_imageset_data(self, imageset_data, models):
        """ Make an imageset from imageset_data - help with refactor decode. """
        assert imageset_data is not None
        if "params" in imageset_data:
            format_kwargs = imageset_data["params"]
            format_kwargs = {}

        beam = models["beam"]
        detector = models["detector"]
        goniometer = models["goniometer"]
        scan = models["scan"]

        # Load the external lookup data
        mask_filename, mask = self._load_pickle_path(imageset_data, "mask")
        gain_filename, gain = self._load_pickle_path(imageset_data, "gain")
        pedestal_filename, pedestal = self._load_pickle_path(imageset_data, "pedestal")
        dx_filename, dx = self._load_pickle_path(imageset_data, "dx")
        dy_filename, dy = self._load_pickle_path(imageset_data, "dy")

        if imageset_data["__id__"] == "ImageSet":
            imageset = self._make_stills(imageset_data, format_kwargs=format_kwargs)
        elif imageset_data["__id__"] == "ImageGrid":
            imageset = self._make_grid(imageset_data, format_kwargs=format_kwargs)
        elif (
            imageset_data["__id__"] == "ImageSequence"
            or imageset_data["__id__"] == "ImageSweep"
            imageset = self._make_sequence(
        elif imageset_data["__id__"] == "MemImageSet":
            imageset = self._make_mem_imageset(imageset_data)
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown imageset type")

        if imageset is not None:
            # Set the external lookup
            if mask is None:
                mask = ImageBool()
                mask = ImageBool(mask)
            if gain is None:
                gain = ImageDouble()
                gain = ImageDouble(gain)
            if pedestal is None:
                pedestal = ImageDouble()
                pedestal = ImageDouble(pedestal)
            if dx is None:
                dx = ImageDouble()
                dx = ImageDouble(dx)
            if dy is None:
                dy = ImageDouble()
                dy = ImageDouble(dy)

            if not
                if not mask.empty():
                    mask = tuple( for m in mask)
                    for m1, m2 in zip(mask,
                        m1 &=
           = ImageBool(mask)
       = mask
            imageset.external_lookup.mask.filename = mask_filename
   = gain
            imageset.external_lookup.gain.filename = gain_filename
   = pedestal
            imageset.external_lookup.pedestal.filename = pedestal_filename
   = dx
            imageset.external_lookup.dx.filename = dx_filename
   = dy
            imageset.external_lookup.dy.filename = dy_filename

            # Update the imageset models
            if isinstance(imageset, ImageSequence):
            elif isinstance(imageset, (ImageSet, ImageGrid)):
                for i in range(len(imageset)):
                    imageset.set_beam(beam, i)
                    imageset.set_detector(detector, i)
                    imageset.set_goniometer(goniometer, i)
                    imageset.set_scan(scan, i)


        return imageset

    def decode(self):
        """Decode the dictionary into a list of experiments."""
        # Extract all the experiments - first find all scans belonging to
        # same imageset

        eobj_scan = {}

        for eobj in self._obj["experiment"]:
            if self._lookup_model("imageset", eobj) is None:
            imageset_ref = eobj.get("imageset")
            scan = self._lookup_model("scan", eobj)

            if imageset_ref in eobj_scan:
                # if there is no scan, or scan is identical, move on, else
                # make a scan which encompasses both scans
                if not scan or scan == eobj_scan[imageset_ref]:
                i = eobj_scan[imageset_ref].get_image_range()
                j = scan.get_image_range()
                if i[1] + 1 == j[0]:
                    eobj_scan[imageset_ref] += scan
                    # make a new bigger scan
                    o = eobj_scan[imageset_ref].get_oscillation()
                    s = scan.get_oscillation()
                    assert o[1] == s[1]
                    scan = copy.deepcopy(scan)
                    scan.set_image_range((min(i[0], j[0]), max(i[1], j[1])))
                    scan.set_oscillation((min(o[0], s[0]), o[1]))
                    eobj_scan[imageset_ref] = scan
                eobj_scan[imageset_ref] = copy.deepcopy(scan)

        # Map of imageset/scan pairs
        imagesets = {}

        # For every experiment, use the given input to create
        # a sensible experiment.
        el = ExperimentList()
        for eobj in self._obj["experiment"]:

            # Get the models
            identifier = eobj.get("identifier", "")
            beam = self._lookup_model("beam", eobj)
            detector = self._lookup_model("detector", eobj)
            goniometer = self._lookup_model("goniometer", eobj)
            scan = self._lookup_model("scan", eobj)
            crystal = self._lookup_model("crystal", eobj)
            profile = self._lookup_model("profile", eobj)
            scaling_model = self._lookup_model("scaling_model", eobj)

            models = {
                "beam": beam,
                "detector": detector,
                "goniometer": goniometer,
                "scan": scan,
                "crystal": crystal,
                "profile": profile,
                "scaling_model": scaling_model,

            imageset_ref = eobj.get("imageset")

            # If not already cached, load this imageset
            if imageset_ref not in imagesets:
                imageset_data = self._lookup_model("imageset", eobj)
                if imageset_data is not None:
                    # Create the imageset from the input data
                    models["scan"] = eobj_scan[imageset_ref]
                    imageset = self._imageset_from_imageset_data(imageset_data, models)
                    imagesets[imageset_ref] = imageset
                    # Even if we have an empty entry, this counts as a load
                    imagesets[imageset_ref] = None

            # Append the experiment

        # Return the experiment list
        return el

    def _make_mem_imageset(self, imageset):
        """Can't make a mem imageset from dict."""
        return None

    def _make_stills(self, imageset, format_kwargs=None):
        """Make a still imageset."""
        filenames = [
            resolve_path(p, directory=self._directory) for p in imageset["images"]
        indices = None
        if "single_file_indices" in imageset:
            indices = imageset["single_file_indices"]
            assert len(indices) == len(filenames)
        return ImageSetFactory.make_imageset(

    def _make_grid(self, imageset, format_kwargs=None):
        """Make a still imageset."""
        grid_size = imageset["grid_size"]
        return ImageGrid.from_imageset(
            self._make_stills(imageset, format_kwargs=format_kwargs), grid_size

    def _make_sequence(
        """Make an image sequence."""
        # Get the template format
        template = resolve_path(imageset["template"], directory=self._directory)

        # Get the number of images (if no scan is given we'll try
        # to find all the images matching the template
        if scan is None:
            i0, i1 = template_image_range(template)
            i0, i1 = scan.get_image_range()

        format_class = None
        if self._check_format is False:
            if "single_file_indices" in imageset:
                format_class = FormatMultiImage

        # Make a sequence from the input data
        return ImageSetFactory.make_sequence(
            list(range(i0, i1 + 1)),

    def _lookup_model(self, name, experiment_dict):
        Find a model by looking up its index from a dictionary

            name (str): The model name e.g. 'beam', 'detector'
            experiment_dict (Dict[str, int]):
                The experiment dictionary. experiment_dict[name] must
                exist and be not None to retrieve a model. If this key
                exists, then there *must* be an item with this index
                in the ExperimentListDict internal model stores.

                A model by looking up the index pointed to by
                experiment_dict[name]. If not present or empty,
                then None is returned.
        if experiment_dict.get(name) is None:
            return None
        return self._lookups[name][experiment_dict[name]]

    def _scaling_model_from_dict(obj):
        """Get the scaling model from a dictionary."""
        for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("dxtbx.scaling_model_ext"):
            if == obj["__id__"]:
                return entry_point.load().from_dict(obj)

def _experimentlist_from_file(filename, directory=None):
    """Load a model dictionary from a file."""
    filename = resolve_path(filename, directory=directory)
        with open(filename, "r") as infile:
            return json.load(infile, object_hook=_decode_dict)
    except IOError:
        raise IOError("unable to read file, %s" % filename)

[docs]class ExperimentListFactory(object): """A class to help instantiate experiment lists."""
[docs] @staticmethod def from_args(args, verbose=False, unhandled=None): """Try to load experiment from any recognised format.""" # Create a list for unhandled arguments if unhandled is None: unhandled = [] experiments = ExperimentList() ## First try as image files # experiments = ExperimentListFactory.from_datablock( # DataBlockFactory.from_args(args, verbose, unhandled1)) # Try to load from serialized formats for filename in args: try: experiments.extend( ExperimentListFactory.from_serialized_format(filename) ) if verbose: print("Loaded experiments from %s" % filename) except Exception as e: if verbose: print("Could not load experiments from %s: %s" % (filename, str(e))) unhandled.append(filename) # Return the experiments return experiments
[docs] @staticmethod def from_filenames( filenames, verbose=False, unhandled=None, compare_beam=None, compare_detector=None, compare_goniometer=None, scan_tolerance=None, format_kwargs=None, load_models=True, ): """Create a list of data blocks from a list of directory or file names.""" experiments = ExperimentList() for db in DataBlockFactory.from_filenames( filenames, verbose=verbose, unhandled=unhandled, compare_beam=compare_beam, compare_detector=compare_detector, compare_goniometer=compare_goniometer, scan_tolerance=scan_tolerance, format_kwargs=format_kwargs, ): experiments.extend( ExperimentListFactory.from_datablock_and_crystal(db, None, load_models) ) return experiments
[docs] @staticmethod def from_imageset_and_crystal(imageset, crystal, load_models=True): """Load an experiment list from an imageset and crystal.""" if isinstance(imageset, ImageSequence): return ExperimentListFactory.from_sequence_and_crystal( imageset, crystal, load_models ) else: return ExperimentListFactory.from_stills_and_crystal( imageset, crystal, load_models )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_sequence_and_crystal(imageset, crystal, load_models=True): """Create an experiment list from sequence and crystal.""" assert isinstance(imageset, ImageSequence) experiments = ExperimentList() if load_models: # if imagesequence is still images, make one experiment for each # all referencing into the same image set if imageset.get_scan().is_still(): start, end = imageset.get_scan().get_array_range() for j in range(start, end): subset = imageset[j : j + 1] experiments.append( Experiment( imageset=imageset, beam=imageset.get_beam(), detector=imageset.get_detector(), goniometer=imageset.get_goniometer(), scan=subset.get_scan(), crystal=crystal, ) ) else: experiments.append( Experiment( imageset=imageset, beam=imageset.get_beam(), detector=imageset.get_detector(), goniometer=imageset.get_goniometer(), scan=imageset.get_scan(), crystal=crystal, ) ) return experiments else: return ExperimentList([Experiment(imageset=imageset, crystal=crystal)])
[docs] @staticmethod def from_stills_and_crystal(imageset, crystal, load_models=True): """Create an experiment list from stills and crystal.""" experiments = ExperimentList() if load_models: for i in range(len(imageset)): experiments.append( Experiment( imageset=imageset[i : i + 1], beam=imageset.get_beam(i), detector=imageset.get_detector(i), goniometer=imageset.get_goniometer(i), scan=imageset.get_scan(i), crystal=crystal, ) ) else: for i in range(len(imageset)): experiments.append( Experiment(imageset=imageset[i : i + 1], crystal=crystal) ) return experiments
[docs] @staticmethod def from_datablock_and_crystal(datablock, crystal, load_models=True): """Load an experiment list from a datablock.""" # Initialise the experiment list experiments = ExperimentList() # If we have a list, loop through if isinstance(datablock, list): for db in datablock: experiments.extend( ExperimentListFactory.from_datablock_and_crystal( db, crystal, load_models ) ) return experiments # Add all the imagesets for imageset in datablock.extract_imagesets(): experiments.extend( ExperimentListFactory.from_imageset_and_crystal( imageset, crystal, load_models ) ) # Check the list is consistent assert experiments.is_consistent() # Return the experiments return experiments
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(obj, check_format=True, directory=None): """ Load an experiment list from a dictionary. Args: obj (dict): Dictionary containing either ExperimentList or DataBlock structure. check_format (bool): If True, the file will be read to verify metadata. directory (str): Returns: ExperimentList: The dictionary converted """ try: experiments = ExperimentList() for db in DataBlockFactory.from_dict( obj, check_format=check_format, directory=directory ): experiments.extend( ExperimentListFactory.from_datablock_and_crystal(db, None) ) except Exception: experiments = None # Decode the experiments from the dictionary if experiments is None: experiments = ExperimentListDict( obj, check_format=check_format, directory=directory ).decode() # Check the list is consistent assert experiments.is_consistent() # Return the experiments return experiments
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(text, check_format=True, directory=None): """Load an experiment list from JSON.""" return ExperimentListFactory.from_dict( json.loads(text, object_hook=_decode_dict), check_format=check_format, directory=directory, )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json_file(filename, check_format=True): """Load an experiment list from a json file.""" filename = os.path.abspath(filename) directory = os.path.dirname(filename) with open(filename, "r") as infile: return ExperimentListFactory.from_json(, check_format=check_format, directory=directory )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_pickle_file(filename): """Decode an experiment list from a pickle file.""" with open(filename, "rb") as infile: obj = pickle.load(infile) assert isinstance(obj, ExperimentList) return obj
[docs] @staticmethod def from_xds(xds_inp, xds_other): """Generate an experiment list from XDS files.""" # Get the sequence from the XDS files sequence = xds.to_imageset(xds_inp, xds_other) # Get the crystal from the XDS files crystal = xds.to_crystal(xds_other) # Create the experiment list experiments = ExperimentListFactory.from_imageset_and_crystal(sequence, crystal) # Set the crystal in the experiment list assert len(experiments) == 1 # Return the experiment list return experiments
[docs] @staticmethod def from_serialized_format(filename, check_format=True): """Try to load the experiment list from a serialized format.""" if hasattr(filename, "__fspath__"): filename = filename.__fspath__() # unwrap PEP-519-style objects # First try as a JSON file try: return ExperimentListFactory.from_json_file(filename, check_format) except IOError as e: # In an ideal Python 3 world this would be much more simply FileNotFoundError if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise except Exception: pass # Now try as a pickle file return ExperimentListFactory.from_pickle_file(filename)
class ExperimentListTemplateImporter(object): """A class to import an experiment list from a template.""" def __init__(self, templates, **kwargs): importer = DataBlockTemplateImporter(templates, **kwargs) self.experiments = ExperimentList() for db in importer.datablocks: self.experiments.extend( ExperimentListFactory.from_datablock_and_crystal(db, None) )