This documentation page refers to a previous release of DIALS (2.2).
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distl/dials apache server


Follow these instructions to install an apache webserver configured to run the distl and dials spotfinders. For more information on the distl spotfinder server, see The version described here allows the beamline operator to use either distl or the dials spotfinder to assess the quality of single images, typically during a raster scan of a crystal cluster. Use of the apache server allows automatic load balancing and scaling of many parallel requests, typical for a high throughput environment.

These instructions were valid on 06/07/16 on CentOS 7 using apache version 2.4.20, mod_python version 3.5.0 and the apache dependencies ‘apr’, version 1.5.2 and ‘apr-util’, version 1.5.4.

Build instructions

These instructions include downloading apache directly from their webpage. The apache maintainers ask that users use a mirror. Your closest mirror can be found by visiting this web page:

Detailed instructions:

The following command will download, configure and compile cctbx, distl and dials, then configure, build and install apache, its dependencies, and mod_python. This takes about an hour.

  • ./apache/apache_install_dials.csh

After the build is complete, instructions for starting the server and testing it will be displayed. You may also want to modify the processor defaults stored in the mpm_prefork_module key in apache/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf to better suit your server capabilities.

Distl parameters

distl.image: path to file on disk.

Further parameters matching the name/value pairs used by distl are described here:

Dials parameters

file_name: path to file on disk

frame_number: for multi-file data, such as Eiger data from Dectris detectors, this indicates which frame number to analyze.

stats: True or False. If True, reports detailed spotfinding statistics such as resolution estimates.

Further parameters matching the name/values pairs used by the dials spotfinder are described under dials.find_spots.