This documentation page refers to a previous release of DIALS (2.2).
Click here to go to the corresponding page for the latest version of DIALS



Slice a sequence to produce a smaller sequence within the bounds of the original. If experiments or experiments are provided, modify the scan objects within these. If reflections are provided, remove reflections outside the provided image ranges. Each image_range parameter refers to a single experiment ID, counting up from zero. Any reflections with experiment ID not matched by a image_range parameter are removed.


dials.slice_sequence models.expt observations.refl "image_range=1 20"

dials.slice_sequence models.expt "image_range=1 20"

# two experiments and reflections with IDs '0' and '1'
dials.slice_sequence models.expt observations.refl     "image_range=1 20" "image_range=5 30"

Basic parameters

output {
  reflections_filename = None
  experiments_filename = None
image_range = None
block_size = None

Full parameter definitions

output {
  reflections_filename = None
    .help = "The filename for output reflections sliced to remove those"
            "outside the reduced image range. By default generated"
            "automatically from the input name"
    .type = str
  experiments_filename = None
    .help = "The filename for the output experiments with sliced scans.
            "        By default generated automatically from the input name"
    .type = str
image_range = None
  .help = "Range in images to slice a sequence. The number of arguments must"
          "be a factor of two. Each pair of arguments gives a range that"
          "follows C conventions (e.g. j0 <= j < j1) when slicing the"
          "reflections by observed centroid."
  .type = ints(size=2)
  .multiple = True
block_size = None
  .help = "Overrides image_range if present. This option splits each sequence"
          "into the nearest integer number of equal size blocks close to"
          "block_size degrees in width"
  .type = float(allow_none=True)