Source code for dials.algorithms.indexing.assign_indices

from __future__ import annotations

from cctbx.array_family import flex

import dials_algorithms_indexing_ext as ext
from dials.algorithms.indexing import DialsIndexError

[docs] class AssignIndicesStrategy:
[docs] def __init__(self, d_min=None): self._d_min = d_min
def __call__(self, reciprocal_lattice_vectors): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class AssignIndicesGlobal(AssignIndicesStrategy):
[docs] def __init__(self, tolerance=0.3): super().__init__() self._tolerance = tolerance
def __call__(self, reflections, experiments, d_min=None): reciprocal_lattice_points = reflections["rlp"] reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index(len(reflections), (0, 0, 0)) if d_min is not None: d_spacings = 1 / reciprocal_lattice_points.norms() inside_resolution_limit = d_spacings > d_min else: inside_resolution_limit = flex.bool(reciprocal_lattice_points.size(), True) sel = inside_resolution_limit & (reflections["id"] == -1) isel = sel.iselection() rlps = refs = phi = refs[""].parts()[2] UB_matrices = flex.mat3_double([cm.get_A() for cm in experiments.crystals()]) imgset_ids = reflections["imageset_id"].select(sel) for i_imgset, imgset in enumerate(experiments.imagesets()): sel_imgset = imgset_ids == i_imgset result = ext.AssignIndices(,, UB_matrices, tolerance=self._tolerance, ) miller_indices = result.miller_indices() crystal_ids = result.crystal_ids() expt_ids =, -1) for i_cryst, cryst in enumerate(experiments.crystals()): sel_cryst = crystal_ids == i_cryst for i_expt in experiments.where(crystal=cryst, imageset=imgset): expt_ids.set_selected(sel_cryst, i_expt) if experiments[i_expt].identifier: reflections.experiment_identifiers()[i_expt] = experiments[ i_expt ].identifier reflections["miller_index"].set_selected(, miller_indices ) reflections["id"].set_selected(, expt_ids) reflections.set_flags( reflections["miller_index"] != (0, 0, 0), reflections.flags.indexed ) reflections["id"].set_selected(reflections["miller_index"] == (0, 0, 0), -1)
[docs] class AssignIndicesLocal(AssignIndicesStrategy):
[docs] def __init__( self, d_min=None, epsilon=0.05, delta=8, l_min=0.8, nearest_neighbours=20 ): super().__init__() self._epsilon = epsilon self._delta = delta self._l_min = l_min self._nearest_neighbours = nearest_neighbours
def __call__(self, reflections, experiments, d_min=None): from libtbx.math_utils import nearest_integer as nint from scitbx import matrix reciprocal_lattice_points = reflections["rlp"] if "miller_index" not in reflections: reflections["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index(len(reflections)) if d_min is not None: d_spacings = 1 / reciprocal_lattice_points.norms() inside_resolution_limit = d_spacings > d_min else: inside_resolution_limit = flex.bool(reciprocal_lattice_points.size(), True) sel = inside_resolution_limit & (reflections["id"] == -1) isel = sel.iselection() rlps = refs = phi = refs[""].parts()[2] if len(rlps) <= self._nearest_neighbours: raise DialsIndexError( "index_assignment.local.nearest_neighbour must be smaller than the number of accepted reflections (%d)" % len(rlps) ) UB_matrices = flex.mat3_double([cm.get_A() for cm in experiments.crystals()]) result = ext.AssignIndicesLocal( rlps, phi, UB_matrices, epsilon=self._epsilon, delta=self._delta, l_min=self._l_min, nearest_neighbours=self._nearest_neighbours, ) miller_indices = result.miller_indices() crystal_ids = result.crystal_ids() hkl = miller_indices.as_vec3_double().iround() assert < 0).all_eq((0, 0, 0)) for i_cryst in set(crystal_ids): if i_cryst < 0: continue A = matrix.sqr(experiments[i_cryst].crystal.get_A()) A_inv = A.inverse() cryst_sel = crystal_ids == i_cryst rlp_sel = hkl_sel = d_sel = 1 / rlp_sel.norms() d_perm = flex.sort_permutation(d_sel, reverse=True) hf_0 = A_inv * rlp_sel[d_perm[0]] h_0 = matrix.col([nint(j) for j in hf_0.elems]) offset = h_0 - matrix.col(hkl_sel[d_perm[0]]) # print "offset:", offset.elems h = hkl_sel + flex.vec3_double(hkl_sel.size(), offset.elems) refs["miller_index"].set_selected( cryst_sel, flex.miller_index(list(h.iround())) ) refs["id"].set_selected(cryst_sel, i_cryst) crystal_ids.set_selected(crystal_ids < 0, -1) refs["id"] = crystal_ids refs["miller_index"].set_selected(crystal_ids < 0, (0, 0, 0)) reflections["miller_index"].set_selected(isel, refs["miller_index"]) reflections["id"].set_selected(isel, refs["id"]) reflections.set_flags( reflections["miller_index"] != (0, 0, 0), reflections.flags.indexed )