Source code for dials.algorithms.indexing.basis_vector_search.fft3d

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import math

from cctbx import crystal, uctbx, xray
from libtbx import libtbx, phil
from scitbx import fftpack, matrix
from scitbx.array_family import flex

import dials_algorithms_indexing_ext
from dials.algorithms import indexing

from .strategy import Strategy
from .utils import group_vectors, is_approximate_integer_multiple

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

fft3d_phil_str = """\
b_iso = Auto
    .type = float(value_min=0)
    .expert_level = 2
rmsd_cutoff = 15
    .type = float(value_min=0)
    .expert_level = 1
peak_search = *flood_fill clean
    .type = choice
    .expert_level = 2
peak_volume_cutoff = 0.15
    .type = float
    .expert_level = 2
reciprocal_space_grid {
    n_points = 256
        .type = int(value_min=0)
        .expert_level = 1
    d_min = Auto
        .type = float(value_min=0)
        .help = "The high resolution limit in Angstrom for spots to include in "
                "the initial indexing."

[docs] class FFT3D(Strategy): """ Basis vector search using a 3D FFT in reciprocal space. Reciprocal space is sampled as a 3D Cartesian grid, aligned with the basis of the laboratory frame. The reciprocal-space positions of the centroids of measured spots are ascribed a value of 1, with the rest of the grid assigned a value of 0. A 3D FFT is performed and the three shortest non-collinear reciprocal spatial wave vectors with appreciable spectral weight correspond to the basis vectors of the real space lattice. Because this procedure requires a sampling of all of reciprocal space, up to the d* value of the measured spot with the highest resolution, it can be more memory intensive than alternative approaches. To mitigate this, the 3D FFT will sometimes be curtailed to a region of reciprocal space below a certain resolution, and higher-resolution spots will be ignored. See: Bricogne, G. (1986). Proceedings of the EEC Cooperative Workshop on Position-Sensitive Detector Software (Phase III), p. 28. Paris: LURE. Campbell, J. W. (1998). J. Appl. Cryst. 31, 407-413. """ phil_help = ( "Search for the basis vectors of the direct lattice by performing a 3D FFT in " "reciprocal space of the density of found spots. Since this can be quite " "memory-intensive, the data used for indexing may automatically be " "constrained to just the lower resolution spots." ) phil_scope = phil.parse(fft3d_phil_str)
[docs] def __init__(self, max_cell, min_cell=3, params=None, *args, **kwargs): """Construct an FFT3D object. Args: max_cell (float): An estimate of the maximum cell dimension of the primitive cell. n_points (int): The size of the fft3d grid. d_min (float): The high resolution limit in Angstrom for spots to include in the initial indexing. If `Auto` then calculated as `d_min = 5 * max_cell/n_points`. b_iso (float): Apply an isotropic b_factor weight to the points when doing the FFT. If `Auto` then calculated as `b_iso = -4 * d_min ** 2 * math.log(0.05)`. rmsd_cutoff (float): RMSD cutoff applied to the transformed real-space map prior to performing the peak search. peak_volume_cutoff (float): Only include peaks that are larger than this fraction of the volume of the largest peak in the transformed real-space map. min_cell (float): A conservative lower bound on the minimum possible primitive unit cell dimension. """ super().__init__(max_cell, params=params, *args, **kwargs) n_points = self._params.reciprocal_space_grid.n_points self._gridding = fftpack.adjust_gridding_triple( (n_points, n_points, n_points), max_prime=5 ) self._n_points = self._gridding[0] self._min_cell = min_cell
[docs] def find_basis_vectors(self, reciprocal_lattice_vectors): """Find a list of likely basis vectors. Args: reciprocal_lattice_vectors (scitbx.array_family.flex.vec3_double): The list of reciprocal lattice vectors to search for periodicity. Returns: A tuple containing the list of basis vectors and a flex.bool array identifying which reflections were used in indexing. """ if self._params.reciprocal_space_grid.d_min is libtbx.Auto: # rough calculation of suitable d_min based on max cell # see also Campbell, J. (1998). J. Appl. Cryst., 31(3), 407-413. # fft_cell should be greater than twice max_cell, so say: # fft_cell = 2.5 * max_cell # then: # fft_cell = n_points * d_min/2 # 2.5 * max_cell = n_points * d_min/2 # a little bit of rearrangement: # d_min = 5 * max_cell/n_points max_cell = self._max_cell d_min = 5 * max_cell / self._n_points d_spacings = 1 / reciprocal_lattice_vectors.norms() d_min = max(d_min, min(d_spacings))"Setting d_min: %.2f", d_min) else: d_min = self._params.reciprocal_space_grid.d_min grid_real, used_in_indexing = self._fft(reciprocal_lattice_vectors, d_min) self.sites, self.volumes = self._find_peaks(grid_real, d_min) # hijack the xray.structure class to facilitate calculation of distances self.crystal_symmetry = crystal.symmetry( unit_cell=self._fft_cell, space_group_symbol="P1" ) xs = xray.structure(crystal_symmetry=self.crystal_symmetry) for i, site in enumerate(self.sites): xs.add_scatterer(xray.scatterer("C%i" % i, site=site)) xs = xs.sites_mod_short() sites_cart = xs.sites_cart() lengths = flex.double([matrix.col(sc).length() for sc in sites_cart]) perm = flex.sort_permutation(lengths) xs = volumes = vectors = xs.sites_cart() norms = vectors.norms() sel = (norms > self._min_cell) & (norms < (2 * self._max_cell)) vectors = vectors = [matrix.col(v) for v in vectors] volumes = vector_groups = group_vectors(vectors, volumes) vectors = [g.mean for g in vector_groups] volumes = flex.double(max(g.weights) for g in vector_groups) # sort by peak size perm = flex.sort_permutation(volumes, reverse=True) volumes = vectors = [vectors[i] for i in perm] for i, (v, volume) in enumerate(zip(vectors, volumes)): logger.debug(f"{i} {v.length()} {volume}") # sort by length lengths = flex.double(v.length() for v in vectors) perm = flex.sort_permutation(lengths) # exclude vectors that are (approximately) integer multiples of a shorter # vector unique_vectors = [] unique_volumes = flex.double() for p in perm: v = vectors[p] is_unique = True for i, v_u in enumerate(unique_vectors): if (unique_volumes[i] > volumes[p]) and is_approximate_integer_multiple( v_u, v ): logger.debug( "rejecting %s: integer multiple of %s", v.length(), v_u.length() ) is_unique = False break if is_unique: unique_vectors.append(v) unique_volumes.append(volumes[p]) # re-sort by peak volume perm = flex.sort_permutation(unique_volumes, reverse=True) self.candidate_basis_vectors = [unique_vectors[i] for i in perm] return self.candidate_basis_vectors, used_in_indexing
def _fft(self, reciprocal_lattice_vectors, d_min): ( reciprocal_space_grid, used_in_indexing, ) = self._map_centroids_to_reciprocal_space_grid( reciprocal_lattice_vectors, d_min ) "Number of centroids used: %i", (reciprocal_space_grid > 0).count(True) ) # gb_to_bytes = 1073741824 # bytes_to_gb = 1/gb_to_bytes # (128**3)*8*2*bytes_to_gb # 0.03125 # (256**3)*8*2*bytes_to_gb # 0.25 # (512**3)*8*2*bytes_to_gb # 2.0 fft = fftpack.complex_to_complex_3d(self._gridding) grid_complex = flex.complex_double( reals=reciprocal_space_grid, imags=flex.double(reciprocal_space_grid.size(), 0), ) grid_transformed = fft.forward(grid_complex) grid_real = flex.pow2(flex.real(grid_transformed)) del grid_transformed return grid_real, used_in_indexing def _map_centroids_to_reciprocal_space_grid( self, reciprocal_lattice_vectors, d_min ):"FFT gridding: (%i,%i,%i)" % self._gridding) grid = flex.double(flex.grid(self._gridding), 0) if self._params.b_iso is libtbx.Auto: self._params.b_iso = -4 * d_min**2 * math.log(0.05) logger.debug("Setting b_iso = %.1f", self._params.b_iso) used_in_indexing = flex.bool(reciprocal_lattice_vectors.size(), True) dials_algorithms_indexing_ext.map_centroids_to_reciprocal_space_grid( grid, reciprocal_lattice_vectors, used_in_indexing, # do we really need this? d_min, b_iso=self._params.b_iso, ) return grid, used_in_indexing def _find_peaks(self, grid_real, d_min): grid_real_binary = grid_real.deep_copy() rmsd = math.sqrt( flex.mean( flex.pow2( grid_real_binary.as_1d() - flex.mean(grid_real_binary.as_1d()) ) ) ) grid_real_binary.set_selected( grid_real_binary < (self._params.rmsd_cutoff) * rmsd, 0 ) grid_real_binary.as_1d().set_selected(grid_real_binary.as_1d() > 0, 1) grid_real_binary = grid_real_binary.iround() from cctbx import masks # real space FFT grid dimensions cell_lengths = [self._n_points * d_min / 2 for i in range(3)] self._fft_cell = uctbx.unit_cell(cell_lengths + [90] * 3) flood_fill = masks.flood_fill(grid_real_binary, self._fft_cell) if flood_fill.n_voids() < 4: # Require at least peak at origin and one peak for each basis vector raise indexing.DialsIndexError( "Indexing failed: fft3d peak search failed to find sufficient number of peaks." ) # the peak at the origin might have a significantly larger volume than the # rest so exclude any anomalously large peaks from determining minimum volume from scitbx.math import five_number_summary outliers = flex.bool(flood_fill.n_voids(), False) grid_points_per_void = flood_fill.grid_points_per_void() min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(grid_points_per_void) iqr_multiplier = 5 iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x cut_x = iqr_multiplier * iqr_x outliers.set_selected(grid_points_per_void.as_double() > (q3_x + cut_x), True) # print q3_x + cut_x, outliers.count(True) isel = ( grid_points_per_void > int( self._params.peak_volume_cutoff * flex.max( ) ).iselection() sites = flood_fill.centres_of_mass_frac().select(isel) volumes = flood_fill.grid_points_per_void().select(isel) return sites, volumes