Source code for dials.algorithms.indexing.model_evaluation

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import copy
import logging
import math

import libtbx
from dxtbx.model import Crystal
from scitbx import matrix
from scitbx.array_family import flex

import dials.util
from dials.algorithms.indexing.compare_orientation_matrices import (
from dials.algorithms.refinement import RefinerFactory
from dials.util.log import LoggingContext

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Result = collections.namedtuple(

[docs] def filter_doubled_cell(solutions): accepted_solutions = [] for i1, s1 in enumerate(solutions): doubled_cell = False for (m1, m2, m3) in ( (2, 1, 1), (1, 2, 1), (1, 1, 2), (2, 2, 1), (2, 1, 2), (1, 2, 2), (2, 2, 2), ): if doubled_cell: break a, b, c = (matrix.col(v) for v in s1.crystal.get_real_space_vectors()) new_cryst = Crystal( real_space_a=1 / m1 * a, real_space_b=1 / m2 * b, real_space_c=1 / m3 * c, space_group=s1.crystal.get_space_group(), ) new_unit_cell = new_cryst.get_unit_cell() for s2 in solutions: if s2 is s1: continue if new_unit_cell.is_similar_to( s2.crystal.get_unit_cell(), relative_length_tolerance=0.05 ): R, axis, angle, cb = difference_rotation_matrix_axis_angle( new_cryst, s2.crystal ) if (angle < 1) and (s1.n_indexed < (1.1 * s2.n_indexed)): doubled_cell = True break if not doubled_cell: accepted_solutions.append(s1) return accepted_solutions
[docs] class ModelRank:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.all_solutions = []
[docs] def append(self, item): self.all_solutions.append(item)
[docs] def extend(self, items): self.all_solutions.extend(items)
[docs] def best_model(self): raise NotImplementedError()
def __str__(self): raise NotImplementedError()
# Tracker for solutions based on code in rstbx/dps_core/
[docs] class ModelRankFilter(ModelRank):
[docs] def __init__( self, check_doubled_cell=True, likelihood_cutoff=0.8, volume_cutoff=1.25, n_indexed_cutoff=0.9, ): super().__init__() self.check_doubled_cell = check_doubled_cell self.likelihood_cutoff = likelihood_cutoff self.volume_cutoff = volume_cutoff self.n_indexed_cutoff = n_indexed_cutoff self.filtered_solutions = []
[docs] def append(self, item): super().append(item) self.update_analysis()
[docs] def extend(self, items): super().extend(items) self.update_analysis()
def __len__(self): return len(self.filtered_solutions)
[docs] def filter_by_likelihood(self, solutions): best_likelihood = max(s.model_likelihood for s in solutions) offset = 0 while (best_likelihood + offset) <= 0: offset += 1 return [ s for s in solutions if (s.model_likelihood + offset) >= (self.likelihood_cutoff * (best_likelihood + offset)) ]
[docs] def filter_by_volume(self, solutions): # filter by volume - prefer solutions with a smaller unit cell min_volume = min(s.crystal.get_unit_cell().volume() for s in solutions) return [ s for s in solutions if s.crystal.get_unit_cell().volume() < (self.volume_cutoff * min_volume) ]
[docs] def filter_by_n_indexed(self, solutions, n_indexed_cutoff=None): if n_indexed_cutoff is None: n_indexed_cutoff = self.n_indexed_cutoff # filter by number of indexed reflections - prefer solutions that # account for more of the diffracted spots max_n_indexed = max(s.n_indexed for s in solutions) return [s for s in solutions if s.n_indexed >= n_indexed_cutoff * max_n_indexed]
[docs] def update_analysis(self): # pre-filter out solutions that only account for a very small # percentage of the indexed spots relative to the best one self.filtered_solutions = self.filter_by_n_indexed( self.all_solutions, n_indexed_cutoff=0.05 ) # 5 percent if self.check_doubled_cell: self.filtered_solutions = filter_doubled_cell(self.filtered_solutions) self.filtered_solutions = self.filter_by_likelihood(self.filtered_solutions) self.filtered_solutions = self.filter_by_volume(self.filtered_solutions) self.filtered_solutions = self.filter_by_n_indexed(self.filtered_solutions) return
[docs] def best_model(self): self.best_filtered_liklihood = max( s.model_likelihood for s in self.filtered_solutions ) solutions = [ s for s in self.filtered_solutions if s.model_likelihood == self.best_filtered_liklihood ] return solutions[0]
def __str__(self): rows = [] rows.append( ["unit_cell", "volume", "n_indexed", "fraction_indexed", "likelihood"] ) for i, s in enumerate(self.all_solutions): s = self.all_solutions[i] rows.append( [ format( s.crystal.get_unit_cell(), "{:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}", ), f"{s.crystal.get_unit_cell().volume():.0f}", str(s.n_indexed), f"{s.fraction_indexed * 100:.0f}", f"{s.model_likelihood:.2f}", ] ) return dials.util.tabulate(rows, headers="firstrow")
[docs] class ModelRankWeighted(ModelRank):
[docs] def __init__(self, power=2, volume_weight=1, n_indexed_weight=1, rmsd_weight=1): super().__init__() self.volume_weight = volume_weight self.n_indexed_weight = n_indexed_weight self.rmsd_weight = rmsd_weight self.power = power
def __len__(self): return len(self.all_solutions)
[docs] def score_by_volume(self, reverse=False): # smaller volume = better volumes = flex.double( s.crystal.get_unit_cell().volume() for s in self.all_solutions ) score = flex.log(volumes) / math.log(2) return self.volume_weight * (score - flex.min(score))
[docs] def score_by_rmsd_xy(self, reverse=False): # smaller rmsds = better rmsd_x, rmsd_y, rmsd_z = flex.vec3_double( s.rmsds for s in self.all_solutions ).parts() rmsd_xy = flex.sqrt(flex.pow2(rmsd_x) + flex.pow2(rmsd_y)) score = flex.log(rmsd_xy) / math.log(2) return self.rmsd_weight * (score - flex.min(score))
[docs] def score_by_fraction_indexed(self, reverse=False): # more indexed reflections = better fraction_indexed = flex.double(s.fraction_indexed for s in self.all_solutions) score = flex.log(fraction_indexed) / math.log(2) return self.n_indexed_weight * (-score + flex.max(score))
[docs] def best_model(self): scores = self.combined_scores() perm = flex.sort_permutation(scores) return self.all_solutions[perm[0]]
[docs] def combined_scores(self): scores = sum( flex.pow(score.as_double(), self.power) for score in ( self.score_by_fraction_indexed(), self.score_by_volume(), self.score_by_rmsd_xy(), ) ) return scores
def __str__(self): rows = [] rows.append( [ "unit_cell", "volume", "volume score", "#indexed", "% indexed", "% indexed score", "rmsd_xy", "rmsd_xy score", "overall score", ] ) score_by_fraction_indexed = self.score_by_fraction_indexed() score_by_volume = self.score_by_volume() score_by_rmsd_xy = self.score_by_rmsd_xy() combined_scores = self.combined_scores() perm = flex.sort_permutation(combined_scores) rmsd_x, rmsd_y, rmsd_z = flex.vec3_double( s.rmsds for s in self.all_solutions ).parts() rmsd_xy = flex.sqrt(flex.pow2(rmsd_x) + flex.pow2(rmsd_y)) for i in perm: s = self.all_solutions[i] rows.append( [ format( s.crystal.get_unit_cell(), "{:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}", ), f"{s.crystal.get_unit_cell().volume():.0f}", f"{score_by_volume[i]:.2f}", str(s.n_indexed), f"{s.fraction_indexed * 100:.0f}", f"{score_by_fraction_indexed[i]:.2f}", f"{rmsd_xy[i]:.2f}", f"{score_by_rmsd_xy[i]:.2f}", f"{combined_scores[i]:.2f}", ] ) return dials.util.tabulate(rows, headers="firstrow")
[docs] class Strategy:
[docs] def evaluate(self, experiments, reflections): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class ModelEvaluation(Strategy):
[docs] def __init__(self, refinement_params): self._params = copy.deepcopy(refinement_params) # override several parameters, mainly for speed self._params.refinement.parameterisation.auto_reduction.action = "fix" self._params.refinement.parameterisation.scan_varying = False self._params.refinement.refinery.max_iterations = 4 if self._params.refinement.reflections.reflections_per_degree is libtbx.Auto: self._params.refinement.reflections.reflections_per_degree = 20 else: self._params.refinement.reflections.reflections_per_degree = min( self._params.refinement.reflections.reflections_per_degree, 20 ) if self._params.refinement.reflections.outlier.block_width is libtbx.Auto: # auto block_width determination is potentially too expensive to do at # this stage: instead set separate_blocks=False and increase value # of tukey.iqr_multiplier to be more tolerant of outliers self._params.refinement.reflections.outlier.separate_blocks = False self._params.refinement.reflections.outlier.tukey.iqr_multiplier = ( 2 * self._params.refinement.reflections.outlier.tukey.iqr_multiplier )
[docs] def evaluate(self, experiments, reflections): with LoggingContext("dials.algorithms.refinement", level=logging.ERROR): indexed_reflections =["id"] > -1) try: refiner = RefinerFactory.from_parameters_data_experiments( self._params, indexed_reflections, experiments ) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): return else: rmsds = refiner.rmsds() xy_rmsds = math.sqrt(rmsds[0] ** 2 + rmsds[1] ** 2) model_likelihood = 1.0 - xy_rmsds result = Result( model_likelihood=model_likelihood, crystal=experiments.crystals()[0], rmsds=rmsds, n_indexed=len(indexed_reflections), fraction_indexed=float(len(indexed_reflections)) / len(reflections), hkl_offset=(0, 0, 0), ) return result