Source code for dials.algorithms.refinement.engine

"""Contains classes for refinement engines. Refinery is the shared interface,
LevenbergMarquardtIterations, GaussNewtonIterations, SimpleLBFGS and LBFGScurvs
are the current concrete implementations"""

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import json
import logging
from io import StringIO

import libtbx
from libtbx import easy_mp
from libtbx.phil import parse
from scitbx import lbfgs, sparse
from scitbx.array_family import flex
from scitbx.lstbx import normal_eqns, normal_eqns_solving

from dials.algorithms.refinement import DialsRefineRuntimeError

from .target import Target

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# termination reason strings
TARGET_ACHIEVED = "RMSD target achieved"
RMSD_CONVERGED = "RMSD no longer decreasing"
STEP_TOO_SMALL = "Step too small"
OBJECTIVE_INCREASE = "Refinement failure: objective increased"
MAX_ITERATIONS = "Reached maximum number of iterations"
MAX_TRIAL_ITERATIONS = "Reached maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful trial steps"
DOF_TOO_LOW = "Not enough degrees of freedom to refine"
OBJECTIVE_FLAT = "Refinement failure: zero expected decrease of the objective"

refinery_phil_str = """
  .help = "Parameters to configure the refinery"
  .expert_level = 1
  engine = SimpleLBFGS LBFGScurvs GaussNewton *LevMar SparseLevMar
    .help = "The minimisation engine to use"
    .type = choice

  max_iterations = None
    .help = "Maximum number of iterations in refinement before termination."
            "None implies the engine supplies its own default."
    .type = int(value_min=1)

  log = None
    .help = "Filename for an optional log that a minimisation engine may use"
            "to write additional information"
    .type = path

    .help = "Extra items to track in the refinement history"
    track_step = False
      .help = "Record parameter shifts history in the refinement journal, if"
              "the engine supports it."
      .type = bool

    track_gradient = False
      .help = "Record parameter gradients history in the refinement journal, if"
              "the engine supports it."
      .type = bool

    track_parameter_correlation = False
      .help = "Record correlation matrix between columns of the Jacobian for"
              "each step of refinement."
      .type = bool

    track_jacobian_structure = False
      .help = "Record numbers of explicit and structural zeroes in each column"
              "of the Jacobian at each step of refinement."
      .type = bool

    track_condition_number = False
      .help = "Record condition number of the Jacobian for each step of "
      .type = bool

    track_normal_matrix = False
      .help = "Record the full normal matrix at each step of refinement"
      .type = bool

    track_out_of_sample_rmsd = False
      .type = bool
      .help = "Record RMSDs calculated using the refined experiments with"
              "reflections not used in refinement at each step. Only valid if a"
              "subset of input reflections was taken for refinement"
refinery_phil_scope = parse(refinery_phil_str)

[docs] class Journal(dict): """Container in which to store information about refinement history. This is simply a dict but provides some extra methods for access that maintain values as columns in a table. Refinery classes will use these methods while entering data to ensure the table remains consistent. Methods inherited from dict are not hidden for ease of use of this object when returned to the user.""" reason_for_termination = None _nrows = 0
[docs] def get_nrows(self): return self._nrows
[docs] def add_column(self, key): """Add a new column named by key""" self[key] = [None] * self._nrows
[docs] def add_row(self): """Add an element to the end of each of the columns. Fail if any columns are the wrong length""" for k in self: assert len(self[k]) == self._nrows self[k].append(None) self._nrows += 1
[docs] def del_last_row(self): """Delete the last element from the each of the columns. Fail if any columns are the wrong length""" if self._nrows == 0: return None for k in self: assert len(self[k]) == self._nrows self[k].pop() self._nrows -= 1
[docs] def set_last_cell(self, key, value): """Set last cell in column given by key to value. Fail if the column is the wrong length""" assert len(self[key]) == self._nrows self[key][-1] = value
[docs] def to_json_file(self, filename): d = {"attributes": self.__dict__, "data": dict(self)} with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(d, f)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_file(cls, filename): with open(filename) as f: d = json.load(f) j = cls() j.update(d["data"]) for key in d["attributes"]: setattr(j, key, d["attributes"][key]) return j
[docs] class Refinery: """Interface for Refinery objects. This should be subclassed and the run method implemented.""" # NOTES. A Refinery is initialised with a Target function. The target # function already contains a ReflectionManager (which holds the data) so # there's no need to pass the data in here. In fact the Target # class does the bulk of the work, as it also does the reflection prediction # to get the updated predictions on each cycle. This should make some sense # as the target function is inextricably linked to the space in which # predictions are made (e.g. detector space, phi), so it is not general # enough to sit abstractly above the prediction. # This keeps the Refinery simple and able to be focused only on generic # features of managing a refinement run, like reporting results and checking # termination criteria. # The prediction values come from a PredictionParameterisation object. # This is also referred to by the Target function, but it makes sense for # Refinery to be able to refer to it directly. So refinery should keep a # separate link to its PredictionParameterisation.
[docs] def __init__( self, target: Target, prediction_parameterisation, constraints_manager=None, log=None, tracking=None, max_iterations=None, ): # reference to PredictionParameterisation, Target and ConstraintsManager # objects self._parameters = prediction_parameterisation self._target = target self._constr_manager = constraints_manager # initial parameter values self.x = flex.double(self._parameters.get_param_vals()) if self._constr_manager is not None: self.x = self._constr_manager.constrain_parameters(self.x) self.old_x = None # undefined initial functional and gradients values self._f = None self._g = None self._jacobian: flex.double | sparse.matrix | None = None # filename for an optional log file self._log = log self._target_achieved = False self._max_iterations = max_iterations # attributes for journalling functionality, based on lstbx's # journaled_non_linear_ls class if tracking is None: # set default tracking tracking = refinery_phil_scope.extract().refinery.journal self.history = Journal() self.history.add_column("num_reflections") self.history.add_column("objective") # flex.double() self.history.add_column("gradient_norm") # flex.double() self.history.add_column("solution_norm") # flex.double() self.history.add_column("parameter_vector") self.history.add_column("parameter_vector_norm") # flex.double() self.history.add_column("rmsd") # Optional tracking if tracking.track_step: self.history.add_column("solution") if tracking.track_gradient: self.history.add_column("gradient") if tracking.track_parameter_correlation: self.history.add_column("parameter_correlation") if tracking.track_condition_number: self.history.add_column("condition_number") if tracking.track_jacobian_structure: self.history.add_column("jacobian_structure") if tracking.track_normal_matrix: self.history.add_column("normal_matrix") if tracking.track_out_of_sample_rmsd: self.history.add_column("out_of_sample_rmsd") # number of processes to use, for engines that support multiprocessing self._nproc = 1 self.prepare_for_step()
[docs] def get_num_steps(self): return self.history.get_nrows() - 1
[docs] def prepare_for_step(self): """Update the parameterisation and prepare the target function""" x = self.x if self._constr_manager is not None: x = self._constr_manager.expand_parameters(x) # set current parameter values self._parameters.set_param_vals(x) # do reflection prediction self._target.predict()
[docs] def update_journal(self): """Append latest step information to the journal attributes""" # add step quantities to journal self.history.add_row() self.history.set_last_cell("num_reflections", self._target.get_num_matches()) self.history.set_last_cell("rmsd", self._target.rmsds()) self.history.set_last_cell( "parameter_vector", self._parameters.get_param_vals() ) self.history.set_last_cell("objective", self._f) if "gradient" in self.history: self.history.set_last_cell("gradient", self._g) if "parameter_correlation" in self.history and self._jacobian is not None: resid_names = [s.replace("RMSD_", "") for s in self._target.rmsd_names] # split Jacobian into dense matrix blocks corresponding to each residual jblocks = self.split_jacobian_into_blocks() corrmats = {} for r, j in zip(resid_names, jblocks): corrmats[r] = self._packed_corr_mat(j) self.history.set_last_cell("parameter_correlation", corrmats) if "jacobian_structure" in self.history and self._jacobian is not None: self.history.set_last_cell("jacobian_structure", self._jacobian_structure()) if "condition_number" in self.history and self._jacobian is not None: self.history.set_last_cell( "condition_number", self.jacobian_condition_number() ) if "out_of_sample_rmsd" in self.history: preds = self._target.predict_for_free_reflections() self.history.set_last_cell( "out_of_sample_rmsd", self._target.rmsds_for_reflection_table(preds) )
[docs] def split_jacobian_into_blocks(self) -> list[flex.double]: """Split the Jacobian into blocks each corresponding to a separate residual, converting sparse to flex.double if appropriate""" nblocks = len(self._target.rmsd_names) try: # The Jacobian might be a sparse matrix j: flex.double = self._jacobian.as_dense_matrix() except AttributeError: j = self._jacobian nr, nc = j.all() nr_block = int(nr / nblocks) row_start = [e * nr_block for e in range(nblocks)] blocks = [j.matrix_copy_block(rs, 0, nr_block, nc) for rs in row_start] return blocks
@staticmethod def _packed_corr_mat(m: flex.double) -> list[float]: """Return a list containing the upper diagonal values of the correlation matrix calculated between columns of 2D matrix flex.double matrix m""" _, nc = m.all() tmp = [] for col1 in range(nc): for col2 in range(col1, nc): if col1 == col2: tmp.append(1.0) else: # Avoid spuriously high correlation between a column that should be # zero (such as the gradient of X residuals wrt the Shift2 parameter) # and another column (such as the gradient of X residuals wrt the # Dist parameter) by rounding values to 15 places. It seems that such # spurious correlations may occur in cases where gradients are # calculated to be zero by matrix operations, rather than set to zero. v1 = m.matrix_copy_column(col1).round(15) v2 = m.matrix_copy_column(col2).round(15) tmp.append(flex.linear_correlation(v1, v2).coefficient()) return tmp
[docs] def get_correlation_matrix_for_step(self, step): """For each type of residual (e.g. X, Y, Phi), decompress and return the full 2D correlation matrix between columns of the Jacobian that was stored in the journal at the given step number. If not available, return None""" if "parameter_correlation" not in self.history: return None try: packed_mats = self.history["parameter_correlation"][step] except IndexError: return None if packed_mats is None: return None packed_mats = copy.deepcopy(packed_mats) nparam = len(self._parameters) for k, v in packed_mats.items(): corr_mat = flex.double(flex.grid(nparam, nparam)) i = 0 for row in range(nparam): for col in range(row, nparam): corr_mat[row, col] = v[i] i += 1 corr_mat.matrix_copy_upper_to_lower_triangle_in_place() packed_mats[k] = corr_mat return packed_mats
[docs] def jacobian_condition_number(self): """Calculate the condition number of the Jacobian, for tracking in the refinement journal, if requested. The condition number of a matrix A is defined as cond(A) = ||A|| ||inv(A)||. For a rectangular matrix the inverse operation refers to the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse. Various matrix norms can be used, resulting in numerically different condition numbers, however the 2-norm is commonly used. In that case, the definition is equivalent to the ratio of the largest to smallest singular values of the matrix: cond(A) = sig_(A) / sig_min(A). That is the calculation that is performed here. The condition number is a measure of how accurate the solution x to the equation Ax = b will be. Essentially it measures how errors are amplified through the linear equation. The condition number is large in the case that the columns of A are nearly linearly-dependent (and infinite for a singular matrix). We use it here then to detect situations where the correlation between effects of different parameter shifts becomes large and therefore refinement is problematic. Note, the Jacobian used here does not include any additional rows due to restraints terms that might be applied, or any parameter reduction due to constraints. Therefore this condition number relates to the pure linearised (Gauss-Newton) step, which might not actually be what the refinement engine uses. It can be indicative of issues in the fundamental set up of the least squares problem, even if these issues are avoided in practice (e.g. by use of an algorithm like Levenberg-Marquardt, inclusion of restraints or parameter reduction). """ try: # The Jacobian might be a sparse matrix j = self._jacobian.as_dense_matrix().deep_copy() except AttributeError: j = self._jacobian.deep_copy() from scitbx.linalg.svd import real as svd_real svd = svd_real(j, False, False) # The condition number is the ratio of the largest to the smallest singular # values of the matrix return max(svd.sigma) / min(svd.sigma)
[docs] def test_for_termination(self): """Return True if refinement should be terminated""" # Basic version delegate to the Target class. Derived classes may # implement other termination criteria self._target_achieved = self._target.achieved() return self._target_achieved
[docs] def test_rmsd_convergence(self): """Test for convergence of RMSDs""" # # Non-linear_least_squares#Convergence_criteria try: r1 = self.history["rmsd"][-1] r2 = self.history["rmsd"][-2] except IndexError: return False tests = [ abs((e[1] - e[0]) / e[1]) < 0.0001 if e[1] > 0 else True for e in zip(r1, r2) ] return all(tests)
[docs] def test_objective_increasing_but_not_nref(self): """Test for an increase in the objective value between steps. This could be caused simply by the number of matches between observations and predictions increasing. However, if the number of matches stayed the same or reduced then this is a bad sign.""" try: l1 = self.history["objective"][-1] l2 = self.history["objective"][-2] n1 = self.history["num_reflections"][-1] n2 = self.history["num_reflections"][-2] except IndexError: return False return l1 > l2 and n1 <= n2
[docs] def set_nproc(self, nproc): """Set number of processors for multiprocessing. Override in derived classes if a policy dictates that this must not be user-controlled""" self._nproc = nproc
[docs] def run(self): """ To be implemented by derived class. It is expected that each step of refinement be preceded by a call to prepare_for_step and followed by calls to update_journal and test_for_termination (in that order). """ # Specify a minimizer and its parameters, and run raise NotImplementedError()
def _dump_normal_matrix(self): """Output the full normal matrix at the current step as a string for debugging.""" try: s = ( self.normal_matrix_packed_u() .matrix_packed_u_as_symmetric() .as_scitbx_matrix() .matlab_form(format=None, one_row_per_line=True) ) except AttributeError: s = "Unavailable" return s def _jacobian_structure(self): """Calculate the structure of the Jacobian matrix and output as a table for display""" result = [] p_names = self._parameters.get_param_names() for name, col in zip(p_names, self._jacobian.cols()): result.append( { "parameter": name, "nrows": col.size, "structural_zeroes": (col.size - col.non_zeroes), "all_zeroes": ((col.as_dense_vector() == 0.0).count(True)), } ) return result
[docs] class DisableMPmixin: """A mixin class that disables setting of nproc for multiprocessing"""
[docs] def set_nproc(self, nproc): if nproc != 1: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class AdaptLbfgs(Refinery): """Adapt Refinery for L-BFGS minimiser"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Refinery.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._termination_params = lbfgs.termination_parameters( max_iterations=self._max_iterations ) self._log_string = StringIO
[docs] def compute_functional_and_gradients(self): L, dL_dp, _ = self.compute_functional_gradients_and_curvatures() self._f = L self._g = dL_dp return self._f, self._g
[docs] def compute_functional_gradients_and_curvatures(self): self.prepare_for_step() # observation terms blocks = self._target.split_matches_into_blocks(nproc=self._nproc) if self._nproc > 1: task_results = easy_mp.parallel_map( func=self._target.compute_functional_gradients_and_curvatures, iterable=blocks, processes=self._nproc, method="multiprocessing", preserve_exception_message=True, ) else: task_results = [ self._target.compute_functional_gradients_and_curvatures(block) for block in blocks ] # reduce blockwise results flist, glist, clist = zip(*task_results) f = sum(flist) g = [sum(g) for g in zip(*glist)] c = [sum(c) for c in zip(*clist)] # restraints terms restraints = ( self._target.compute_restraints_functional_gradients_and_curvatures() ) if restraints: f += restraints[0] g = [a + b for a, b in zip(g, restraints[1])] c = [a + b for a, b in zip(c, restraints[2])] # compact and reorder according to the constraints if self._constr_manager is not None: g = self._constr_manager.constrain_gradient_vector(g) c = self._constr_manager.constrain_gradient_vector(c) return f, flex.double(g), flex.double(c)
[docs] def callback_after_step(self, minimizer): """ Do journalling, evaluate rmsds and return True if the target is reached to terminate the refinement. """ self.update_journal() logger.debug("Step %d", self.history.get_nrows() - 1) if self.test_for_termination(): self.history.reason_for_termination = TARGET_ACHIEVED return True if self.test_rmsd_convergence(): self.history.reason_for_termination = RMSD_CONVERGED return True return False
[docs] def run_lbfgs(self, curvatures=False): """ Run the minimiser, keeping track of its log. """ ref_log = self._log_string() if curvatures: self.diag_mode = "always" self.minimizer = target_evaluator=self, termination_params=self._termination_params, log=ref_log, ) log = ref_log.getvalue() if self._log: with open(self._log, "a") as f: f.write(log) ref_log.close() pos = log.rfind("lbfgs minimizer stop: ") if pos >= 0: msg = log[pos:].splitlines()[0] if self.history.reason_for_termination: self.history.reason_for_termination += "\n" self.history.reason_for_termination += msg else: self.history.reason_for_termination = msg if self.minimizer.error: self.history.reason_for_termination = self.minimizer.error
[docs] class SimpleLBFGS(AdaptLbfgs): """Refinery implementation, using cctbx LBFGS with basic settings"""
[docs] def run(self): return self.run_lbfgs(curvatures=False)
[docs] class LBFGScurvs(AdaptLbfgs): """Refinery implementation using cctbx LBFGS with curvatures"""
[docs] def run(self): return self.run_lbfgs(curvatures=True)
[docs] def compute_functional_gradients_diag(self): L, dL_dp, curvs = self.compute_functional_gradients_and_curvatures() self._f = L self._g = dL_dp # Curvatures of zero will cause a crash, because their inverse is taken. assert curvs.all_gt(0.0) diags = 1.0 / curvs msg = " curv: " + "%.5f " * len(tuple(curvs)) logger.debug(msg, *curvs) return self._f, self._g, diags
[docs] class AdaptLstbx(Refinery, normal_eqns.non_linear_ls, normal_eqns.non_linear_ls_mixin): """Adapt Refinery for lstbx"""
[docs] def __init__( self, target, prediction_parameterisation, constraints_manager=None, log=None, tracking=None, max_iterations=None, ): Refinery.__init__( self, target, prediction_parameterisation, constraints_manager, log=log, tracking=tracking, max_iterations=max_iterations, ) # required for restart to work (do I need that method?) self.x_0 = self.x.deep_copy() # keep attribute for the Cholesky factor required for ESD calculation = None normal_eqns.non_linear_ls.__init__(self, n_parameters=len(self.x))
[docs] def restart(self): self.x = self.x_0.deep_copy() self.old_x = None
[docs] def parameter_vector_norm(self): return self.x.norm()
[docs] def build_up(self, objective_only=False): # code here to calculate the residuals. Rely on the target class # for this # I need to use the weights. They are the variances of the # observations... See # at 'diagonal weight matrix' # set current parameter values self.prepare_for_step() # Reset the state to construction time, i.e. no equations accumulated self.reset() # observation terms if objective_only: residuals, weights = self._target.compute_residuals() self.add_residuals(residuals, weights) else: blocks = self._target.split_matches_into_blocks(nproc=self._nproc) if self._nproc > 1: # ensure the jacobian is not tracked self._jacobian = None # processing functions def task_wrapper(block): ( residuals, jacobian, weights, ) = self._target.compute_residuals_and_gradients(block) return { "residuals": residuals, "jacobian": jacobian, "weights": weights, } def callback_wrapper(result): j = result["jacobian"] if self._constr_manager is not None: j = self._constr_manager.constrain_jacobian(j) self.add_equations(result["residuals"], j, result["weights"]) # no longer need the result result["residuals"] = None result["jacobian"] = None result["weights"] = None return easy_mp.parallel_map( func=task_wrapper, iterable=blocks, processes=self._nproc, callback=callback_wrapper, method="multiprocessing", preserve_exception_message=True, ) else: for block in blocks: ( residuals, jacobian, weights, ) = self._target.compute_residuals_and_gradients(block) if self._constr_manager is not None: jacobian = self._constr_manager.constrain_jacobian(jacobian) self.add_equations(residuals, jacobian, weights) # Keep reference to the Jacobian in case required by the Journal self._jacobian = jacobian # restraints terms restraints = self._target.compute_restraints_residuals_and_gradients() if restraints: if objective_only: self.add_residuals(restraints[0], restraints[2]) else: j = restraints[1] if self._constr_manager is not None: j = self._constr_manager.constrain_jacobian(j) self.add_equations(restraints[0], j, restraints[2])
[docs] def step_forward(self): self.old_x = self.x.deep_copy() self.x += self.step()
[docs] def step_backward(self): if self.old_x is None: return False else: self.x, self.old_x = self.old_x, None return True
[docs] def set_cholesky_factor(self): """Set the Cholesky factor required for ESD calculation. This method is valid only for the LSTBX dense matrix interface""" = self.step_equations().cholesky_factor_packed_u().deep_copy()
[docs] def calculate_esds(self): """Calculate ESDs of parameters""" # it is possible to get here with zero steps taken by the minimiser. For # example by failing for the MAX_TRIAL_ITERATIONS reason before any forward # steps are taken with the LevMar engine. If so the below is invalid, # so return early if self.history.get_nrows() == 0: return None if is None: return None # if constraints were used then the normal matrix has fewer rows/columns # than the number of expanded parameters. At the moment, do not support # this calculation when constraints were used if self._constr_manager is not None: return None # invert normal matrix from N^-1 = (U^-1)(U^-1)^T cf_inv = nm_inv = cf_inv.matrix_multiply_transpose(cf_inv) # keep the estimated parameter variance-covariance matrix self.parameter_var_cov = self.history["reduced_chi_squared"][-1] * nm_inv # send this back to the models to calculate their uncertainties self._parameters.calculate_model_state_uncertainties(self.parameter_var_cov) # send parameter variances back to the parameter classes # themselves, for reporting purposes and for building restraints # based on existing parameterisations. s2 = self.parameter_var_cov.matrix_diagonal() assert s2.all_ge(0.0) s = flex.sqrt(s2) self._parameters.set_param_esds(s)
[docs] class GaussNewtonIterations(AdaptLstbx, normal_eqns_solving.iterations): """Refinery implementation, using lstbx Gauss Newton iterations""" # defaults that may be overridden gradient_threshold = 1.0e-10 step_threshold = None damping_value = 0.0007 max_shift_over_esd = 15 convergence_as_shift_over_esd = 1e-5
[docs] def __init__( self, target, prediction_parameterisation, constraints_manager=None, log=None, tracking=None, max_iterations=20, **kwds, ): AdaptLstbx.__init__( self, target, prediction_parameterisation, constraints_manager, log=log, tracking=tracking, max_iterations=max_iterations, ) # add an attribute to the journal self.history.add_column("reduced_chi_squared") # flex.double() # adopt any overrides of the defaults above libtbx.adopt_optional_init_args(self, kwds)
[docs] def run(self): self.n_iterations = 0 # prepare for first step self.build_up() # return early if refinement is not possible if self.dof < 1: self.history.reason_for_termination = DOF_TOO_LOW return while True: # set functional and gradients for the step (to add to the history) self._f = self.objective() self._g = -self.opposite_of_gradient() # cache some items for the journal prior to solve pvn = self.parameter_vector_norm() gn = self.opposite_of_gradient().norm_inf() if "normal_matrix" in self.history: nm = self._dump_normal_matrix() # solve the normal equations self.solve() # standard journalling self.update_journal() logger.debug("Step %d", self.history.get_nrows() - 1) # add cached items to the journal self.history.set_last_cell("parameter_vector_norm", pvn) self.history.set_last_cell("gradient_norm", gn) if "normal_matrix" in self.history: self.history.set_last_cell("normal_matrix", nm) # extra journalling post solve if "solution" in self.history: self.history.set_last_cell("solution", self.actual.step().deep_copy()) self.history.set_last_cell("solution_norm", self.step().norm()) self.history.set_last_cell("reduced_chi_squared", self.chi_sq()) # test termination criteria if self.test_for_termination(): self.history.reason_for_termination = TARGET_ACHIEVED break if self.test_rmsd_convergence(): self.history.reason_for_termination = RMSD_CONVERGED break if self.had_too_small_a_step(): self.history.reason_for_termination = STEP_TOO_SMALL break if self.test_objective_increasing_but_not_nref(): self.history.reason_for_termination = OBJECTIVE_INCREASE if self.step_backward(): self.history.reason_for_termination += ( ". Parameters set back one step" ) self.prepare_for_step() break if self.n_iterations == self._max_iterations: self.history.reason_for_termination = MAX_ITERATIONS break # prepare for next step self.step_forward() self.n_iterations += 1 self.build_up() self.set_cholesky_factor() self.calculate_esds()
[docs] class LevenbergMarquardtIterations(GaussNewtonIterations): """Refinery implementation, employing lstbx Levenberg Marquadt iterations""" tau = 1e-3 @property def mu(self): return self._mu @mu.setter def mu(self, value): self._mu = value
[docs] def setup_mu(self): """Setup initial value for mu""" a = self.normal_matrix_packed_u() = self.tau * flex.max(a.matrix_packed_u_diagonal())
[docs] def add_constant_to_diagonal(self, mu): """Add the constant value mu to the diagonal of the normal matrix""" a = self.normal_matrix_packed_u() a.matrix_packed_u_diagonal_add_in_place(
[docs] def report_progress(self, objective): """Callback within the refinement main loop that can be overridden to report the value of the objective function (and possibly) other details for long-running methods""" pass
def _run_core(self): # add an attribute to the journal self.history.add_column("mu") self.history.add_column("nu") # set max iterations if not already. if self._max_iterations is None: self._max_iterations = 100 self.n_iterations = 0 nu = 2 self.build_up() # early test for linear independence, require all right hand side elements to be non-zero RHS = self.step_equations().right_hand_side() if RHS.count(0.0) > 0: p_names = [ b for a, b in zip(RHS, self._parameters.get_param_names()) if a == 0.0 ] raise DialsRefineRuntimeError( f"The normal equations have an indeterminate solution. The problematic parameters are {', '.join(p_names)}." ) # return early if refinement is not possible if self.dof < 1: self.history.reason_for_termination = DOF_TOO_LOW return self.setup_mu() while True: # set functional and gradients for the step self._f = self.objective() self._g = -self.opposite_of_gradient() # cache some items for the journal prior to solve pvn = self.parameter_vector_norm() gn = self.opposite_of_gradient().norm_inf() if "normal_matrix" in self.history: nm = self._dump_normal_matrix() self.add_constant_to_diagonal( # solve the normal equations self.solve() # keep the cholesky factor for ESD calculation if we end this step. Doing # it here ensures the normal equations are solved (cholesky_factor_packed_u # can only be called if that is the case) self.set_cholesky_factor() # standard journalling self.update_journal() logger.debug("Step %d", self.history.get_nrows() - 1) # add cached items to the journal self.history.set_last_cell("parameter_vector_norm", pvn) self.history.set_last_cell("gradient_norm", gn) if "normal_matrix" in self.history: self.history.set_last_cell("normal_matrix", nm) # extra journalling post solve self.history.set_last_cell("mu", self.history.set_last_cell("nu", nu) if "solution" in self.history: self.history.set_last_cell("solution", self.actual.step().deep_copy()) self.history.set_last_cell("solution_norm", self.step().norm()) self.history.set_last_cell("reduced_chi_squared", self.chi_sq()) # test termination criteria before taking the next forward step if self.had_too_small_a_step(): self.history.reason_for_termination = STEP_TOO_SMALL break if self.test_for_termination(): self.history.reason_for_termination = TARGET_ACHIEVED break if self.test_rmsd_convergence(): self.history.reason_for_termination = RMSD_CONVERGED break if self.n_iterations == self._max_iterations: self.history.reason_for_termination = MAX_ITERATIONS break h = self.step() expected_decrease = 0.5 * * h - self._g) if expected_decrease == 0: self.history.reason_for_termination = OBJECTIVE_FLAT break self.step_forward() self.n_iterations += 1 self.build_up(objective_only=True) objective_new = self.objective() self.report_progress(objective_new) actual_decrease = self._f - objective_new rho = actual_decrease / expected_decrease if rho > 0: *= max(1 / 3, 1 - (2 * rho - 1) ** 3) nu = 2 else: self.step_backward() self.history.del_last_row() if nu >= 8192: self.history.reason_for_termination = MAX_TRIAL_ITERATIONS break *= nu nu *= 2 # prepare for next step self.build_up() self.calculate_esds()
[docs] def run(self): self._run_core() self.calculate_esds()