Source code for dials.algorithms.refinement.reflection_manager

"""Contains classes used to manage the reflections used during refinement,
principally ReflectionManager."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import math
import random

import libtbx
from dxtbx.model import tof_helpers
from dxtbx.model.experiment_list import ExperimentList
from libtbx.phil import parse
from scitbx import matrix
from scitbx.math import five_number_summary

import dials.util
from dials.algorithms.refinement import DialsRefineConfigError, weighting_strategies
from dials.algorithms.refinement.analysis.centroid_analysis import CentroidAnalyser
from dials.algorithms.refinement.outlier_detection.outlier_base import (
    phil_str as outlier_phil_str,
from dials.algorithms.refinement.refinement_helpers import (
from dials.array_family import flex

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# constants
RAD2DEG = 180.0 / math.pi
DEG2RAD = math.pi / 180.0

format_data = {"outlier_phil": outlier_phil_str}
phil_str = """
    reflections_per_degree = Auto
      .help = "The number of centroids per degree of the sequence to use in"
              "refinement. The default (Auto) uses all reflections unless"
              "the dataset is wider than a single turn. Then the number of"
              "reflections may be reduced until a minimum of 100 per degree of"
              "the sequence is reached to speed up calculations. Set this to None"
              "to force use all of suitable reflections."
      .type = float(value_min=0.)
      .expert_level = 1

    minimum_sample_size = 1000
      .help = "cutoff that determines whether subsetting of the input"
              "reflection list is done"
      .type = int
      .expert_level = 1

    maximum_sample_size = None
      .help = "The maximum number of reflections to use in refinement."
              "Overrides reflections_per_degree if that produces a"
              "larger sample size."
      .type = int(value_min=1)
      .expert_level = 1

    random_seed = 42
      .help = "Random seed to use when sampling to create a working set of"
              "reflections. May be int or None."
      .type = int
      .expert_level = 1

    close_to_spindle_cutoff = 0.02
      .help = "The inclusion criterion currently uses the volume of the"
              "parallelepiped formed by the spindle axis, the incident"
              "beam and the scattered beam. If this is lower than some"
              "value then the reflection is excluded from refinement."
              "In detector space, these are the reflections located close"
              "to the rotation axis."
      .type = float(value_min = 0)
      .expert_level = 1

    scan_margin = 0.0
      .help = "Reflections within this value in degrees from the centre of the"
              "first or last image of the scan will be removed before"
              "refinement, unless doing so would result in too few remaining"
              "reflections. Reflections that are truncated at the scan edges"
              "have poorly-determined centroids and can bias the refined model"
              "if they are included."
      .type = float(value_min=0,value_max=5)
      .expert_level = 1

      .help = "Parameters to configure weighting strategy overrides"
      .expert_level = 1
      override = statistical stills constant external_deltapsi
        .help = "selection of a strategy to override default weighting behaviour"
        .type = choice

      delpsi_constant = 1000000
        .help = "used by the stills strategy to choose absolute weight value"
                "for the angular distance from Ewald sphere term of the target"
                "function, whilst the X and Y parts use statistical weights"
        .type = float(value_min = 0)

      constants = 1.0 1.0 1.0
        .help = "constant weights for three parts of the target function,"
                "whether the case is for stills or scans. The default gives"
                "unit weighting."
        .type = floats(size = 3, value_min = 0)
      wavelength_weight = 1e4
        .help = "Weight for the wavelength term in the target function for"
                "Laue refinement"
        .type = float(value_min = 0)

phil_scope = parse(phil_str)

[docs] class BlockCalculator: """Utility class to calculate and set columns in the provided reflection table, which will be used during scan-varying refinement. The columns are a 'block' number and an associated 'block_centre', giving the image number in the centre of the block"""
[docs] def __init__(self, experiments, reflections): self._experiments = experiments self._reflections = reflections
# do not create block column in the reflection table yet, in case we don't # need it at all def _create_block_columns(self): """Create a column to contain the block number.""" from scitbx.array_family import flex self._reflections["block"] = flex.size_t(len(self._reflections)) self._reflections["block_centre"] = flex.double(len(self._reflections))
[docs] def per_width(self, width, deg=True): """Set blocks for all experiments according to a constant width""" if deg: width *= DEG2RAD self._create_block_columns() # get observed phi in radians phi_obs = self._reflections[""].parts()[2] for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments): sel = self._reflections["id"] == iexp isel = sel.iselection() exp_phi = start, stop = exp.scan.get_oscillation_range(deg=False) nblocks = int(abs(stop - start) / width) + 1 # ensure width has the right sign and is wide enough that all reflections # get assigned a block if stop > start: _width = width + 1e-11 elif stop == start: _width = 1e-11 else: _width = -width + 1e-11 half_width = width * (0.5 - 1e-11) # ensure round down behaviour block_starts = [start + n * _width for n in range(nblocks)] block_centres = [ exp.scan.get_array_index_from_angle(e + half_width, deg=False) for e in block_starts ] for b_num, (b_start, b_cent) in enumerate(zip(block_starts, block_centres)): sub_isel = (b_start <= exp_phi) & (exp_phi <= (b_start + _width)) ) self._reflections["block"].set_selected(sub_isel, b_num) self._reflections["block_centre"].set_selected(sub_isel, b_cent) return self._reflections
[docs] def per_image(self): """Set one block per image for all experiments""" self._create_block_columns() # get observed phi in radians phi_obs = self._reflections[""].parts()[2] for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments): sel = self._reflections["id"] == iexp isel = sel.iselection() exp_phi = # convert phi to integer frames frames = exp.scan.get_array_index_from_angle(exp_phi, deg=False) frames = flex.floor(frames).iround() start, stop = flex.min(frames), flex.max(frames) frame_range = range(start, stop + 1) for f_num, f in enumerate(frame_range): sub_isel = == f) f_cent = f + 0.5 self._reflections["block"].set_selected(sub_isel, f_num) self._reflections["block_centre"].set_selected(sub_isel, f_cent) return self._reflections
[docs] class ReflectionManagerFactory:
[docs] @staticmethod def from_parameters_reflections_experiments( params, reflections, experiments, do_stills=False ): """Given a set of parameters and models, build a reflection manager Params: params The input parameters Returns: The reflection manager instance """ # While a random subset of reflections is used, continue to # set random.seed to get consistent behaviour if params.random_seed is not None: random.seed(params.random_seed) flex.set_random_seed(params.random_seed) logger.debug("Random seed set to %d", params.random_seed) if experiments.all_laue() or experiments.all_tof(): return ReflectionManagerFactory.laue_manager( experiments, reflections, params ) elif do_stills: return ReflectionManagerFactory.stills_manager( experiments, reflections, params ) else: return ReflectionManagerFactory.rotation_scan_manager( experiments, reflections, params )
[docs] @staticmethod def stills_manager( experiments: ExperimentList, reflections: flex.reflection_table, params: libtbx.phil.scope_extract, ) -> StillsReflectionManager: refman = StillsReflectionManager ## Outlier detection if params.outlier.algorithm in ("auto", libtbx.Auto): params.outlier.algorithm = "sauter_poon" if params.outlier.sauter_poon.px_sz is libtbx.Auto: # get this from the first panel of the first detector params.outlier.sauter_poon.px_sz = experiments.detectors()[0][ 0 ].get_pixel_size() if params.outlier.algorithm in ("null", None): outlier_detector = None else: colnames = ["x_resid", "y_resid"] params.outlier.block_width = None from dials.algorithms.refinement.outlier_detection import ( CentroidOutlierFactory, ) outlier_detector = CentroidOutlierFactory.from_parameters_and_colnames( params, colnames ) ## Weighting strategy # check incompatible weighting strategy if params.weighting_strategy.override == "statistical": raise DialsRefineConfigError( 'The "statistical" weighting strategy is not compatible ' "with stills refinement" ) if params.weighting_strategy.override == "constant": params.weighting_strategy.override = "constant_stills" weighting_strategy = ReflectionManagerFactory.get_weighting_strategy_override( params ) return refman( reflections=reflections, experiments=experiments, nref_per_degree=params.reflections_per_degree, max_sample_size=params.maximum_sample_size, min_sample_size=params.minimum_sample_size, close_to_spindle_cutoff=params.close_to_spindle_cutoff, scan_margin=params.scan_margin, outlier_detector=outlier_detector, weighting_strategy_override=weighting_strategy, )
[docs] @staticmethod def rotation_scan_manager( experiments: ExperimentList, reflections: flex.reflection_table, params: libtbx.phil.scope_extract, ) -> ReflectionManager: refman = ReflectionManager ## Outlier detection if params.outlier.algorithm in ("auto", libtbx.Auto): params.outlier.algorithm = "mcd" if params.outlier.algorithm == "sauter_poon": if params.outlier.sauter_poon.px_sz is libtbx.Auto: # get this from the first panel of the first detector params.outlier.sauter_poon.px_sz = experiments.detectors()[0][ 0 ].get_pixel_size() ## Weighting strategy # check incompatible weighting strategy if params.weighting_strategy.override in ["stills", "external_deltapsi"]: msg = ( f'The "{params.weighting_strategy.override}" weighting strategy is not compatible with ' "scan refinement" ) raise DialsRefineConfigError(msg) if params.outlier.algorithm in ("null", None): outlier_detector = None else: colnames = ["x_resid", "y_resid", "phi_resid"] from dials.algorithms.refinement.outlier_detection import ( CentroidOutlierFactory, ) outlier_detector = CentroidOutlierFactory.from_parameters_and_colnames( params, colnames ) weighting_strategy = ReflectionManagerFactory.get_weighting_strategy_override( params ) return refman( reflections=reflections, experiments=experiments, nref_per_degree=params.reflections_per_degree, max_sample_size=params.maximum_sample_size, min_sample_size=params.minimum_sample_size, close_to_spindle_cutoff=params.close_to_spindle_cutoff, scan_margin=params.scan_margin, outlier_detector=outlier_detector, weighting_strategy_override=weighting_strategy, )
[docs] @staticmethod def laue_manager( experiments: ExperimentList, reflections: flex.reflection_table, params: libtbx.phil.scope_extract, ) -> LaueReflectionManager: all_tof_experiments = False for expt in experiments: if expt.scan is not None and expt.scan.has_property("time_of_flight"): all_tof_experiments = True elif all_tof_experiments: raise ValueError( "Cannot refine ToF and non-ToF experiments at the same time" ) if all_tof_experiments: refman = TOFReflectionManager else: refman = LaueReflectionManager ## Outlier detection if params.outlier.algorithm in ("auto", libtbx.Auto): params.outlier.algorithm = "mcd" if params.outlier.sauter_poon.px_sz is libtbx.Auto: # get this from the first panel of the first detector params.outlier.sauter_poon.px_sz = experiments.detectors()[0][ 0 ].get_pixel_size() if params.outlier.algorithm in ("null", None): outlier_detector = None else: colnames = ["x_resid", "y_resid"] params.outlier.block_width = None from dials.algorithms.refinement.outlier_detection import ( CentroidOutlierFactory, ) outlier_detector = CentroidOutlierFactory.from_parameters_and_colnames( params, colnames ) ## Weighting strategy if params.weighting_strategy.override == "statistical": params.weighting_strategy.override = "statistical_laue" elif params.weighting_strategy.override == "constant": params.weighting_strategy.override = "constant_laue" if params.weighting_strategy.override is not None: if params.weighting_strategy.override not in [ "constant_laue", "statistical_laue", ]: raise ValueError( f"{params.weighting_strategy.override} not compatible with Laue data" ) weighting_strategy = ReflectionManagerFactory.get_weighting_strategy_override( params ) return refman( reflections=reflections, experiments=experiments, nref_per_degree=params.reflections_per_degree, max_sample_size=params.maximum_sample_size, min_sample_size=params.minimum_sample_size, close_to_spindle_cutoff=params.close_to_spindle_cutoff, scan_margin=params.scan_margin, outlier_detector=outlier_detector, weighting_strategy_override=weighting_strategy, wavelength_weight=params.weighting_strategy.wavelength_weight, )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_weighting_strategy_override( params: libtbx.phil.scope_extract, ) -> ( weighting_strategies.StatisticalWeightingStrategy | weighting_strategies.ConstantWeightingStrategy ): if params.weighting_strategy.override == "statistical": return weighting_strategies.StatisticalWeightingStrategy() elif params.weighting_strategy.override == "stills": return weighting_strategies.StillsWeightingStrategy( params.weighting_strategy.delpsi_constant ) elif params.weighting_strategy.override == "external_deltapsi": return weighting_strategies.ExternalDelPsiWeightingStrategy() elif params.weighting_strategy.override == "constant": return weighting_strategies.ConstantWeightingStrategy( *params.weighting_strategy.constants ) elif params.weighting_strategy.override == "constant_stills": return weighting_strategies.ConstantStillsWeightingStrategy( *params.weighting_strategy.constants ) elif params.weighting_strategy.override == "statistical_laue": return weighting_strategies.LaueStatisticalWeightingStrategy( params.weighting_strategy.wavelength_weight, ) elif params.weighting_strategy.override == "constant_laue": return weighting_strategies.LaueMixedWeightingStrategy( params.weighting_strategy.wavelength_weight, ) return None
[docs] class ReflectionManager: """A class to maintain information about observed and predicted reflections for refinement. This new version keeps the reflections as a reflection table. Initialisation is not complete until the ReflectionManager is paired with a target function. Then, prediction can be done, followed by outlier rejection and any random sampling to form the working subset.""" _weighting_strategy = weighting_strategies.StatisticalWeightingStrategy() experiment_type = "scans"
[docs] def __init__( self, reflections, experiments, nref_per_degree=None, max_sample_size=None, min_sample_size=0, close_to_spindle_cutoff=0.02, scan_margin=0.0, outlier_detector=None, weighting_strategy_override=None, ): if len(reflections) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty reflections table provided to ReflectionManager") # keep track of models self._experiments = experiments goniometers = [e.goniometer for e in self._experiments] self._axes = [ matrix.col(g.get_rotation_axis()) if g else None for g in goniometers ] self._s0vecs = [matrix.col(e.beam.get_s0()) for e in self._experiments] # unset the refinement flags (creates flags field if needed) reflections.unset_flags( flex.size_t_range(len(reflections)), flex.reflection_table.flags.used_in_refinement, ) # check that the observed beam vectors are stored: if not, compute them n_s1_set = set_obs_s1(reflections, experiments) if n_s1_set > 0: logger.debug("Set scattering vectors for %d reflections", n_s1_set) # keep track of the original indices of the reflections reflections["iobs"] = flex.size_t_range(len(reflections)) # Check for monotonically increasing value range. If not, ref_table isn't sorted, # and proceed to sort by id and panel. This is required for the C++ extension # modules to allow for nlogn subselection of values used in refinement. l_id = reflections["id"] id0 = l_id[0] for id_x in l_id[1:]: if id0 <= id_x: id0 = id_x else: reflections.sort("id") # Ensuring the ref_table is sorted by id reflections.subsort( "id", "panel" ) # Ensuring that within each sorted id block, sorting is next performed by panel break # set up the reflection inclusion criteria self._close_to_spindle_cutoff = close_to_spindle_cutoff # close to spindle self._scan_margin = DEG2RAD * scan_margin # close to the scan edge self._outlier_detector = outlier_detector # for outlier rejection self._nref_per_degree = nref_per_degree # random subsets self._max_sample_size = max_sample_size # sample size ceiling self._min_sample_size = min_sample_size # sample size floor # exclude reflections that fail some inclusion criteria refs_to_keep = self._id_refs_to_keep(reflections) self._accepted_refs_size = len(refs_to_keep) # set entering flags for all reflections reflections.calculate_entering_flags(self._experiments) # set observed frame numbers for all reflections if not already present calculate_frame_numbers(reflections, self._experiments) # reset all use flags self.reset_accepted_reflections(reflections) # put full list of indexed reflections aside and select only the reflections # that were not excluded to manage self._indexed = reflections self._reflections = # set exclusion flag for reflections that failed the tests refs_to_excl = flex.bool(len(self._indexed), True) refs_to_excl.set_selected(refs_to_keep, False) self._indexed.set_flags( refs_to_excl, self._indexed.flags.excluded_for_refinement ) # set weights for all kept reflections if weighting_strategy_override is not None: self._weighting_strategy = weighting_strategy_override self._weighting_strategy.calculate_weights(self._reflections) # not known until the manager is finalised self._sample_size = None
[docs] def get_centroid_analyser(self, debug=False): """Create a CentroidAnalysis object for the current reflections""" return CentroidAnalyser(self._reflections, debug=debug)
[docs] def finalise(self, analysis=None): """Complete initialisation by performing outlier rejection and any requested subsetting. If a list of results from a CentroidAnalysis object is provided, these may be used to determine outlier rejection block widths""" logger.debug("Finalising the Reflection Manager") # Initially, assume all reflections with predictions can be used mask = self._reflections.get_flags(self._reflections.flags.predicted) self._reflections.set_flags(mask, self._reflections.flags.used_in_refinement) # print summary before outlier rejection self.print_stats_on_matches() # reset centroid_outlier flags in both the working reflections and the # original indexed reflections mask = self._reflections.get_flags(self._reflections.flags.centroid_outlier) self._reflections.unset_flags(mask, self._reflections.flags.centroid_outlier) mask = self._indexed.get_flags(self._indexed.flags.centroid_outlier) self._indexed.unset_flags(mask, self._indexed.flags.centroid_outlier) # outlier rejection if requested if self._outlier_detector is None: rejection_occurred = False else: if self._outlier_detector.get_block_width() is libtbx.Auto: if analysis is None: # without analysis available, set 18.0 degrees universally self._outlier_detector.set_block_width(18.0) else: # with analysis, choose the maximum of 18 degrees or the block size # for each experiment widths = [e.get("block_size") for e in analysis] widths = [max(e, 18.0) if e is not None else None for e in widths] self._outlier_detector.set_block_width(widths) rejection_occurred = self._outlier_detector(self._reflections) # set the centroid_outlier flag in the original indexed reflections ioutliers = self._reflections.get_flags( self._reflections.flags.centroid_outlier ) ioutliers = self._reflections["iobs"].select(ioutliers) self._indexed.sort("iobs") # re-sort the indexed reflections self._indexed.set_flags(ioutliers, self._indexed.flags.centroid_outlier) msg = "Removing reflections not matched to predictions" if rejection_occurred: msg += " or marked as outliers" logger.debug(msg) # delete all reflections from the manager that do not have a prediction # or were flagged as outliers has_pred = self._reflections.get_flags(self._reflections.flags.predicted) inlier = ~self._reflections.get_flags(self._reflections.flags.centroid_outlier) self._reflections = & inlier) self._reflections.set_flags( flex.bool(len(self._reflections), True), self._reflections.flags.used_in_refinement, )"%d reflections remain in the manager", len(self._reflections)) if len(self._reflections) == 0: raise DialsRefineConfigError("No reflections available for refinement") # print summary after outlier rejection if rejection_occurred: self.print_stats_on_matches() # form working and free subsets self._create_working_set() logger.debug("Working set size = %d observations", self.get_sample_size())
def _id_refs_to_keep(self, obs_data): """Create a selection of observations that pass certain conditions. This step includes rejection of reflections too close to the spindle, reflections measured outside the scan range, rejection of the (0,0,0) Miller index and rejection of reflections with the overload flag set. Outlier rejection is done later.""" # first exclude reflections with miller index set to 0,0,0 sel1 = obs_data["miller_index"] != (0, 0, 0) # exclude reflections with overloads, as these have worse centroids sel2 = ~obs_data.get_flags(obs_data.flags.overloaded) # combine selections sel = sel1 & sel2 inc = flex.size_t_range(len(obs_data)).select(sel) obs_data = # Default to True to pass the following test if there is no rotation axis # for a particular experiment to_keep = flex.bool(len(inc), True) for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments): axis = self._axes[iexp] if not axis or exp.scan is None: continue if exp.scan.is_still(): continue sel = obs_data["id"] == iexp s0 = self._s0vecs[iexp] s1 = obs_data["s1"].select(sel) phi = obs_data[""].parts()[2].select(sel) if len(phi) == 0: raise DialsRefineConfigError( f"Experiment id {iexp} contains no reflections" ) # first test: reject reflections for which the parallelepiped formed # between the gonio axis, s0 and s1 has a volume of less than the cutoff. # Those reflections are by definition closer to the spindle-beam # plane and for low values of the cutoff are troublesome to # integrate anyway. p_vol = flex.abs(s1.cross(flex.vec3_double(s1.size(), s0)).dot(axis)) passed1 = p_vol > self._close_to_spindle_cutoff # second test: reject reflections that lie outside the scan range passed2 = exp.scan.is_angle_valid(phi, deg=False) # sanity check to catch a mutilated scan that does not make sense if passed2.count(True) == 0: raise DialsRefineConfigError( f"Experiment id {iexp} contains no reflections with valid " f"scan angles" ) # combine tests so far to_update = passed1 & passed2 # third test: reject reflections close to the centres of the first and # last images in the scan if self._scan_margin > 0.0: edge1, edge2 = (e + 0.5 for e in exp.scan.get_image_range()) edge1 = exp.scan.get_angle_from_image_index(edge1, deg=False) edge1 += self._scan_margin edge2 = exp.scan.get_angle_from_image_index(edge2, deg=False) edge2 -= self._scan_margin passed3 = (edge1 <= phi) & (phi <= edge2) # combine the last test only if there would be a reasonable number of # reflections left for refinement tmp = to_update to_update = to_update & passed3 if to_update.count(True) < 40: logger.warning( "Too few reflections to trim centroids from the scan " "edges. Resetting scan_margin=0.0" ) to_update = tmp # make selection to_keep.set_selected(sel, to_update) inc = return inc def _create_working_set(self): """Make a subset of the indices of reflections to use in refinement""" working_isel = flex.size_t() for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments): sel = self._reflections["id"] == iexp isel = sel.iselection() # refs = nrefs = sample_size = len(isel) # set sample size according to nref_per_degree (per experiment) if ( exp.scan and exp.scan.has_property("oscillation") and self._nref_per_degree ): sequence_range_rad = exp.scan.get_oscillation_range(deg=False) width = abs(sequence_range_rad[1] - sequence_range_rad[0]) * RAD2DEG if self._nref_per_degree is libtbx.Auto: # For multi-turn, set sample size to the greater of the approx nref # in a single turn and 100 reflections per degree turns = width / 360.0 if turns > 1: approx_nref_1_turn = int(math.ceil(nrefs / turns)) sample_size = int(max(approx_nref_1_turn, 100.0 * width)) else: sample_size = int(self._nref_per_degree * max(round(width), 1.0)) # adjust sample size if below the chosen limit sample_size = max(sample_size, self._min_sample_size) # set maximum sample size if requested if self._max_sample_size: sample_size = min(sample_size, self._max_sample_size) # determine subset and collect indices if sample_size < nrefs: isel =, sample_size)) working_isel.extend(isel) # create subsets free_sel = flex.bool(len(self._reflections), True) free_sel.set_selected(working_isel, False) self._free_reflections = self._reflections =
[docs] def get_accepted_refs_size(self): """Return the number of observations that pass inclusion criteria and can potentially be used for refinement""" return self._accepted_refs_size
[docs] def get_sample_size(self): """Return the number of observations in the working set to be used for refinement""" return len(self._reflections)
[docs] def get_indexed(self): """Return the reflections passed in as input""" return self._indexed
[docs] def get_matches(self): """For every observation used in refinement return (a copy of) all data""" return self._reflections.get_flags(self._reflections.flags.used_in_refinement) )
[docs] def get_free_reflections(self): """Return all reflections that were accepted for refinement but not chosen in the working set""" return self._free_reflections
[docs] def print_stats_on_matches(self): """Print some basic statistics on the matches""" l = self.get_matches() nref = len(l) if nref == 0: logger.warning( "Unable to calculate summary statistics for zero observations" ) return try: x_resid = l["x_resid"] y_resid = l["y_resid"] phi_resid = l["phi_resid"] w_x, w_y, w_phi = l[""].parts() except KeyError: return msg = ( f"\nSummary statistics for {nref} observations" + " matched to predictions:" ) header = ["", "Min", "Q1", "Med", "Q3", "Max"] rows = [] row_data = five_number_summary(x_resid) rows.append(["Xc - Xo (mm)"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(y_resid) rows.append(["Yc - Yo (mm)"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(phi_resid) rows.append(["Phic - Phio (deg)"] + [f"{e * RAD2DEG:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(w_x) rows.append(["X weights"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(w_y) rows.append(["Y weights"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(w_phi) rows.append(["Phi weights"] + [f"{e * DEG2RAD ** 2:.4g}" for e in row_data]), header, numalign="right") + "\n")
[docs] def reset_accepted_reflections(self, reflections=None): """Reset use flags for all observations in preparation for a new set of predictions""" # if not passing in reflections, take the internally managed table if reflections is None: reflections = self._reflections mask = reflections.get_flags(reflections.flags.used_in_refinement) reflections.unset_flags(mask, reflections.flags.used_in_refinement)
[docs] def get_obs(self): """Get the list of managed observations""" return self._reflections
[docs] def filter_obs(self, sel): """Perform a flex array selection on the managed observations, so that external classes can filter according to criteria not available here""" self._reflections = return self._reflections
[docs] def update_residuals(self): x_obs, y_obs, phi_obs = self._reflections[""].parts() x_calc, y_calc, phi_calc = self._reflections[""].parts() self._reflections["x_resid"] = x_calc - x_obs self._reflections["y_resid"] = y_calc - y_obs self._reflections["phi_resid"] = phi_calc - phi_obs
[docs] class StillsReflectionManager(ReflectionManager): """Overloads for a Reflection Manager that does not exclude reflections too close to the spindle, and reports only information about X, Y, DelPsi residuals""" _weighting_strategy = weighting_strategies.StillsWeightingStrategy() experiment_type = "stills" def _id_refs_to_keep(self, obs_data): """Create a selection of observations that pass certain conditions. Stills-specific version removes checks relevant only to experiments with a rotation axis.""" # first exclude reflections with miller index set to 0,0,0 sel1 = obs_data["miller_index"] != (0, 0, 0) # exclude reflections with overloads, as these have worse centroids sel2 = ~obs_data.get_flags(obs_data.flags.overloaded) # combine selections sel = sel1 & sel2 inc = flex.size_t_range(len(obs_data)).select(sel) return inc
[docs] def print_stats_on_matches(self): """Print some basic statistics on the matches""" l = self.get_matches() nref = len(l) if nref == 0: logger.warning( "Unable to calculate summary statistics for zero observations" ) return from scitbx.math import five_number_summary try: x_resid = l["x_resid"] y_resid = l["y_resid"] delpsi = l["delpsical.rad"] w_x, w_y, _ = l[""].parts() w_delpsi = l["delpsical.weights"] except KeyError: return header = ["", "Min", "Q1", "Med", "Q3", "Max"] rows = [] row_data = five_number_summary(x_resid) rows.append(["Xc - Xo (mm)"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(y_resid) rows.append(["Yc - Yo (mm)"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(delpsi) rows.append(["DeltaPsi (deg)"] + [f"{e * RAD2DEG:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(w_x) rows.append(["X weights"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(w_y) rows.append(["Y weights"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(w_delpsi) rows.append( ["DeltaPsi weights"] + [f"{e * DEG2RAD ** 2:.4g}" for e in row_data] ) msg = ( f"\nSummary statistics for {nref} observations" + " matched to predictions:" ), header) + "\n")
[docs] class LaueReflectionManager(ReflectionManager): _weighting_strategy = weighting_strategies.LaueStatisticalWeightingStrategy() experiment_type = "laue"
[docs] def __init__( self, reflections, experiments, nref_per_degree=None, max_sample_size=None, min_sample_size=0, close_to_spindle_cutoff=0.02, scan_margin=0.0, outlier_detector=None, weighting_strategy_override=None, wavelength_weight=1e7, ): if len(reflections) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty reflections table provided to ReflectionManager") # keep track of models self._experiments = experiments goniometers = [e.goniometer for e in self._experiments] self._axes = [ matrix.col(g.get_rotation_axis()) if g else None for g in goniometers ] # unset the refinement flags (creates flags field if needed) reflections.unset_flags( flex.size_t_range(len(reflections)), flex.reflection_table.flags.used_in_refinement, ) # check that the observed beam vectors are stored: if not, compute them n_s1_set = set_obs_s1(reflections, experiments) if n_s1_set > 0: logger.debug("Set scattering vectors for %d reflections", n_s1_set) # keep track of the original indices of the reflections reflections["iobs"] = flex.size_t_range(len(reflections)) # Check for monotonically increasing value range. If not, ref_table isn't sorted, # and proceed to sort by id and panel. This is required for the C++ extension # modules to allow for nlogn subselection of values used in refinement. l_id = reflections["id"] id0 = l_id[0] for id_x in l_id[1:]: if id0 <= id_x: id0 = id_x else: reflections.sort("id") # Ensuring the ref_table is sorted by id reflections.subsort( "id", "panel" ) # Ensuring that within each sorted id block, sorting is next performed by panel break # set up the reflection inclusion criteria self._close_to_spindle_cutoff = close_to_spindle_cutoff # close to spindle self._scan_margin = DEG2RAD * scan_margin # close to the scan edge self._outlier_detector = outlier_detector # for outlier rejection self._nref_per_degree = nref_per_degree # random subsets self._max_sample_size = max_sample_size # sample size ceiling self._min_sample_size = min_sample_size # sample size floor # exclude reflections that fail some inclusion criteria refs_to_keep = self._id_refs_to_keep(reflections) self._accepted_refs_size = len(refs_to_keep) # set entering flags for all reflections reflections.calculate_entering_flags(self._experiments) # reset all use flags self.reset_accepted_reflections(reflections) # put full list of indexed reflections aside and select only the reflections # that were not excluded to manage self._indexed = reflections self._reflections = # set exclusion flag for reflections that failed the tests refs_to_excl = flex.bool(len(self._indexed), True) refs_to_excl.set_selected(refs_to_keep, False) self._indexed.set_flags( refs_to_excl, self._indexed.flags.excluded_for_refinement ) # set weights for all kept reflections if weighting_strategy_override is not None: self._weighting_strategy = weighting_strategy_override else: self._weighting_strategy = ( weighting_strategies.LaueStatisticalWeightingStrategy(wavelength_weight) ) self._weighting_strategy.calculate_weights(self._reflections) # not known until the manager is finalised self._sample_size = None
def _id_refs_to_keep(self, obs_data): """Create a selection of observations that pass certain conditions. Stills-specific version removes checks relevant only to experiments with a rotation axis.""" # first exclude reflections with miller index set to 0,0,0 sel1 = obs_data["miller_index"] != (0, 0, 0) # exclude reflections with overloads, as these have worse centroids sel2 = ~obs_data.get_flags(obs_data.flags.overloaded) # combine selections sel = sel1 & sel2 inc = flex.size_t_range(len(obs_data)).select(sel) return inc
[docs] def print_stats_on_matches(self): """Print some basic statistics on the matches""" l = self.get_matches() nref = len(l) if nref == 0: logger.warning( "Unable to calculate summary statistics for zero observations" ) return from scitbx.math import five_number_summary try: x_resid = l["x_resid"] y_resid = l["y_resid"] wavelength_resid = l["wavelength_resid"] w_x, w_y, w_z = l[""].parts() except KeyError: return header = ["", "Min", "Q1", "Med", "Q3", "Max"] rows = [] row_data = five_number_summary(x_resid) rows.append(["Xc - Xo (mm)"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(y_resid) rows.append(["Yc - Yo (mm)"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(wavelength_resid) rows.append(["Wavelengthc - Wavelengtho (A)"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(w_x) rows.append(["X weights"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(w_y) rows.append(["Y weights"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) row_data = five_number_summary(w_z) rows.append(["Wavelength weights"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data]) msg = ( f"\nSummary statistics for {nref} observations" + " matched to predictions:" ), header) + "\n")
[docs] def update_residuals(self): x_obs, y_obs, _ = self._reflections[""].parts() x_calc, y_calc, _ = self._reflections[""].parts() wavelength_obs = self._reflections["wavelength"] wavelength_cal = self._reflections["wavelength_cal"] self._reflections["x_resid"] = x_calc - x_obs self._reflections["y_resid"] = y_calc - y_obs self._reflections["wavelength_resid"] = wavelength_cal - wavelength_obs self._reflections["wavelength_resid2"] = ( self._reflections["wavelength_resid"] ** 2 )
[docs] class TOFReflectionManager(LaueReflectionManager):
[docs] def __init__( self, reflections, experiments, nref_per_degree=None, max_sample_size=None, min_sample_size=0, close_to_spindle_cutoff=0.02, scan_margin=0.0, outlier_detector=None, weighting_strategy_override=None, wavelength_weight=1e7, ): super().__init__( reflections=reflections, experiments=experiments, nref_per_degree=nref_per_degree, max_sample_size=max_sample_size, min_sample_size=min_sample_size, close_to_spindle_cutoff=close_to_spindle_cutoff, scan_margin=scan_margin, outlier_detector=outlier_detector, weighting_strategy_override=weighting_strategy_override, wavelength_weight=wavelength_weight, ) tof_to_frame_interpolators = [] sample_to_source_distances = [] tof_ranges = [] for expt in self._experiments: tof = expt.scan.get_property("time_of_flight") # (usec) tof_range = (min(tof), max(tof)) tof_ranges.append(tof_range) frames = list(range(len(tof))) tof_to_frame = tof_helpers.tof_to_frame_interpolator(tof, frames) tof_to_frame_interpolators.append(tof_to_frame) sample_to_source_distances.append( expt.beam.get_sample_to_source_distance() * 10**-3 # (m) ) self._tof_to_frame_interpolators = tof_to_frame_interpolators self._sample_to_source_distances = sample_to_source_distances self._tof_ranges = tof_ranges
[docs] def update_residuals(self): x_obs, y_obs, _ = self._reflections[""].parts() x_calc, y_calc, _ = self._reflections[""].parts() wavelength_obs = self._reflections["wavelength"] wavelength_cal = self._reflections["wavelength_cal"] L2 = self._reflections["s1"].norms() * 10**-3 self._reflections["x_resid"] = x_calc - x_obs self._reflections["y_resid"] = y_calc - y_obs self._reflections["wavelength_resid"] = wavelength_cal - wavelength_obs self._reflections["wavelength_resid2"] = ( self._reflections["wavelength_resid"] ** 2 ) frame_resid = flex.double(len(self._reflections)) frame_resid2 = flex.double(len(self._reflections)) for idx, expt in enumerate(self._experiments): if "imageset_id" in self._reflections: r_expt = self._reflections["imageset_id"] == idx else: r_expt = self._reflections["id"] == idx L_expt = self._sample_to_source_distances[idx] + tof_obs_expt = ( tof_helpers.tof_from_wavelength(L_expt, * 10**6 ) # (usec) tof_obs_expt.set_selected( tof_obs_expt < self._tof_ranges[idx][0], self._tof_ranges[idx][0] ) tof_obs_expt.set_selected( tof_obs_expt > self._tof_ranges[idx][1], self._tof_ranges[idx][1] ) tof_cal_expt = ( tof_helpers.tof_from_wavelength(L_expt, * 10**6 ) # (usec) tof_cal_expt.set_selected( tof_cal_expt < self._tof_ranges[idx][0], self._tof_ranges[idx][0] ) tof_cal_expt.set_selected( tof_cal_expt > self._tof_ranges[idx][1], self._tof_ranges[idx][1] ) tof_to_frame = self._tof_to_frame_interpolators[idx] frame_resid_expt = flex.double( tof_to_frame(tof_cal_expt) - tof_to_frame(tof_obs_expt) ) frame_resid.set_selected(r_expt, frame_resid_expt) frame_resid2.set_selected(r_expt, frame_resid_expt**2) self._reflections["frame_resid"] = frame_resid self._reflections["frame_resid2"] = frame_resid2