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Source code for dials.util.export_mtz

# coding: utf-8

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging
import time
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter

import dials.util.ext
from dials.array_family import flex
from dials.util.version import dials_version
from dials.util.filter_reflections import filter_reflection_table
from dials.util.batch_handling import (
from dials.util.multi_dataset_handling import (
from iotbx import mtz
from scitbx import matrix
from libtbx import env, Auto

    from math import isclose
except ImportError:
    # Python 3 backport
    def isclose(a, b, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0):
        return abs(a - b) <= max(rel_tol * max(abs(a), abs(b)), abs_tol)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MTZWriterBase(object): """Helper for adding metadata, crystals and datasets to an mtz file object.""" def __init__(self, space_group, unit_cell=None): """If a unit cell is provided, will be used as default unless specified for each crystal.""" mtz_file = mtz.object() mtz_file.set_title("From %s" % env.dispatcher_name) date_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S %Z") if time.strftime("%Z") != "GMT": date_str += time.strftime(" (%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S %Z)", time.gmtime()) mtz_file.add_history("From %s, run on %s" % (dials_version(), date_str)) mtz_file.set_space_group_info( self.mtz_file = mtz_file if unit_cell: self.unit_cell = unit_cell self.current_crystal = None self.current_dataset = None self.n_crystals = 0 self.n_datasets = 0
[docs] def add_crystal(self, crystal_name=None, project_name=None, unit_cell=None): """Add a crystal to the mtz file object.""" if not unit_cell: if not self.unit_cell: raise ValueError("Unit cell must be provided.") else: unit_cell = self.unit_cell if not crystal_name: crystal_name = "crystal_%s" % str(self.n_crystals + 1) if not project_name: project_name = "DIALS" self.current_crystal = self.mtz_file.add_crystal( crystal_name, project_name, unit_cell.parameters() ) self.n_crystals += 1
[docs] def add_empty_dataset(self, wavelength, name=None): """Add an empty dataset object to the mtz file.""" if not name: name = "FROMDIALS" self.current_dataset = self.current_crystal.add_dataset(name, wavelength) self.n_datasets += 1
[docs]class MergedMTZWriter(MTZWriterBase): """Mtz writer for merged data."""
[docs] def add_dataset( self, merged_array, anom_array=None, amplitudes=None, anom_amplitudes=None, suffix=None, ): """Add merged data to the most recent dataset. Args: merged_array: A merged miller array of IMEAN intensities wavelength: The wavelength of the dataset anom_array (Optional): An anomalous merged miller array amplitudes (Optional): A merged miller array of amplitudes anom_amplitudes (Optional): An anomalous merged array of amplitudes suffix (Optional[str]): Column name suffix to use for this dataset. """ if not suffix: suffix = "" self.current_dataset.add_miller_array(merged_array, "IMEAN" + suffix) if anom_array: self.current_dataset.add_miller_array(anom_array, "I" + suffix) self.current_dataset.add_miller_array( anom_array.multiplicities(), column_root_label="N" + suffix, column_types="I", ) if amplitudes: self.current_dataset.add_miller_array(amplitudes, "F" + suffix) if anom_amplitudes: self.current_dataset.add_miller_array(anom_amplitudes, "F" + suffix)
[docs]class MADMergedMTZWriter(MergedMTZWriter): """Mtz writer for multi-wavelength merged data."""
[docs] def add_dataset( self, merged_array, anom_array=None, amplitudes=None, anom_amplitudes=None, suffix=None, ): if not suffix: suffix = "_WAVE%s" % str(self.n_datasets) super(MADMergedMTZWriter, self).add_dataset( merged_array, anom_array, amplitudes, anom_amplitudes, suffix )
[docs]class UnmergedMTZWriter(MTZWriterBase):
[docs] def add_batch_list( self, image_range, experiment, wavelength, dataset_id, batch_offset, force_static_model, ): """Add batch metadata to the mtz file.""" # Recalculate useful numbers and references here n_batches = image_range[1] - image_range[0] + 1 phi_start = flex.float(n_batches, 0) phi_range = flex.float(n_batches, 0) umat_array = flex.float(flex.grid(n_batches, 9)) cell_array = flex.float(flex.grid(n_batches, 6)) U = matrix.sqr(experiment.crystal.get_U()) if experiment.goniometer is not None: F = matrix.sqr(experiment.goniometer.get_fixed_rotation()) else: F = matrix.sqr((1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)) i0 = image_range[0] for i in range(n_batches): if experiment.scan: phi_start[i], phi_range[i] = experiment.scan.get_image_oscillation( i + i0 ) # unit cell (this is fine) and the what-was-refined-flags hardcoded # take time-varying parameters from the *end of the frame* unlikely to # be much different at the end - however only exist if scan-varying # refinement was used if not force_static_model and experiment.crystal.num_scan_points > 0: # Get the index of the image in the sequence e.g. first => 0, second => 1 image_index = i + i0 - experiment.scan.get_image_range()[0] _unit_cell = experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell_at_scan_point(image_index) _U = matrix.sqr(experiment.crystal.get_U_at_scan_point(image_index)) else: _unit_cell = experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell() _U = U # apply the fixed rotation to this to unify matrix definitions - F * U # was what was used in the actual prediction: U appears to be stored # as the transpose?! At least is for Mosflm... # # FIXME Do we need to apply the setting rotation here somehow? i.e. we have # the U.B. matrix assuming that the axis is equal to S * axis_datum but # here we are just giving the effective axis so at scan angle 0 this will # not be correct... FIXME 2 not even sure we can express the stack of # matrices S * R * F * U * B in MTZ format?... see [=A=] below _U = matrix.sqr(dials.util.ext.dials_u_to_mosflm(F * _U, _unit_cell)) # FIXME need to get what was refined and what was constrained from the # crystal model - see _unit_cell_params = _unit_cell.parameters() for j in range(6): cell_array[i, j] = _unit_cell_params[j] _U_t_elements = _U.transpose().elems for j in range(9): umat_array[i, j] = _U_t_elements[j] # We ignore panels beyond the first one, at the moment panel = experiment.detector[0] panel_size = panel.get_image_size() panel_distance = panel.get_directed_distance() if experiment.goniometer: axis = flex.float(experiment.goniometer.get_rotation_axis()) else: axis = flex.float((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # FIXME hard-coded assumption on idealized beam vector below... this may be # broken when we come to process data from a non-imgCIF frame s0n = flex.float(matrix.col(experiment.beam.get_s0()).normalize().elems) # get the mosaic spread though today it may not actually be set - should # this be in the BATCH headers? try: mosaic = experiment.crystal.get_mosaicity() except AttributeError: mosaic = 0.0 # Jump into C++ to do the rest of the work dials.util.ext.add_dials_batches( self.mtz_file, dataset_id, image_range, batch_offset, wavelength, mosaic, phi_start, phi_range, cell_array, umat_array, panel_size, panel_distance, axis, s0n, )
[docs] def write_columns(self, integrated_data): """Write the column definitions AND data to the current dataset.""" # now create the actual data structures - first keep a track of the columns # H K L M/ISYM BATCH I SIGI IPR SIGIPR FRACTIONCALC XDET YDET ROT WIDTH # LP MPART FLAG BGPKRATIOS # gather the required information for the reflection file nref = len(integrated_data["miller_index"]) assert nref xdet, ydet, _ = [ flex.double(x) for x in integrated_data["xyzobs.px.value"].parts() ] # now add column information... # FIXME add DIALS_FLAG which can include e.g. was partial etc. type_table = { "H": "H", "K": "H", "L": "H", "I": "J", "SIGI": "Q", "IPR": "J", "SIGIPR": "Q", "BG": "R", "SIGBG": "R", "XDET": "R", "YDET": "R", "BATCH": "B", "BGPKRATIOS": "R", "WIDTH": "R", "MPART": "I", "M_ISYM": "Y", "FLAG": "I", "LP": "R", "FRACTIONCALC": "R", "ROT": "R", "QE": "R", } # derive index columns from original indices with # # from m.replace_original_index_miller_indices # # so all that is needed now is to make space for the reflections - fill with # zeros... self.mtz_file.adjust_column_array_sizes(nref) self.mtz_file.set_n_reflections(nref) dataset = self.current_dataset # assign H, K, L, M_ISYM space for column in "H", "K", "L", "M_ISYM": dataset.add_column(column, type_table[column]).set_values( flex.double(nref, 0.0).as_float() ) self.mtz_file.replace_original_index_miller_indices( integrated_data["miller_index_rebase"] ) dataset.add_column("BATCH", type_table["BATCH"]).set_values( integrated_data["batch"].as_double().as_float() ) # if intensity values used in scaling exist, then just export these as I, SIGI if "intensity.scale.value" in integrated_data: I_scaling = integrated_data["intensity.scale.value"] V_scaling = integrated_data["intensity.scale.variance"] # Trap negative variances assert V_scaling.all_gt(0) dataset.add_column("I", type_table["I"]).set_values(I_scaling.as_float()) dataset.add_column("SIGI", type_table["SIGI"]).set_values( flex.sqrt(V_scaling).as_float() ) dataset.add_column("SCALEUSED", "R").set_values( integrated_data["inverse_scale_factor"].as_float() ) dataset.add_column("SIGSCALEUSED", "R").set_values( flex.sqrt(integrated_data["inverse_scale_factor_variance"]).as_float() ) else: if "intensity.prf.value" in integrated_data: if "intensity.sum.value" in integrated_data: col_names = ("IPR", "SIGIPR") else: col_names = ("I", "SIGI") I_profile = integrated_data["intensity.prf.value"] V_profile = integrated_data["intensity.prf.variance"] # Trap negative variances assert V_profile.all_gt(0) dataset.add_column(col_names[0], type_table["I"]).set_values( I_profile.as_float() ) dataset.add_column(col_names[1], type_table["SIGI"]).set_values( flex.sqrt(V_profile).as_float() ) if "intensity.sum.value" in integrated_data: I_sum = integrated_data["intensity.sum.value"] V_sum = integrated_data["intensity.sum.variance"] # Trap negative variances assert V_sum.all_gt(0) dataset.add_column("I", type_table["I"]).set_values(I_sum.as_float()) dataset.add_column("SIGI", type_table["SIGI"]).set_values( flex.sqrt(V_sum).as_float() ) if ( "background.sum.value" in integrated_data and "background.sum.variance" in integrated_data ): bg = integrated_data["background.sum.value"] varbg = integrated_data["background.sum.variance"] assert (varbg >= 0).count(False) == 0 sigbg = flex.sqrt(varbg) dataset.add_column("BG", type_table["BG"]).set_values(bg.as_float()) dataset.add_column("SIGBG", type_table["SIGBG"]).set_values( sigbg.as_float() ) dataset.add_column("FRACTIONCALC", type_table["FRACTIONCALC"]).set_values( integrated_data["fractioncalc"].as_float() ) dataset.add_column("XDET", type_table["XDET"]).set_values(xdet.as_float()) dataset.add_column("YDET", type_table["YDET"]).set_values(ydet.as_float()) dataset.add_column("ROT", type_table["ROT"]).set_values( integrated_data["ROT"].as_float() ) if "lp" in integrated_data: dataset.add_column("LP", type_table["LP"]).set_values( integrated_data["lp"].as_float() ) if "qe" in integrated_data: dataset.add_column("QE", type_table["QE"]).set_values( integrated_data["qe"].as_float() ) elif "dqe" in integrated_data: dataset.add_column("QE", type_table["QE"]).set_values( integrated_data["dqe"].as_float() ) else: dataset.add_column("QE", type_table["QE"]).set_values( flex.double(nref, 1.0).as_float() )
[docs]def export_mtz(integrated_data, experiment_list, params): """Export data from integrated_data corresponding to experiment_list to an MTZ file hklout.""" # if mtz filename is auto, then choose scaled.mtz or integrated.mtz if params.mtz.hklout in (None, Auto, "auto"): if ("intensity.scale.value" in integrated_data) and ( "intensity.scale.variance" in integrated_data ): params.mtz.hklout = "scaled.mtz""Data appears to be scaled, setting mtz.hklout = 'scaled.mtz'") else: params.mtz.hklout = "integrated.mtz" "Data appears to be unscaled, setting mtz.hklout = 'integrated.mtz'" ) # First get the experiment identifier information out of the data expids_in_table = integrated_data.experiment_identifiers() if not list(expids_in_table.keys()): reflection_tables = parse_multiple_datasets([integrated_data]) experiment_list, refl_list = assign_unique_identifiers( experiment_list, reflection_tables ) integrated_data = flex.reflection_table() for reflections in refl_list: integrated_data.extend(reflections) expids_in_table = integrated_data.experiment_identifiers() integrated_data.assert_experiment_identifiers_are_consistent(experiment_list) expids_in_list = list(experiment_list.identifiers()) # Convert experiment_list to a real python list or else identity assumptions # fail like: # assert experiment_list[0] is experiment_list[0] # And assumptions about added attributes break experiment_list = list(experiment_list) # Validate multi-experiment assumptions if len(experiment_list) > 1: # All experiments should match crystals, or else we need multiple crystals/datasets if not all( x.crystal == experiment_list[0].crystal for x in experiment_list[1:] ): logger.warning( "Experiment crystals differ. Using first experiment crystal for file-level data." ) wavelengths = match_wavelengths(experiment_list) if len(wavelengths.keys()) > 1: "Multiple wavelengths found: \n%s", "\n".join( " Wavlength: %.5f, experiment numbers: %s " % (k, ",".join(map(str, v))) for k, v in wavelengths.items() ), ) else: wavelengths = OrderedDict({experiment_list[0].beam.get_wavelength(): [0]}) # also only work correctly with one panel (for the moment) if any(len(experiment.detector) != 1 for experiment in experiment_list): logger.warning("Ignoring multiple panels in output MTZ") # Clean up the data with the passed in options integrated_data = filter_reflection_table( integrated_data, intensity_choice=params.intensity, partiality_threshold=params.mtz.partiality_threshold, combine_partials=params.mtz.combine_partials, min_isigi=params.mtz.min_isigi, filter_ice_rings=params.mtz.filter_ice_rings, d_min=params.mtz.d_min, ) # get batch offsets and image ranges - even for scanless experiments batch_offsets = [ expt.scan.get_batch_offset() for expt in experiment_list if expt.scan is not None ] unique_offsets = set(batch_offsets) if len(set(unique_offsets)) <= 1: logger.debug("Calculating new batches") batch_offsets = calculate_batch_offsets(experiment_list) batch_starts = [ e.scan.get_image_range()[0] if e.scan else 0 for e in experiment_list ] effective_offsets = [o + s for o, s in zip(batch_offsets, batch_starts)] unique_offsets = set(effective_offsets) else: logger.debug("Keeping existing batches") image_ranges = get_image_ranges(experiment_list) if len(unique_offsets) != len(batch_offsets): raise ValueError( "Duplicate batch offsets detected: %s" % ", ".join( str(item) for item, count in Counter(batch_offsets).items() if count > 1 ) ) # Create the mtz file mtz_writer = UnmergedMTZWriter(experiment_list[0].crystal.get_space_group()) # FIXME TODO for more than one experiment into an MTZ file: # # - add an epoch (or recover an epoch) from the scan and add this as an extra # column to the MTZ file for scaling, so we know that the two lattices were # integrated at the same time # ✓ decide a sensible BATCH increment to apply to the BATCH value between # experiments and add this for id_ in expids_in_table.keys(): # Grab our subset of the data loc = expids_in_list.index( expids_in_table[id_] ) # get strid and use to find loc in list experiment = experiment_list[loc] if len(list(wavelengths.keys())) > 1: for i, (wl, exps) in enumerate(wavelengths.items()): if loc in exps: wavelength = wl dataset_id = i + 1 break else: wavelength = list(wavelengths.keys())[0] dataset_id = 1 reflections =["id"] == id_) batch_offset = batch_offsets[loc] image_range = image_ranges[loc] reflections = assign_batches_to_reflections([reflections], [batch_offset])[0] = dict(reflections) # Do any crystal transformations for the experiment cb_op_to_ref = ( experiment.crystal.get_space_group() .info() .change_of_basis_op_to_reference_setting() ) experiment.crystal = experiment.crystal.change_basis(cb_op_to_ref)["miller_index_rebase"] = cb_op_to_ref.apply(["miller_index"] ) s0n = matrix.col(experiment.beam.get_s0()).normalize().elems logger.debug("Beam vector: %.4f %.4f %.4f" % s0n) mtz_writer.add_batch_list( image_range, experiment, wavelength, dataset_id, batch_offset=batch_offset, force_static_model=params.mtz.force_static_model, ) # Create the batch offset array. This gives us an experiment (id)-dependent # batch offset to calculate the correct batch from image number.["batch_offset"] = len(["id"]), batch_offset ) # Calculate whether we have a ROT value for this experiment, and set the column _, _, z =["xyzcal.px"].parts() if experiment.scan:["ROT"] = experiment.scan.get_angle_from_array_index(z) else:["ROT"] = z mtz_writer.add_crystal( crystal_name=params.mtz.crystal_name, project_name=params.mtz.project_name, unit_cell=experiment_list[0].crystal.get_unit_cell(), ) # Note: add unit cell here as may have changed basis since creating mtz. # For multi-wave unmerged mtz, we add an empty dataset for each wavelength, # but only write the data into the final dataset (for unmerged the batches # link the unmerged data to the individual wavelengths). for wavelength in wavelengths: mtz_writer.add_empty_dataset(wavelength) # Combine all of the experiment data columns before writing combined_data = {k: v.deep_copy() for k, v in experiment_list[0].data.items()} for experiment in experiment_list[1:]: for k, v in combined_data[k].extend(v) # ALL columns must be the same length assert len({len(v) for v in combined_data.values()}) == 1, "Column length mismatch" assert len(combined_data["id"]) == len( integrated_data["id"] ), "Lost rows in split/combine" # Write all the data and columns to the mtz file mtz_writer.write_columns(combined_data) "Saving {} integrated reflections to {}".format( len(combined_data["id"]), params.mtz.hklout ) ) mtz_file = mtz_writer.mtz_file mtz_file.write(params.mtz.hklout) return mtz_file
[docs]def match_wavelengths(experiments): """Create a dictionary matching wavelength to experiments (index in list)""" wavelengths = OrderedDict() for i, x in enumerate(experiments): w = x.beam.get_wavelength() matches = [isclose(w, k, rel_tol=1e-4) for k in wavelengths] if not any(matches): wavelengths[w] = [i] else: match_w = list(wavelengths.keys())[matches.index(True)] wavelengths[match_w].append(i) return wavelengths