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Click here to go to the corresponding page for the latest version of DIALS


class dials.util.command_line.Command[source]

Bases: object

Class to nicely print out a command with timing info.

classmethod end(string)[source]

Print the ‘end of command’ string.

indent = 0
max_length = 80
print_time = True
classmethod start(string)[source]

Print the ‘start command’ string.

class dials.util.command_line.ProgressBar(title=None, spinner=True, bar=True, estimate_time=True, indent=0, length=80)[source]

Bases: object

A command line progress bar.


The progress bar is finished.


Update the progress bar with a percentage.

class dials.util.command_line.ProgressBarTimer[source]

Bases: object

A simple timer for the progress bar.


Update the timer.

dials.util.command_line.coloured(text, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Parse a string in the following ways: string: 1, 2, 3 -> [1, 2, 3] string: 1 - 6 -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] string: 1 - 6, 7, 8, 9 -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

class dials.util.export_mtz.MADMergedMTZWriter(space_group, unit_cell=None)[source]

Bases: dials.util.export_mtz.MergedMTZWriter

Mtz writer for multi-wavelength merged data.

add_dataset(merged_array, anom_array=None, amplitudes=None, anom_amplitudes=None, suffix=None)[source]

Add merged data to the most recent dataset.

  • merged_array – A merged miller array of IMEAN intensities
  • wavelength – The wavelength of the dataset
  • anom_array (Optional) – An anomalous merged miller array
  • amplitudes (Optional) – A merged miller array of amplitudes
  • anom_amplitudes (Optional) – An anomalous merged array of amplitudes
  • suffix (Optional[str]) – Column name suffix to use for this dataset.
class dials.util.export_mtz.MTZWriterBase(space_group, unit_cell=None)[source]

Bases: object

Helper for adding metadata, crystals and datasets to an mtz file object.

add_crystal(crystal_name=None, project_name=None, unit_cell=None)[source]

Add a crystal to the mtz file object.

add_empty_dataset(wavelength, name=None)[source]

Add an empty dataset object to the mtz file.

class dials.util.export_mtz.MergedMTZWriter(space_group, unit_cell=None)[source]

Bases: dials.util.export_mtz.MTZWriterBase

Mtz writer for merged data.

add_dataset(merged_array, anom_array=None, amplitudes=None, anom_amplitudes=None, suffix=None)[source]

Add merged data to the most recent dataset.

  • merged_array – A merged miller array of IMEAN intensities
  • wavelength – The wavelength of the dataset
  • anom_array (Optional) – An anomalous merged miller array
  • amplitudes (Optional) – A merged miller array of amplitudes
  • anom_amplitudes (Optional) – An anomalous merged array of amplitudes
  • suffix (Optional[str]) – Column name suffix to use for this dataset.
class dials.util.export_mtz.UnmergedMTZWriter(space_group, unit_cell=None)[source]

Bases: dials.util.export_mtz.MTZWriterBase

add_batch_list(image_range, experiment, wavelength, dataset_id, batch_offset, force_static_model)[source]

Add batch metadata to the mtz file.


Write the column definitions AND data to the current dataset.

dials.util.export_mtz.export_mtz(integrated_data, experiment_list, params)[source]

Export data from integrated_data corresponding to experiment_list to an MTZ file hklout.


Create a dictionary matching wavelength to experiments (index in list)


Export contents of a dials reflection table as text.

class dials.util.image.reader[source]

Bases: object

A class to read the CBF files used in DIALS


Get the gain array from the file


Read the CBF file

Installer script for DIALS, based on automatically generated template. This must be moved to the proper location to work.

class dials.util.installer.installer(args=None, out=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)[source]

Bases: libtbx.auto_build.install_distribution.installer

base_package_options = ['--dials', '--all']
configure_modules = ['mmtbx', 'smtbx', 'dials', 'cbflib', 'annlib_adaptbx', 'wxtbx', 'gltbx']
dest_dir_prefix = 'dials'
include_gui_packages = True
installer_dir = '/dls/science/groups/scisoft/DIALS/CD/now22/build_dials/modules/dials'
make_apps = []
product_name = 'DIALS'

Additional installation setup, file cleanup, more add-ons, etc.

remove_sources_default = False
source_packages = ['cctbx_bundle', 'dials', 'cbflib', 'annlib', 'annlib_adaptbx']

Get the inverse_ub_matrix from an xparm file handle

handle The file handle
Returns:The inverse_ub_matrix

Get the space group tyoe object from an xparm file handle

handle The file handle
Returns:The space group type object

Get the ub_matrix from an xparm file handle

handle The file handle
Returns:The ub_matrix

Get the unit_cell object from an xparm file handle

handle The file handle
Returns:The unit cell object, reflections, params)[source], mode='a')[source][source]
class dials.util.options.ArgumentHandlingErrorInfo(name, validation, message, traceback, type, exception)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 1

class dials.util.options.ConfigWriter(master_phil)[source]

Bases: object

Class to write configuration to file.

write(params, filename)[source]

Write the configuration to file.

  • params – The input phil parameters
  • filename – The output filename
class dials.util.options.Importer(args, read_experiments=False, read_reflections=False, read_experiments_from_images=False, check_format=True, verbose=False, compare_beam=None, compare_detector=None, compare_goniometer=None, scan_tolerance=None, format_kwargs=None, load_models=True)[source]

Bases: object

A class to import the command line arguments.

try_read_experiments(args, check_format, verbose)[source]

Try to import experiments.

  • args – The input arguments
  • check_format – True/False check the image format
  • verbose – Print verbose output

Unhandled arguments

try_read_experiments_from_images(args, verbose, compare_beam, compare_detector, compare_goniometer, scan_tolerance, format_kwargs, load_models=True)[source]

Try to import images.

  • args – The input arguments
  • verbose – Print verbose output
  • compare_beam
  • compare_detector
  • compare_goniometer
  • scan_tolerance
  • format_kwargs
  • load_models – Whether to load all models for ExperimentLists

Unhandled arguments

try_read_reflections(args, verbose)[source]

Try to import reflections.

  • args – The input arguments
  • verbose – Print verbose output

Unhandled arguments

class dials.util.options.OptionParser(phil=None, read_experiments=False, read_reflections=False, read_experiments_from_images=False, check_format=True, sort_options=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: dials.util.options.OptionParserBase

A class to parse command line options and get the system configuration. The class extends optparse.OptionParser to include the reading of phil parameters.


Get the diff phil.

Returns:The diff phil scope

Format the help string

Parameters:formatter – The formatter to use
Returns:The formatted help text
parse_args(args=None, show_diff_phil=False, return_unhandled=False, ignore_unhandled=False, quick_parse=False)[source]

Parse the command line arguments and get system configuration.

  • args – The input arguments
  • show_diff_phil – True/False Print the diff phil
  • return_unhandled – True/False return unhandled arguments
  • ignore_unhandled – True/False ignore unhandled arguments if return_unhandled is False
  • quick_parse – Return as fast as possible and without reading any data, ignoring class constructor options

The options and phil parameters


Get the phil object

Returns:The phil scope

Get the system phil.

Returns:The system phil scope
class dials.util.options.OptionParserBase(config_options=False, sort_options=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: optparse.OptionParser, object

The base class for the option parser.


Don’t do formatting on epilog.

parse_args(args=None, quick_parse=False)[source]

Parse the command line arguments and get system configuration.

Parameters:args – The arguments to parse.
Returns:The options and phil parameters
class dials.util.options.PhilCommandParser(phil=None, read_experiments=False, read_reflections=False, read_experiments_from_images=False, check_format=True)[source]

Bases: object

A class to parse phil parameters from positional arguments


Get the diff phil.

Returns:The difference phil scope
parse_args(args, verbose=False, return_unhandled=False, quick_parse=False)[source]

Parse the command line arguments.

  • args – The input arguments
  • verbose – Print verbose output
  • return_unhandled – True/False also return unhandled arguments
  • quick_parse – Return as fast as possible and without reading any data, ignoring class constructor options.

The options and parameters and (optionally) unhandled arguments


Get the phil object

Returns:The phil scope

Get the system phil.

Returns:The system phil scope

Flatten a list of experiment lists

Parameters:filename_object_list – The parameter item
Returns:The flattened experiment lists

Flatten a list of reflections tables

A check is also made for the ‘id’ values in the reflection tables, which are renumbered from 0..n-1 to avoid clashes. The experiment_identifiers dict is also updated if present in the input tables.

Parameters:filename_object_list – The parameter item
Returns:The flattened reflection table
dials.util.options.reflections_and_experiments_from_files(reflection_file_object_list, experiment_file_object_list)[source]

Extract reflection tables and an experiment list from the files. If experiment identifiers are set, the order of the reflection tables is changed to match the order of experiments.